Sold pls close n delete

to hire someone is no option 4 me…
thats not the best solution?


to create a support thread was not the best solution too…

so my forge and my hands still are cuffed…

as you can read in my support thread, it ruins my gameplay… so why should i get left behind…

thats not the best solution 4 me… :slight_smile:

best solution is still to get the old forging output back…

thats it…

Or, a filter/auto sort/group by type button

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this i wrote too in my support thread…
(i hope, or did i only think about it?
cant remember)

So you are not selling anything?

ill think theres nearly no chance that the devs gonna change it, after theres nearly no feedback from the community…
so i only can say:

vigour catalyst2 300c each

boon remove. 1k each

protection paste2 150c each

fate paste2. 100c each

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If you want, I can put them all for sale at those amounts (post tax) in my Forge shop. I’m trying to keep all forge mats stocked, and having those items to not have to worry about, allowing me to farm for other items, would be worth giving all the profits to you

Especially the pastes. Spicy beans are KILLIN’ me =P

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fate paste sold out

Are you doing hand trades or are these on shop stands?

only hand trade

sold all at once

pls close n delete