Solution to the AFK Crafting Alt Experience Machine

The problem I see with this is you get skill points through leveling so this only helps players that are level 50 or more (I would think anyone else is going to actually use the skill points for a skill) and for some reason it seems circular to me. . you level to get skill points to level to get skill points to level. I might be missing something but I am not sure this helps anyone except the higher level players, while the current proposed change hurts everyone including the newer players.

This might be interesting to work out, but it would mean having cubits, coin and plobits. So can you buy plobits with cubits? When you use a plotter does it have to determine what type of plot to use? I think they could just adjust how many plots you get for cubits and probably do it with a lot less work. I would think if they decided to do this they could apply it retroactively since it really is a ratio. if you originally got 5 plots now you get 6 so it would be fairly simple math.

edit: again if they really have to change anything.

Remove Alts and raise level cap. I play with one character only this rock and timber xp is hurting, like really hurting.

I have said it many times, they did not consider single character with single skill sheet, all i need are plots because i dont need the skills or coin. I want plots and that is it.

To make a dock, with a 2 block layer only, is 8 plots. I am not creating an alt, Never! So this changes are hurting role playing folk like me. Bs.

Yeah, try to remove the alts I paid cubits to unlock and spent time leveling and building with. Watch how that unfolds.

Brilliant idea, you berk. That ship sailed. If you don’t like alts, don’t make one… Period.

Umm thank you for your kind reply, i also said raise the level cap, which means you can put the points not into ur alt and switch constantly but use a single character, easy access, quicker, more organized.

Would it not make sense? If they have alts already, and you can reach technically unlimited levels, why is there a level cap?

There are mmos with no level caps, it works.


Look, I’m all for raising the level cap, and I’m sure it will happen someday at some point. I’m just sick of the constant assault on players who choose to play more than one character. It’s a choice that everyone has; not a necessity. Taking away XP from rock doesn’t change that in the slightest.


Apparently you can’t even handle more than one OC. On that premise, I bet you couldn’t role play your way out of a paper bag, kiddo… :joy:
Yet, here you are claiming that somehow not getting XP from rock is hurting your role playing? Dafuq am I missing here?? Please, fill me in!

I make 60k per day, i dont craft and have enought tools to last me months, give them away constantly ask anyone who has met Azimuthal in the game. Also, thank you again for you kind reply, so happy your part of this community.

I have fully powered stations i plan to open to my guild members, enough gems to choke a cuttletrunk, more ores then i know what to do with and you cant make it with one character?

I buy marble daily, thats 20k a day just so i can build, i spent 60k yesterday cleared out a shop and made more then i spent, why do we need alts?

Well thanks for enforcing my point, I rest my case. :wink:
Get used to me being part of this community, because I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, cuttletrunk choker.

Cuttletrunk reporting for duty!


Don’t take this assault on your character lying down! :joy:

(I really, really, really hope that isn’t an alt I’m seeing a screenshot of…)

I don’t think I can to be honest. I can /sit if that makes it more fun though.

You can consider him “part of a team”. ^^

Oh nooo lol hahahaha The Enemy! I shall toss all my gems at thee!

What point, that i can enjoy this game without alts and never used the xp stone gain to get what i want.

It was basic xp for me, no mass crafting just bulk or singles. Now there is nothing for it across the board? What kind of game is that?

And lastly, not once have i called you a name for your oppinions or suggestions, not sure what your trying to prove? But i for one, loving the single character profits, plots, coin, tools and goodies to give out.

I cant describe the feeling finding a new player hiding from mobs waiiting for health, BAM full health insta droped forged gem bow and im gone, all i see is jumping joy :slight_smile:

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Ah, okay, no problem. let me simplify it for you.
My point is, you failed miserably at explaining how getting rid of rock XP hurts your role playing ability. Instead, you started rambling about how much coin you make, powered machines(?) and sexual acts against poor, innocent cuttletrunks with gems.

I’ll try to make it even simpler: I would like for you to explain how nerfing rock XP hurts your apparently amazing role playing experience; not watch you flex your apparently substandard Boundless epeen, suicidal magikarp style.

BTW (that means by the way,) feel free to call me any names you find adherent. It’s fun and I accept most titles given to me by complete strangers over the internet. I’ll tack them on as a foot note on all my future résumé.

Its a basic xp gain, singles and bulk. The character has no crafting skills, i don’t need them, but now in order for me to get anything for doing my tasks i must create an alt that has no effect on my original character, to play a role i dont want?

And i cant even describe the weirdness i experience when someone takes a metaphor seriously, its mind boggling.

A cuttletrunk is not real, chocking something or someone is a violent act the fact that you describe it as sexual, gives me the impression i should stop talking to you, like right meow.

Somewhat like your grammar, no? I digress. There are plenty of actions in the game that reward XP. Since you have so many gems, ores and cuttletrunks, maybe you should put the mining avenue to rest and try something else for your XP?

Let’s level the playing field here a bit. I’ll reel it in. All jokes aside, I commented about your comment on alts. What I would like is for people to actually use the organ residing inside their skull and come up with a solution for the devs that make sense. Not another “kill all the alts! Burn them! I don’t need ‘em!” idea. What you are suggesting goes well above and beyond something like nerfing XP from rock. Try and think about your comment and the gravity an action like that would have on our existing community and economy. Even if you find no use for alts or don’t make them, that’s no reason to soapbox for the mass snuffing of thousands of little lights that players brought into the world just to appease a nerf.

If we all want to be honest here, the nerf isn’t really because of alts or transferal of XP. It’s because those ammounts of “cheap” XP were not meant for any character at any point. It’s called a balance to a persistent-world game. I’m not for it, I’m not against it. As I said in my first response to you, I am tired of the blind attacks on others people for making alternate characters.

Considering the fact that you still have not convinced me of your viewpoint (or made an honest attempt, I believe,) I grow tired of your responses. I understand how you feel. You think alts are pointless. I think they’re great. I don’t level them up for extra skill pages or self reliance. I level them up because I like to breathe life into more than one character. You say somehow that your role playing experience is affected, I say you apprently aren’t doing it right. It’s all a matter of personal opinions.

You gave yours, I gave mine.

Yes, you should. Please do. :kissing_heart:

Agreed, that’s what my whole post started with. The pie was just one of the things james mentioned that isn’t working as intended because of crafting xp and he was looking for solutions to it. Go to the post I linked and scroll up a bit and you’ll find his post explaining it.

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I haven’t a precise solution, but I think that the approach about this situation is not the best, if players do something in game that you think is not good for the game itself you have to encourage other ways better for the game life and discourage or make less convenient(not totally move away XP for processing rocks) the abused behaviour.
For me the point is: this is not an exploit this is an abused mechanic, for me is better to concentrate to promote or make more rewarding other activities.


Why not remove the exp win via the pie on the craft machine?