[Solved] Found a serious bug

Yeah seems like a fair price on second glance.

I wonder too if itā€™s because youā€™re paying for the convenience of not having to go do all the work and use up all the wear and tear and durability from spanners and machines to create resources for sparkā€¦

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Bun that, Iā€™m just became a millionaire, gonna farm peat and become rich instead :+1:


18 wood (50 timber) produce 750 spark, which means 1 wood is worth:

750 / 1000 * 28 * 1.4 / 18 = 1.6c

Farming wood nets you 1.6c per block where peat nets you 2.7c. With the added sap and bark you can get from wood, wood might be the better option to farm.

@majorvex @Stretchious

This thread could use a merge with Spark value to save a bunch of duplicate math and posts.

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Since I already have a sap farm, I figured I would just sell the lumber since I donā€™t want to change it. For a 60% profit weā€™ll see how many take it. Just have to finish this paper for my ethics class first! (Ironic, I know.)

So minter price is 28c per 1000 spark.

Which does seem reasonable for selling. What are people selling these for on shop stands?

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And does anyone want to buy spark?

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A fully coiled minter adds 40% onto that making it 39.2 I believe.

Is that 8 coils?

Yes. 10 chars

So do you think anyone would buy spark on stands for 40c?

Or would minting make more sense?

Not at the moment. Maybe in a week or so once the prices adjust if this doesnā€™t change. I am sure there are people buying up all the fuel items right now where they can quickly turn a profit.

I was just running around and Iā€™m seeing it for 25-125. I tossed a few on a stand for giggles at 25c and it was snatched right away


With people scouring the markets like that it will help regulate the price really quick.

Of course that person probably dumped it into the minter right away. I havenā€™t even tried to go to retail this has been going on for hours already as weā€™ve published numbers Iā€™m sure any profitable shop stands remaining will be cleaned out soon.

Considering this is a 400% increase over the price i would have paid yesterday, not many. Farming straight to the mint makes more sense right now.

We just harvested about 40k peat in 15 minutes. Considering the vastly decreased effort and the use of silver tools rather than gems, this is WAY better than farming gleam was for coin.

IF they didnā€™t adjust this soon it would be a major shock, and people will continue farming so much spark itā€™s not going to be a hot sales item. Itā€™s a LOT cheaper to farm it.

I canā€™t imagine this staying, expecially after all the recent furor over the gleam. Even if the minter stays the same, the effort imbalance will keep retail spark sales low IMO. From some of the comments Iā€™m seeing it might even end up like essence where itā€™s farmed in such quantity people just sell it below the minter price.

My money is on this being a test value that slipped into production as an oversight. Itā€™s the middle of the night in the UK but this will, I guess, be addressed in one of the first hotfixes to drop.


lol, hard coal would be like 75coin :smiley:

No wonder the Spark factory sold out

On the plus side, at least nobody is worried about emojis ruining the game now :kissing_heart:

I wonder if itā€™s a typo and itā€™s 39c instead of 3.9c, which would be a more reasonable number.


Yup 10 chars