Some positivity about the farming era update

I just want to start off by saying I am really impressed with the update.

Sooo many things have changed for the better in my opinion and can’t wait to get some of the new blocks made after farming the mats to do so.

That being said @Vurtadelic and I have a 7 year old nephew that plays the game with us occasionally.

He doesn’t get a whole lot of time playing but that’s ok.
We hadn’t seen him on boundless for a while and were surprised to see him building at his base.

We hopped into voice chat with him and he was sooo excited about the farming that was added.

Without assistance he gathered up some seeds and dedicated part of his build to crops.
It was so nice seeing the excitement on what he was doing and not a care in the world about yields or best growing conditions.
Just grabbed the seeds and planted.

Here are a couple of pics of what he did on his own.

@james just wanted to let you know that you and the team made a youngster very happy and excited for the game and he dove right in head first with the new options presented to him.

Thank you for making a game that everyone of any age has the potential to enjoy.



My son is five and loves boundless! But for a small child there isn’t much to do he builds a block house and organizes his storage all day long. Now with the farming he’s finally interested in exploring to find the seeds so he can plant them. I was hoping farming would give him something to keep him busy and it definitely has!


Thank you for posting this - it made me smile! :heartpulse:

I hope he continues to enjoy working on his farm.


These stories give me a big smile too, thanks for sharing! :slight_smile: So precious, and great work!!


I have a friend whose young son always got upset when they killed a “cute goat”. Maybe farming is something he can do to get things without killing any animals. Have to suggest it.


My son gets mad when I kill the goats too :roll_eyes:


Oats + Bucket of water = Oatmilk!

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#savethegoats :grin::rofl::joy:

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Something we can all learn from. Love that just enjoying it for what it is. Smart little guy!


Reading this really made my day!
What a great effort from your little man, way to go! :grin::green_heart::heart_eyes: