Some questions

Hello guy, I just found this game in steam and realy loved it and im planing to buy it, but i have some questions to ask first

  • Is the game coming out this year ?

  • is there alot of players playing it at the moment ?

  • what will the ‘C++’ bring to the game?

Thank you very much ( sorry for my bad english )

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Not really, a lot of people are waiting for the next update. At that point there is going to be an ok quantity at least I think.

It will make the game easier to pull for most computers :smiley:

  1. We all hope so and the plan is that it come sout this year but there’s always the possibilities that something goes wrong.
  2. There are some of us playing but most of us are waiting and mostly active on the forum.
  3. The C++ will bring a significant performance increase and more updates after the release of the C++ build.
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Hi @Generaldoge and welcome to the community.

Probably, but we don´t know for sure.

At the moment no. You´ll definitely spend a lot of time solo.
However this is expected to change within the next cuple of months once new content gets released.

Mostly a performance boost.
But once the C++ version is stable we are going to get frequent content updates.

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thank you guys for your time! :smiley:

so i buy it now or its better to wait ?

I would wait TBH ^^
There’s not much to do atm

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@KuroKuma and @Vastar are totally right with their answers but I like to add some small details.

2 . the reason why there are only few only is beacuse of two reasons

  • There is only few to do like @Predatoxic said
  • there will be server / world wipe and everything that you create will be destroyed (that’s the main reason i stoped plaing ATM)

3 . The C++ build is also the most important architecture change for the PS4 release (no PS4 relase without C++). Hopefully the C++ release will push the over-all performace significantly.

If you like bulding and exploring (romaing around and seeking beautiful landscapes) you can buy the game now and wait for new features (this can entertain you some 100 hours like it did for me). If you like to play a game with other people and with a more complete feature set you should wait for an other patch. ATM it’s not likely that the game prices will rise in the near future so you don’t lose anything if you wait.

No it won’t be destroyed. We’ll just get new worlds to play on. The old worlds will still be saved somewhere.

Yes, but you can’t interact with them anymore in a normal way (maybe you can save some “blueprints” of your building but this is speculative or the buildings are saved as museums worlds).

Over all - for me - this is like they’ll be destroyed so please excuse my imprecisely furmulation.

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Excuse accepted^^ Just wanted to mention that they in fact won’t be destroyed but saved for future museum worlds or other events where we get to explore our old builds.

Also wasn’t there a plan to keep the newest universe which was replaced as some kind of visitable universe? And only older universes would be destroyed or at least inaccessible.

Ben previously mentioned that the second newest universe would still be visitable.

But James has mentioned that the worlds we’re using now will likely need to be taken offline because they don’t have the resources that will be coming in the next patch.

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It’s most likely that @james statement is the one that will happen (in my opinion). therefor i’m sure all worlds will be replaced / taken offline because they lack the new / final resources.

Can’t fine the statement at the moment, but AFAIR there was a statement that it’ll maybe possible to get access to the “old” worlds with private hosted worlds. Let’s hope for this :slight_smile:

Well, if the second newest universe would only be visitable, without build permission, then it wouldn’t matter if they had the resources or not, wouldn’t it?

thank you guys again, i’ll just wait cause i realy hate playing alone so better wait for other players ( and friends mybe)

It wouldn’t, true. Except for the quote below:

This makes the repositories people have worked on somewhat unfair.

Unless by “without build permission” you mean without permission to place OR remove blocks? So they’re literally just museum worlds?

That’s exactly what I mean. No taking stuff out of chests (if we get them before that happens) no removing or placing blocks. Just looking.

I guess that’s fine, just not sure where that is on the to-do list and I think many would rather they work on new features than enabling old builds to be visited. We may have to wait for museum worlds until they start working on the permissions for hosted servers, which is likely several months down the line.

True that, just wanted to say that the statements didn’t exclude each other.

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Doesn’t offline mean unvisitable?