Some Seeds do not form Stacks with same type

Some Gathered ‘Wild’ Seeds do not stack with Farmed Seed - Kindling Shred is one, but there are a few - think Kranut also.

Some items belong to different smart stacks. For the examples you mentioned, Kindling Shred can be placed into an inorganic harvest smart stack:


Whereas Kranuts can only be placed into an organic harvest smart stack:


What OP means, is something i’ve experienced too.

Harvested shreds, won’t stack with gathered shreds.

This happened to me just after the update introducing the cement blocks. I had some gathered shreds. I then farmed some, dropped then into the same storage, but the 9 gathered would refuse to stack with the 7 harvested. No matter what i did.

I have since used up these shreds though :frowning:

So THAT was the issue I was having! I kept wondering why I had about 32 Kranut that refused to stack with any other Kranut I had.

Those 32 must have been Kranut I’ve gathered on an Exo trip…! I was SO confused about it, and actually got rid of them because of it. :neutral_face::sweat_drops:

Thanks for going into further detail, I’ve added this to the bug database. So this is what I have:


Adding the middle items will work as expected:



But adding the item on the right creates a smart stack instead:




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Yep. That’s the exact same issue I’ve been having then, Dragon. I’m glad to hear it wasn’t just me losing it (more than normal :joy:).

I’ve got some Kranut that do the same thing, I’ve got no idea where I got them from though.