Some shots from my worldbuilder tests

Sadly it seems like it’s too complicated to share / transfer. He did offer to allow me to connect to his servers however the longistics of finding a time that we are both available has proven to be too complicated so far.

Added a T6 Corrosive.


How do you configure rivers in the worldbuilder?

There are pre-made river and cave nodes you can add in manually.

The river-config is probably part of the worldbuilding script, like adding caves.

Started a T6 Blast.


These things make my mind swoon with so many possibilities… <3

Gorgeous crepscular rays btw


Remake of the T4 planet in my local universe.

Big cave


that looks insanely fun :smiley:


That’s looking :boundless: incredibly good.
Probably a perfect world to play on :+1: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Again very well done.


Holy f. Those caves.


I testing to publish my universe, but problem with the vpn, changing my ip.

Have turned the vpn off now and get my local IP-adres and publish it, but i cant see it in published universe.

Can anyone else see and visit it now?


Well, I tried to visit U from Testing …
… But nothing shows up on my end :thinking:
I am not sure if this feature is already working or how to test it further.
I guess we have to wait until :globe_with_meridians: Monumental :globe_with_meridians: continues working on this test build :wink:

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I think You need to go in to local universe via F1, there is a list with public universe and some more control to join.

Long ago there was a player testing it, and i was able to join him. But i forgot how it worked…

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Looks like it says you aren’t publishing the universe though, can’t remember exactly how to do it but probably through “update access”?

I changed it now, and removed password, restarted and the log window say it is publish.
But i cant see it in list, maybe it not show my own local there.

Anyway, thanks for help.

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I was in my Local Universe (F1) --> see the first screenshot (of three)
There was nothing listed

Sorry i missed that, thanks for checking

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No problems.
I realy hope :globe_with_meridians: Monumental :globe_with_meridians: takes this up.
I like to visit your Universe one day :+1:
Keep on :boundless: Building :boundless:

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Did all the screenshots of @Heureka creations make it into the full game or was that only on the test universe? I feel like I’ve seen a few of them in game but would love to see many more. Great work and creativity btw!

Turbulenz asked for and got some of the earlier biomes i did, some of them made it in to the game in some forms.
The later ones i made for my local universe.

And thx :slight_smile: