Something you probably did not know

you have to wait on that :P…
but i mean as in walking, i mean if you plot why can you go in a straight line? touching the other side on the same spot… but in orbit they are round or the atlas… uuh?

Here it is …
… is this flat enough for you :grinning:


see exhibit a from @Odeon


aren’t they technically both flat and doughnut-shaped ?


Correct me if im wrong but I seem to remember a post from james a long whike back stating that the worlds are technically cubes

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This sounds like a flat earth debate :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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This thread said they were doughnuts basically? :thinking:

Well, if they are flat though, that explains why we don’t have cats. Since the cats would push everything off the surface… there go all my builds… bat, bat!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Mmmm… All those tasty donuts out there… Om-a-Nom-a-Nom!


If any of you notice massive bites have been taken out of your planets, it wasn’t me! :stuck_out_tongue:


The donut is a lie.


Shameless plug to a really interesting topic I posted once about this. Luca goes hardcore into how the worlds are.


Moreover, the sky (and arrangement/position of planets) is the same no matter where you are on the world, so it’s ridiculously flat. This is inconsistent with a toroidal shape, hence we must assume that there are enormous seamless portals that simply portal you from 1 side of the world to the other when you cross the boundary, creating a pseudo-torus. These portals eat up all the naturally occurring oortstone on the planet, preventing mineable oort. And these portals are so seamless that you cannot detect them or distinguish them from normal space.

Furthermore, there is a giant sky portal at 512 altitude which takes in the light from the planet and bends it in such a way that the planet appears to be spherical to outside observers, however it is all a giant lie.


Is the giant sky portal seamless too?


You all may not know this either …
(I am on PC, just to be clear - it might be different on PS) :innocent:
… When you are in the sanctum, then press ‘Escape’ followed by ‘Quit’, you will go through an invisible portal to a very special planet called [Earth]. I know for sure that this one is round :+1: :+1:

I have also discovered that this planet has more than 255 block colors :joy:


Host is the type of guy to eat honey just to annoy the bees


They’re 3-spheres actually

Some have said they are toruses, but if they were, the mantle layer would be smaller in surface area than 255 alt


Boundless planets are. Deja vu generator.
Ive had more Deja vu s In this game than any other lol

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@PendragonTheNinja posted a link above where
lucadeltodecso went into detail about what exactly they are


Guess your as bored as me lol.

Sitting in an empty apartment with no broadband, no TV or consoles is bloody awesome.

Broadband engineer should have been here 3hrs ago but still no sign. The joys of moving home…

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Technically, they’re 6-flats in R^8. The perceived geometry can be explained by describing the world as a torus in 3-space, but like Newtonian physiscs that’s inadequate to explain all observed phenomena, such as the mantle phenomenon as you suggest, the continuous sameness of the skybox, the remote appearance of the worlds as spheres when seen from a distance, and the limited number of colours.

If one interprets these edge cases, it becomes clear that the traversal axes use a relativistic metric that gets distorted in a non-Euclidean way by various forces that act on our perceptions. It is interesting to attempt to determine the relations between the perception, the measured reality, and a working knowledge of the basis in R^8 to come up with a reasonable projection onto the 6-D integer space of our computer screens (ie. (x, y, r, g, b, t)). It requires advanced mathematics in the complex domain, however, and may not be appropriate for children and those of a sensitive disposition.

