Somewhat curiousity question: What do you see as grinding?

I completely understand the reason for The Grind but it still annoys me. I go to make something and realize I’m low on one of the ingredients so then I have to go out and do some angle grinding (Hard hats safety glasses on at all times. OSHA could be watching) and that is what annoys me cause the list never ends lol. But the grind is needed cause then you would get bored way too quick. Big plus tho is some grindy things aren’t so grindy when you have AoE tools to make things go quicker so sometimes it’s not all that bad.
Edit: Also there isnt enough time in the day to grind every time I’m on I vote for longer days

Grinding in my opinion is having to do something you don’t like to be able to do something you do enjoy. I think of the word grind the same as I think of the word chore. It is work needed so you can go play. Now I don’t think mining in boundless is a grind, but that’s because it’s fun to me. I don’t think gathering surface resources is a grind because I enjoy exploring planets and just seeing the sights and one is a byproduct of the other. I think getting trophies is a grind, because combat needs some love and even though I have “mastered” the tricks for killing certain things (grapple the trees!) it’s not fun in my opinion to shoot the same thing with my slingbow 20-30 times (elemental resist) in order to kill it. I find that boring, especially considering how fast I will die when I take dmg. So that’s a less enjoyable activity that I have to do Alot because of the low drop rate of trophies and the need for them for forging. I would even rate forging as a bit of a grind, except it’s grinding a slot machine which can be fun on good days, or can get you kicked out of the casino (rage quit) on bad ones.

Grinding is subjective. It is the activities one sees as work. I joined this game with 4 friends. 2 don’t play anymore because they see resource gathering as work, to me that’s most of the game, you spend 80% getting stuff to spend the last of your time using it.

Some things could definitely use some load lightening when it comes to gather 360 of x to make 50 of y. You feel often like that’s a huge hurdle before even setting out to gather the stuff. (and come back with 700+ of a thing and can only make 2 runs feels wonky to me.) but this I can live with personally, though if we get further along this path I may take long breaks lol.

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I do understand the points being made that grind for resources and crafting is part of the game. There needs to be some effort to produce things or they have no value. I just wish there was a better balance. If I want resources to be unlimited, I do have other games to play. However, I wish more of the activities I enjoy, did not require me to hit rocks (working around dirt, gravel and sand) for hours in order to get enough material to do something fun for a few minutes.

I agree with points in other threads that too much grind works against the casual player. If vast majority of their time playing is mining or gathering versus an activity they enjoy like building or crafting, then is Boundless the wrong game for them? If the developers are trying to build a game for the player with 30 hours a week to play, week after week, then maybe we need to get used to the level of player activity we are seeing now and not expect the numbers we had at launch.


I like grinding.
I make rediculous goals for myself.
Like build a great city by yourself
Make a 2000plot ice mountain
Make 1m bricks

All in progress noone completed.
But this is my 6-7month goal and what ill be doing from now on.

I farmed 20k ice with iron hammers on basevrona and 30k ice from lamblis.

Compared to that this will be much more rewarding.

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I used to love grinding old-school RPGs before level caps were a thing.


Yeah level cap sux :sob:
I have 3 full skillsets on 2 chars.

I just want all the stats, i mean swapping skillsets and chars in the sanctum is just a minor time thief, but its anoyying. I like to invest in one char only. Both time wise and emotionally. Never been a fan of alts.


Same. Since everybody eventually does it all anyway, why not have the option to just do it all on one very muscular char?

Grinding to me is investing a lot of time towards things I don’t want to do.

For example, I like building. Gathering to me is not fun. To be fair, the first 10 hours or so it was, but now it’s just a long boring chore.

In order to build, I have to grind by gathering. There is no way for me to avoid gathering, since there is no way for builders to make coin. So I’m forced to grind the things I don’t like, inorder to do the things I do like.

I hope that sums it up.

Not if you move to antaria.

I will give you whatever you want and as much as you want just to build cool things in my town.

You need 4000 deco gems?
Sure give me 4 days.
You need 20 000 bricks?
Here hold my beer.
You want machines and coils?
Sure use this workshop and here’s some for your own!!

Builders are the most sought after commodity ingame. Atleast for me, i mean i can always grind and get materials and building blocks but another persons time and creativity doesnt just lay around on the ground accesed by my triggger finger… :stuck_out_tongue:

If you guys that just want to buildbuildbuild, dont get the support and love you deserve from your settlement then shame on them.


…black desert online. That’s grinding haha

Death penalty, should be worse in my opinion… When you hit max level, what’s there to worry about death? I think it should have a attribute debuff/loss for a period of time too.

Grinding for me is life.
Life’s one big grind.


But otherwise I define grinding as: any repetitive action that needs to be done to progress thur the game AND is also not fun or otherwise annoying to do.

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“Grinding” is just choosing to do things for excessive ammounts of time.

I dont love mining, but plenty of other people actually enjoy it and thats all they want to do.

I love the shopkeeper aspect, plenty of other people hate it.

I dont love gathering. Most of the time, sometimes its fun. Other people love it and thats all they want to do.

I actually like that i can start crafting things and see a 5hr wait time and think, “gives me something to do tomorrow”. Other people hate that.

There is no one size fits all in a game like this.

The way i get around the tedious tasks i dont love is to do everything in small chunks. I go mine for 45 mins… go build for half an hour… go stock my shops… wander around aimlessly looking at cool things. Get bored. Log off.

I know people will say “but i have to grind to get what i want!”… but you dont actually HAVE to do anything, thats a choice cause you want the end result quicker. Take instant gratification out of the equation and nothing is a grind. If youre not driven by timeframes then nothing takes too long.


Grinding, for me, is rewarding, because through all of your hard work you create, earn, or do something amazing.

Such as: Making those forged gem tools, building with all your multi-step materials, reaching a level of more skills, etc…

Yea, sometimes it may get tiring, but that is when you switch it up and do something else for a little bit. Like: Hunting, gathering specific mats, skilling, mining, building, etc

(or even play more grinding games, like I do, :rofl: Osrs, Warframe, etc)

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Building this at the moment. It’s already underway in a remote location but if you are bored and want to contribute resources, maybe we can work something out.