Sovereign and Creative Worlds now live!

Yeah, put it up to 60, yeah? We’ve been gathering and entertaining new players while everyone’s been on hiatus :stuck_out_tongue: Now we will have to queue them for a hunt haha

Now we wait…

giphy (26)


I’ve been pretty clear about one hundred million times when I share information with the forum that things “are subject to change” until final release. I don’t work for Boundless and am not in Developer decision calls. So in the future whether I say it or not - things are subject to change until release. I usually don’t share info until they are pretty close to the decision but it can change.

Second, you will have to ask James since the last post I did about this was very clear as well - PER JAMES (he sent a private PM), creative were given options. So maybe they changed their mind… who knows.


Well, that was quick!!!

Now the next wait begins!

A T2 Lush 4.5km in the EU with hopefully the right biomes :joy:

Once I had heard that there were 3 sizes I had my heart set on a 6km but sadly $40 a month is way too pricey for me, I can barely afford this right now if I’m totally honest, sigh, wish I won the lottery for once :joy:


I wish we could see a list of biomes used for any planet, including the perm ones we have. I mean, I wanted to re-create a very Trung like world without a few biomes and with more mountains but am not entirely sure I managed that!


No worries mate, Leah cleared it up above. For a Creative World, you don’t have the choice either, but Creative Bridges don’t have the 1 blinksec limit they once had during testing, so in the end, doesn’t matter where the world is on Creative.


It asks you to chose “at least x” biomes from each tier; for example at least 1 biome tier 2, at least 3 biomes tier 3, at least 5 biomes tier 4, at least 2 biomes tier 5.
Size of the world doesnt seem to matter - for a larger world biomes will occupy larger areas if you chose the same number of biomes.
There doesn’t seem to be a limit for biome numbers - I didn’t see such info during the process, but maybe there is a pop-up message when you go for 50 biomes (just an example).
It’s up to us now to decide if we pick just the minimum number of biomes required or if we go for more. The more we chose the smaller the specific biomes will be I suppose (terrain will change faster when exploring such world).

There are biomes that have water in them - even pure water (sea) biomes. Other have rivers or pools of water in them. That also reminds me I forgot to mention before (I will update previous post) - before chosing biomes I was asked to decide what kind of river pattern I want on my planet - there were irregular rivers of different density to chose from as well as regular patterns of rivers (like straight lines across worlds or spirals like on some starting public worlds we know). There is also a choice of having no rivers at all.
Larger bodies of water are only accessible through chosing sea biomes.

actually think I nailed my choices first time…my 2 favourite forest tree types plus lovely hills…

great job devs!
pretty happy with this (as soon as the colours I want come up ofc :p)

oh ■■■■■…

remember seeing these as a biome choice but didn’t pick it…not really a fan


How does the block colour work again? Is it random? I was thinking it would come up in the form. I’ve not been around for a while so trying to catch up. Got my 3km world ordered anyway!

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yeah, already wanted to mention that I can see gleamballs behind the trees of the first picture :smiley:

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all of this is exactly what I wanted to hear :slight_smile: thanks

Nice choice those trees.
I love the :boundless: big Forrest tree types :+1:

initial colours are random (ish I’m guessing)

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Ah right, ty!

I think 30 days would have made more sense, but I guess it’s all down to cost. Two weeks is often the timespan of a holiday / vacation, so I’d be pretty upset if I forgot to fuel my world before taking a break and came back to find it deleted.


42 posts were merged into an existing topic: FAQ: Sovereign and Creative World

I love this term. :grin:


I’m guessing momentary the :boundless: Planet Cooker is running on full steam at DEV-HQ :smiley:
Please don’t force it otherwise it will break down before it has been properly trained.
Great work DEV-team …
… big thanks to you for your efforts so far :+1: :clap: :clap:


@james Is there a place where we can see where we are in the queue? Asking for a friend LOL if not that is cool just super stoked to be getting 2 sovereigns. Just thought I would ask in case!