Sovereign and Creative Worlds now live!

yeah, already wanted to mention that I can see gleamballs behind the trees of the first picture :smiley:

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all of this is exactly what I wanted to hear :slight_smile: thanks

Nice choice those trees.
I love the :boundless: big Forrest tree types :+1:

initial colours are random (ish I’m guessing)

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Ah right, ty!

I think 30 days would have made more sense, but I guess it’s all down to cost. Two weeks is often the timespan of a holiday / vacation, so I’d be pretty upset if I forgot to fuel my world before taking a break and came back to find it deleted.


42 posts were merged into an existing topic: FAQ: Sovereign and Creative World

I love this term. :grin:


I’m guessing momentary the :boundless: Planet Cooker is running on full steam at DEV-HQ :smiley:
Please don’t force it otherwise it will break down before it has been properly trained.
Great work DEV-team …
… big thanks to you for your efforts so far :+1: :clap: :clap:


@james Is there a place where we can see where we are in the queue? Asking for a friend LOL if not that is cool just super stoked to be getting 2 sovereigns. Just thought I would ask in case!


Yes great work Devs!

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There is a selection screen with good sized images of each biome type that you are selecting from. @SClayton did our 2 planets in less than 15 minutes selecting biomes and everything.

No just waiting for them to be generated!

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Is it possible for me to get the slanted spine looking planet with tall forests?

Yup if you select the right combo of biomes! It appears they did a really great job in providing options enough so that you could get biomes to combine if you select more than what they suggest per section.


You get a pretty nice overview of what you’ll get due to the images during the biome selection which should allow you most of the setups you know from exos and public planets.
I’m waiting for the outcome of our planets now. We mixed mountains and forests on our exo while the mid-sized planet should be mostly flat with a few exceptions if it ends up as expected/planned


Our guild planet will be open for everyone to come see and mine but only established guild members will be allowed to build. We are not sure about sharing our exo yet or not depends.

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Wow, it’s amazing that you can select that. I always loved the planets with lakes and islands.


Get In there Lewis!

I’m going blind or just getting old. I totally didn’t see the link in the email lmao. Thank you, SClayton! :smiley: