Spark value

that still leaves it as a faster and easier fuel source I think. Even still I’ve always thought that it should be transferable between people. I’m so glad for the update.

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That may be what they cost to make but they mint for almost 40c each (per spark item so .0392 per spark)
Also, the minter can’t mint 900 at once. Too much wear. 350 at once is most
Edited to update as I test

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Wow, this will either change the coal / peat price to be much more expensive (like fossil prices changed), or it will be reduced.

As it stands, compact coal can rise by almost 400% and still be profitable when minted.

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I hope it raises coal costs, tbh. I think they’ve gotten too low

What’s the math on how much peat is worth? Just woke up and brain isn’t at math level yet.

It’s like 5 or 6c per compact I think. That’d be around 0.01c per spark
But a mass craft is only 180 peaty soil so it’s quick to make.
Kinda sucks repairing the generators every 50k spark though
I think. I’ll double check

@james hotfix incoming?

Lol, why’s everything gotta stay so cheap…


Surely they put some thought into the mint price. Coal must be undervalued according to the devs.


Nvm, I’m dumb! lol

That’s before pushing the button. A stack of 100 always gives me 3920
Like, 95 times in a row, lol

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you are correct! My mistake :smiley:

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They’re still watching. A little paranoia is healthy.

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It needs to be dropped, but its going to be interesting seeing how many people buy out all the compact coal in the universe in the next few hours.

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It didn’t take hours : )

I mean, it’s fine. I didn’t do much with the gleam situation until very late in that game, long after I published the math.

I’m busy at the moment but I’ll do detailed math soon. And I’ll probably farm spark as one of my main activities until this is fixed.

I suppose we can wait until the “there’s no forge ingredients because everyone is farming spark for the minter” crisis.

After some of these posts I’m converting a little spark in a breakable generator to test with this.Some math while I wait for my toaster oven:

360 peat compacts to 25000 (50x500) spark . With my current buffs this also requires 838 spark.

24 spark items (saving one to compact the next batch) at 39c each = 936c

975c / 360 peat = 2.6c per peat. That’s a T1 ‘soft’ resource block. And people were pissed at 1c per gleam?

My lunch is almost done and I’ll have a couple spark items. I’ll post more calcs.


If I’m not making some horrible mistake in my math soil shops are fixing to get cleaned out too. Guys don’t forget trunk.

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That’s only a thing because hunting sucks now, lol.

Peat farms will litter the T1s so badly we’ll get a new planet!! Yay :joy:


Yep, just did some quick calculations. Depending on your coils and guild buffs, prices are roughly:
Peat 2.4c
Soft Coal 7.5c
Med Coal 23c
Hard Coal 79c

Still need to compact and then turn the compact fuel into spark, but there is the new baseline prices at the current mint price.