Spark value

That’s some expensive dirt…

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Yeah, was wondering why every colour of peaty soil I sell sold out over night… now I know why. Surprisingly they didn’t buy the compact peat which is now worth approx 19c each

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Welp, this is the end guys. Millions of coins being created right now. Time to ash everything and purchase deco oort castles!


A quick survey says I have 238.6m spark in my various workshops.

For over 9m coin I’m tempted to take them apart.


So, how much coin per trunk? If this last a few days, I think lots of stuff are going to get bought out.

Not doing any more math, busy farming spark

Converting trunk to timber (540 spark to 750 spark in a mass craft) is no time/wear or spark cost btw, and raw trunk is 30 spark raw vs peat’s 20.

(edited to correct my conversion value)


You’ll want to sell compactors and spark generators next to it too! Lol

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Looks like I’ll be selling trunks en mass for 1c each until they fix this. Someone else can turn it to timber and burn it.

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Yeah i forged 5 stacks of shovels yesterday right now I’m sort of wishing it was axes.

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I did shovels too… and built a peat farm. I didn’t even consider trunks.

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I’ve been making glass and bricks, which is why i was forging shovels. Couldn’t have had any idea something like this would get put in the game.

If you consider it, this has the potential to stimulate the economy slightly. It’s all tied together. Not just the raw materials, but the tools and machines to make them. Perhaps there was deeper thought into this spark gate!

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I wanted to sell spark so been farming peat and saving spark for this update but then I saw your first post on this thread with the price breakdown and checked the minter instead :woman_shrugging:

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i doubt it.

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I’d like to point to the hundreds of posts in the last three months condemning gleam farming, which was more work for less coin.

Also the source of my earlier comment regarding many, MANY posts blaming gleam farming for a shortage of hunting loot and escalating prices in the game.

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Its also funny how many people who put out stuff against the gleam farming are liquidating their spark right now LOL. I guess the health of the economy wasn’t really as important as they were making it out to be.


But that’s the thing… they just fixed that and posted about it as they were doing this update.

I never bothered with the gleam farming… but, gotta admit I’m tempted by this… not sure if :angel: Paka or :smiling_imp: Paka will win out here… :joy:


You have too!! It’s the in thing!! :star_struck:


I won’t judge you! I honestly don’t care what people do, I just find the circumstances more amusing than anything.