Spot the problem! -- Finished

Who can spot the issue in this picture?

In this picture there is something which should/shouldn’t be there.
The first person to comment here with the correct answer
will recieve an almost-new emerald grapple!

Good luck!
(Developers, please don’t comment the answer! I say this as you will probably realise very quickly!)


Hmm, I’ve never stared so hard at a screenshot… lol
The only thing I can see is that I don’t have that nice effect on the Portal’s edge like you do but it might be my graphics settings…

The screen looks Frozen… :thinking: Also, there is a red marker for the npc?

The slingbow doesn’t have a durability bar


Where is the planet in the sky?

I don’t think he is looking high enough for that…

@alventra nailed it, are you currently in game?

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Ok my laptop just ran out of the puny amount of charge it had left. I will give it to you at some point though! @alventra

yeah no problem :smiley:

Isn’t that just how they look when unused in the sanctum? because that’s a local space were things don’t loose durability?


durability bar is normally displayed even in sanctum


Yeah the durability is normally shown. It was some cheeky config file editing.

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someone is bored :stuck_out_tongue:

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You should see my latest post xD That one proves it! @Lilmeee

if ya bored come make a nice waterbuild in my new hamlet :sunglasses: