Square Enix Collective no longer publishing Boundless

Hopefully just an expression of how much you like this game but if not here is a number that could help before this game shuts down 800-273-8255.


It’s Both!!! But being Funny with it I’m already live in a Mental Ward for 2 years now all I’ll say

“Thank you” for the # Dough xD (explains why I’m on 24/7) they probably extend my time in here if boundless went off on serious note lol :laughing:


Your Boundless family always here for you if you need us, reach out! I’m sorry you feel such hurt… :frowning: I do understand some of the feeling you’re expressing, I’ll openly admit there are times I feel like it is basically games and my cats that keep me plugging along with my own existence here. Games can be the biggest healing and greatest escape from the pain and troubles of life. There is no “just” about games… they are so much more, to so many of us.


We need our @BabyCookie around for the long haul for many, many years to come!


Life is way too precious to have to suffer through, especially alone. I am always around on here or Discord if anyone ever needs someone to talk to or just someone to hear you and listen. :heart:


There’s a lot of unnecessary guessing here.

There’s a software cap of what, 85 players per planet, now? That’s because the world server as it was couldn’t really support the original limit of 100 per planet. 85 per planet has been fine, I don’t think they ever raised it again.

So anyways population cap * worlds is it. No more regardless of running an entire AWS datacenter as a single instance.

50 * 85 = 4250 absolute max on public servers. You could add as many as you want on sovs but nobody would be able to travel any route that depended on a public world.


We are lucky to have 85 in the entire game currently so wishful thinking on my part.

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I think that if something like this actually came up, especially if there were a significant increase in the number of planets, the megahub style network would quickly die off, and the Portal Seekers style travel network would become more valuable again. If routes between worlds started getting clogged even after that change, it would make sense for more routes to open up through less popular worlds.

But, all of this is silly speculation. Fun, but silly.

That’s just a snapshot of concurrent players at that moment. Doesn’t include playstation players nor MAU Monthly Active Users number, which is much higher.

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Sigh… I’ll start another thread. Constant argument to any number mentioned when it comes to player base is “Concurrent” and “Doesn’t Include PS” players.

…have y’all heard about Endless Voxels?


Yeah? How many concurrent players does that game have?


I haven’t really played the game in years but I always stick around on the forums to enjoy the chaos.

This thread did not disappoint.

Thank you all for your service.


See you In game i hope philly boi. You had some nice Bridges and such

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If memory serves, was there not an automated process for adding home worlds when certain numbers of players were playing concurrently?

The steam free weekend about three years ago caused Dzazzak and Trung to spawn, did it not?

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


Why was Ardele flagged? No one can mention Hytale?


Nono, remember - this is the place where we have to pretend that no other games exist except Boundless (which, umm, just about exists haha)

I really hope this SE withdrawal is a positive thing though! Boundless deserves some attention :heart: