Steam Review Mobilisation

So only builder and miner are xp-worthy professions? My surface gatherer isn’t supposed to get decent xp from hunting down mushrooms?

To be fair I am not saying that other things couldn’t get more exp. In fact they are still tuning this, and just started awarding people tens of thousands of exp for hunting. I was slow at the start because I did not realize that teching up and getting more advanced things done was less exp worthy then mining and mass crafting.

You just can’t beat the ludicrous throughput of someone mining on a t6 with speed potions, or someone mass crafting with a warehouse of tables and rock. That takes infrastructure and skills, and consumables, and that will always give you more exp.

And also to be fair, foraging is the most lucrative thing to do besides forging right now. You can make tons of money getting orbs or beans or whatever people need. So you might not be awarded with tons of experience, but you are rewarded with coin.

Honestly I am not sure everything being homogenous in terms of exp is a good thing. I just think that the grind is overblown, and that some things give more money vs experience and the other way around.