-------------------[Sovereign Details]-------------------
Owner : @Paka
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--------------------[ World Details]--------------------
ID : 2383
Name : Stellamaris IV
Type : Corrosive
Tier : T6 - Fierce
Atmosphere : Lvl 5 Caustic (4 levels)
Size : 3km (34 Regions)
Liquid : â–˛ Water | â–Ľ Lava
Region : US West
------------------[ Distance Details]------------------
1 blinksecs from Alcyon
Warp Cost : 100c
Portals : Eventually at Paka’s Palace, Alcyon
---------------------[ Time Details]---------------------
Appeared January 12, 2021 6:46 PM
Last until February 11, 2021 6:46 PM
Initial Resources
------------[Embedded World Resources]------------
Rank | Resource Name | Absolute Count | Percentage | Average Per Chunk |
1 | Medium Fossil Seam | 2,250,749 | 29.95% | 61.06 |
2 | Iron Seam | 1,739,627 | 23.15% | 47.19 |
3 | Small Fossil Seam | 869,055 | 11.56% | 23.57 |
4 | Large Fossil Seam | 653,233 | 8.69% | 17.72 |
5 | Silver Seam | 648,799 | 8.63% | 17.60 |
6 | Coal Seam | 593,645 | 7.90% | 16.10 |
7 | Ancient Tech Component Seam | 212,830 | 2.83% | 5.77 |
8 | Amethyst Seam | 175,563 | 2.34% | 4.76 |
9 | Gold Seam | 151,910 | 2.02% | 4.12 |
10 | Emerald Seam | 128,633 | 1.71% | 3.49 |
11 | Hard Coal Seam | 59,113 | 0.79% | 1.60 |
12 | Ancient Tech Device Seam | 19,257 | 0.26% | 0.52 |
13 | Titanium Seam | 12,131 | 0.16% | 0.33 |
--------------[Surface World Resources]--------------
Rank | Resource Name | Absolute Count | Percentage | Average Per Chunk |
1 | Branch Funnel Fungus | 15,474 | 22.19% | 0.42 |
2 | Basic Boulder | 15,370 | 22.04% | 0.42 |
3 | Boulder Tower | 10,489 | 15.04% | 0.28 |
4 | Tuber Plant | 4,798 | 6.88% | 0.13 |
5 | Combustion Fraction | 4,307 | 6.18% | 0.12 |
6 | Glow Cap Fungus | 3,947 | 5.66% | 0.11 |
7 | Tinted-Burst Fungus | 2,782 | 3.99% | 0.08 |
8 | Tapered Boulder | 2,090 | 3.00% | 0.06 |
9 | Trumpet Root | 1,992 | 2.86% | 0.05 |
10 | Twisted Aloba | 1,870 | 2.68% | 0.05 |
11 | Desert Sword | 1,284 | 1.84% | 0.03 |
12 | Mottled Tar Spot Fungus | 1,057 | 1.52% | 0.03 |
13 | Oortian's Staff | 1,039 | 1.49% | 0.03 |
14 | Clustered Tongue Fungus | 775 | 1.11% | 0.02 |
15 | Starberry Vine | 656 | 0.94% | 0.02 |
16 | Rosetta Nox | 515 | 0.74% | 0.01 |
17 | Kranut Plant | 492 | 0.71% | 0.01 |
18 | Spineback Plant | 466 | 0.67% | 0.01 |
19 | Traveller's Perch | 250 | 0.36% | 0.01 |
20 | Weeping Waxcap Fungus | 65 | 0.09% | 0.00 |
21 | Stardrop Plant | 2 | 0.00% | 0.00 |
Yeah, yeah, I know… As I mentioned elsewhere, bought some worlds instead of fuels by mistake. Most I’ll use for the next Gleambow event, put up some T3s for you all, but figured I’d try another Corrosive.
Amethyst not as good as Proserpina here, but the Emerald is so good that I’m thinking of replacing Stellamaris III with this, even though that is a Toxic. From what I’ve seen so far, it might be a better choice, due to the amount of amethyst and other stuff you can get along with it, and the hotspot regions look pretty big in places. Proserpina is really the most profitable mining planet by far of my rentals if you go by profit per hammer and stick to the amethyst/emerald border areas, maybe best to have two Corrosives, rather than a Toxic that may have a little more emerald but not much else?
Let me know any thoughts. Portals hopefully open to some mines in the next few days, planet open now though. Could go either way here.
Looks like I unlocked Ashen Mint gleam here too?
I’ll put this out there publicly too - got a combo of health issues going that work to kill my appetite for long stretches… which can really mess with my mood here. So if I get all grumpy, “Bah, someone is using me, I think someone else insulted me grr graahhh I QUIT!”
… Seriously, just ignore me please. It will pass eventually, give it a few days or weeks. Thanks!