Storage Strategy

I have hundreds of Ornate Gleam Chests that I want to use for storage but I’m at a mental roadblock as to how to organize things. So I’m reaching out to the community.

How do you organize things in storage and why?


I use a mix of open and closed storage.

I use this version for stuff that doesn’t really need to be seen. The item in the shelf above the chest tells me what is in the chest below. So I just put one item in the shelf as a visual guide.

And this is what I use when I want things to be seen. Usually for a collection.


You could follow categories used in Knowledge tab.
You could organize by machine that items are crafted in (if it’s artefact storage rather than resources).

If it comes to recourses I follow this: hunter storage (creature and meteorite drops), gatherer storage (plant and fungi drops), miner storage (ores) etc.

For crafted items I go by type (my own categorization) - so I have a mason building where I craft and keep stone, refined and deco rock; all metal derivatives separate storage (so compacted, refined, machined etc.), then food in a separate crafting and storage area…


my main base has one wall in each type, the one w/chests roughly follows the order it comes out of reclaim


Only for wood and rock, I use a storage for quantity.
The top storage block tells me if there is something in the box or not :slight_smile:


My workshop is multiple buildings. I store my stuff in ‘recipes’. Everything needed either in or near a dedicated machine. Basic raw materials are stored in buildings dedicated to crafting tables and refineries and then moved to the crafting buildings. It is awkward as all get out but I like it, lol.


I have 2 storages. My main storage is categorised into Mining, Gathering, Hunting, Food, Farming, Brews, Forging etc.

My 2nd storage is my coloured storage for all the coloured blocks.


I keep throwing things in chests until i scream and then load them all into a smaller campfire beacon at the edge of my property so that it can all be reclaimed and i tell myself i’m going to totally deal with that soon but i know i’m not going to.
rinse and repeat.


good idea Myst, i was thinking about new storage layout divided by machine usage or for specific recipe if you are specializing in 1 crafting branch

something like, for plain wood trellis:

trunk > timber > (iron ore > iron bar > nail >>> trellis

for lush foliage trellis:

trunk > timber > lush foliage > iron ore > iron bar >nail > lush trellis


Metals and stuff
Hunt drops
Processed food stuffs go in the kitchen
and stuff that has many colors
In the color storage, I’m way behind the others that have lots… I usually have one chest with all the random raw mats that I’ve found in one chest, and processed items in another chest. Stuff I have alot of in other chests and then a shop stand with Rock, for bricks, and gleam because well why not… and then two shop stands to put either stones or whatever I have most of (other than rock).

This is my 5th rendition of storage space updates… I am a fan of the open and closed storage setup.


I have several different ways to store my stuff with a mixture of gleam and iron chest and the open ones.
Crafting resources next to the machines.
Rocks all sorted by colour, in U shapes.
The rest of the coloured blocks sorted by colour, but a bit smaller.
And the plant and boulder storage is part of my decoration in a way.


im great fan of making color storage sorted by color groups, not numbers :smiley:

for those who dont have it (add +1 to each number to match actual numbers order, becouse as you can see there - black is 0 not 1


as for topic - that was my resource storage before i tore it down

it didnt required labels whats stored in chests, was easy to find what i wanted :smiley:


There is a really snazzy spreadsheet for colors that I love for this. I hadn’t seen all of @xyberviri’s fancy sorting on this version, but I love it. Personally, my fave tab there is the “named condensed”, but I recommend exploring it.

For how I organize storage, I’m sure Dhusk already knows, but I’ll share again anyway:

Assuming I haven’t forgotten to renew GC in time, I have a tree set up with a floor for each color group, or a pair of color groups…

Btw, the thread linked here has lots of other storage examples from others as well.


That’s my favorite colour chart. I prefer organizing items in that order than by id number of colours.


I’m off to go check my colour arrangement. I have mine slightly in a different order. But sorting like that is so much better. Especially when you want to compare colours.



Depending on what you want to store everything, by color, by craft, there are many possibilities.
Have e. g. sorted for crafting and color storage, also old color storage still there.



I use a combination of the open and closed storage for mine.
Color Storage:

Materials that don’t have 255 colored variations have these little cubbyhole storage spaces in the area next to the workshop.


Wow, that is impressive @Draconic


Since this is a @Dhusk post I’ll reply. My color storage is pretty much overkill and really still a WIP.

But I separated it out by color/sub-color in alphabetic order. So, like this:

For each color I gave specific areas like Azure is setup like this:

I am still working on my workshop storage, but each machine has its own area for storage also which will also be divided and organized alphabetically in some way. So far I have it like this: