
I have dabbled in streaming in the past, I really just do it for a few of my friends to watch, I dont try to get outrageous amounts of views. and since there isnt a large presence for OORT I may start again…

most of my content would not be family friendly or appropriate for all ages, but if you would like to watch I will most likely start tomorrow around 7PM EST.


if I wasn’t working around then I’d hop on and say hi.

Maybe I’ll see if my mobile is capable. Work Wi-Fi is intolerable though so no promises.

TBH I’ve been eating up as much content about this game as I can but what I’m REALLY excited for is the graphical updates. This game’s gonna be WAY more fun to watch when there’s things to kill and it ISN’T all just placeholder textures…

fingers crossed for not-boring A.I. enemies! O:<

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I am now streaming…

if anyone is interested :smile: