Suggested recipe: craftable oort

Likiking the idea… but for me… i feel oort should be obtained “from the wild”
Theres too much butterfly effect here that could or will happen if this would be a thing.

-People plotting resources more than they alrdy do now. -> need more planets -> cannot deliver -> byebye game.


I feel like oort is the way it is for a reason. If it was too easy to get it, portals would be everywhere and defeat the whole purpose of portal hubs. It’s a game and without challenges, the game wouldn’t be as interesting. Oort is a gem, crafting it would make it less-than. It’s also the best form of currency, so doing this would drop the price of it and hunts would die.


When will oort be minable? This is still coming correct?

You want those 15k tool prices back? :smiley: I know that’s exaggerating a bit, but there’s no doubt that stuff made from gems would get more expensive.

The devs have never said anything about mineable oort coming to the game afaik.


Really? That is weird. I thought they had mentioned. Perhaps it was just the knowledge tab information

It was in the initial design, but they haven’t said a thing after that. There’s been suggestions to make it happen, but nothing from the devs in a long while.

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Thank you for the link Mayumichi.

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Ahhh yes so my intention would be just random small amounts of oort along the way. Like a bonus when mining. This is not something you would go to get via mining big amounts. That should not effect demand and pricing on hammers. This link is a hypothetical to if the method of hunting for oort did not exist. All oort would be obtained by mining and or other.

The first part was a reply to the thread in general, that gems could be crafted to oort. I’m also not saying that it’s a bad idea, just pointing out that it would have effects elsewhere.


This feels too much on the advanced user side and not for casual or lower tier players. I believe some things should be accessible by all types of players.

I’ve had many conversations with James about this. I doubt it will happen until a good solution is found on how to balance mined / gathered Oort versus Meteor Oort. I tried to get a 1-5% drop chance of Oort on ores, surface resources, and monsters but even that failed because of how some people in the community decide to play. I had hoped that solution was a good “passive Oort gathering method.” Unfortunately, there are some that would have complained that the 1-5% was a grind even though it wasn’t meant to be the primary way to get the resource. But they’d spend hours doing that because they hated meteors.

Another option I was thinking was to completely revamp Oort delivery but that won’t happen because many people enjoy hunts and they’ve already fought any other solution. Not to mention anything in the Oort arena becomes hard to talk about because it is one of the few areas of the economy that has a strong supply/demand and the Devs are worried about how any change would impact the players.

Many times much of the change we want and so badly need cannot happen because of the communities views on change or their unwillingness to flex or deal with things. Sometimes I get very frustrated with those type of mindsets and other times I fully do understand and support them. lol.

I haven’t given up on my fight to get Oort delivered another way… I just need to find a model that does work for everyone…


That is what I would want and thought it would be the best change to obtain some oort. Just a passive drop. So inky dropping out of foliage, orbs out of sponge/growth. That is not the same? I don’t think it’s good enough to say the reason to not add it is because a small amount of people would complain about it not dropping enough. (Because they hate hunting) I don’t like hunting either. But I will hunt becuase I like portals. If I’m given a little bit here and there that’s great.

Not that many, hehe, see my poll

I wonder how many would stop hunting if they got oort from other sources :thinking:

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A fair question. Personally I wouldn’t stop hunting. I need the monster loot just as much as the oortstone. Plus even with max hammer and skills the 1-5% is likely slower gains of Oort to hunting.

Just spitballing here. But what if we got like 10-20 rough oort from our daily or weekly chests? you know the login bonus style ones that currently give 100c and sometimes a small amount of xp right now? It’s abuse potential is limited, and would give more causal players the minimum oort they needed to fuel one or two small portals every week.

Well it is a view the developers have about people doing one thing that has minimal return but somehow thinking that they must do it A LOT which results in them calling it a “grind.” If people don’t agree then please help me find ways to get them to change that view. I feel the passive drop is the best option because it really does reward people for “playing” and helps you able to get it via a lot of activities - not one. But, the community needs to help change the Devs views since it isn’t easy to do alone.

I don’t think it will be too big of an impact - meteors still have their value. Plus honestly if the economy crashes because of Oort supply increase then that only proves how bad our economy model really is in my view.

Personally I wouldn’t be a fan of that. I think it needs to be in game and not via a chest do to activity or actions. Plus with home some people have figured out the XP game I don’t see that it would be fair to the average player who doesn’t get many chests a week.

Just the login bonus chests not the XP or activity related ones

It will have an effect on the mob drops for sure, there’s atm supply being generated by people who just do it for the oort and sell the other stuff. But I think this reflects more on the state of the combat activities as a whole, if it’s not seen as an enjoyable thing to do.

That is fair, my idea is not an elegant solution, but I do think its a fair one.

I would probably tie it in with the 30min of play time today chest if it were tied to that system. It is fair, limited, can’t be turned into a grind easily, and has limited potential for abuse. it meets all the criteria, not being a “game mechanic” and more of the “invisible hand” giving you direct rewards is absolutely the biggest down side.

But is the problem bad enough to have that small break in immersion? That is a major consideration.

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IMO it’s a pretty big problem. Maybe the game population is dropping off, but I’m seeing a massive reduction in open portals at DK’s Ultima Tree - and I looked at Jacey’s and also Ultima Hub and these are all seeing portal closures. Same thing at major PS hubs etc. The small guys are getting pushed out by unavailable oort. I know Jaidic has also stepped up quite a few times to help little guys (and big guys) keep their portals open.

While I definitely support economy based regulation, at the same time, having portals is fun and people like them. Therefore, I think the devs should do something to make oort more available - increase it in hunt drops to encourage hunting, add new mobs to make hunting more fun, include it in chests, something. Sticking to the “rules” while people stop playing doesn’t make much sense. Give the people at least a little of what they want :slight_smile:

I don’t think it would be unreasonable to give people enough oort in daily chests and weekly chests so that if you play every day you can keep a 1x2 going to the local hub.


even though I can fuel all my portals by myself now, and I just opened like five more last week, I continue to consider just closing all but my little “guild hub” on an almost daily basis. I like the connectivity, and the convenience, but making sure I can attend two hunts at two hours each, every week isn’t something I will even be able to do once my work schedule goes back to normal sometime first half of next year.

an oort allowance really wouldn’t fix my issues at all, they are self induced and I’m not trying to make a solution that at all. But I can say I feel the pressure of keeping them open each week, it does drive gameplay, and sometimes I simply don’t want to do that gameplay but I have put myself in that spot.

I can sympathize with the person with little time to play keeping just a few portals open, that was me before my schedule changed, and will be again once it changes back. So unless I get the traffic to keep them open and fund me buying it I’ll end up closing them like I did a few months ago.