Suggestion: add dueling mechanic

I understand that, but I think it essentially forces players that do not want to engage in PvP to have to engage merely because they warped or strayed into the wrong space. I have seen too many games where a group of players does nothing but try to lure unprepared players into battles. I think it is too big a change to the way the game is played and not in a good way. The game lists cooperation in its steam description not competition and this makes it a competition.


This is exactly what I would expect

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I think each player would need to give permission , yes or no if they wanted to participate. If not then they get flagged as a spectator

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Expect what/how? There should be a warning popup before the player entered the zone, but I guess that could cut off content? but if someone else plotted it, I’d say that’s fair game because they acquired the land first.

Definitely a lot to take in to account.

I’m just very excited at the idea of players creating Thunderdomes. Man we could have weekend cage fights and what not. I think there’s a lot of potential but it would definitely need to be thought out well.

These players are making a choice to duel, this is not falling into the lava twice in a row. You have a choice to duel or not. There is a big difference.

I am not sure why we insist on the game being less enjoyable. A death penalty would be ok as a maximum effect. To prevent dueling until it is worked off is just ridiculous. I can still fight creatures, grapple over lava, and dive in water with a death penalty.

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Well a pvp beacon, but each player entering has to say approve with a button if they want to participate in duels or if they want to spectate. And not open pvp, only duel capable as op said

you also made whatever choice that led up to falling into the lava, even if it was a mistake, you made the choice. but regardless, why should that change the fact?

If PVP is added in any form, I don’t want to see it, I don’t want to hear it, etc. Put it off on moons or private planets or pre-fab PVP buildings.

Every game I’ve played that added PVP (& didn’t have it before)…the people asking for PVP are always a loud group - once the game gives in and gives them some form of PVP, it’s good for a couple of weeks, then it dies down. Then those PVP people end up walking around saying “someone 1v1 me”…“we just need 2 more players to join”…“why won’t anyone join us”. It gets old real fast. One large MMO gave them their own PVP servers, then ended up deleting all but one because they were the least used servers. The only ones I’ve seen that were successful are ones that added PVP tournaments with prizes - and it’s held a few times a year.:woman_shrugging:

Edit to add: if there is no risk nor reward to PVP, what’s the point


Fun. Just pure fun. Nothing more nothing less.

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What’s fun about it?

You can do that right now with no risk nor reward

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Because you change the nature of the game. Nowentire areas on the planets are no go zones for the players that do not want PvP. Why should that be the case? Should players that do want PvP be prevented from going to non-PvP zones? You say it is a choice, but you are slicing up the planets and the real possibility exists that players will plot out resources areas and around portal hubs and other well traveled areas just to get the player not interested to be forced to engage.

The suggestion for duels does not require any beacon. All it requires is two players willing to enage.

The desire to create PvP zones on the existing planets is the reason I have never wanted it to happen. The OPs idea for duels could allow it without making the non-PvP player even have to deal with it.

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What’s fun about mining blocks for hours on end? I don’t know. Some people think it is boring, mundane, and stupid. I guess they’re getting something out of it in the end, like a reward in your scenario. (gentle reminder that i love mining blocks for hours on end where the majority of the time Im keeping them for myself lol)

I think if anything pvp was added, it definitely needs to have functions where those who don’'t want to be bothered by it can have that luxury.

I think there are ways to implement it without encroaching on players like yourself who want absolutely nothing to do with it.

I thought this was a great idea btw, I’ve seen you mention it in the past:

If there was a check off for your character, and let’s say it was default on in this scenario, that prevented pvp no matter where you were, would that be acceptable? Like a pvp flag in other games I guess.

I liked the player setting idea, but why does this have to be based on beacons then. If player A is PvP eligible and so are you why do you need to be in a specific beacon to duel?

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Two people can’t opening attack one another, cause damage, and there be a winner and loser when someone dies to that combat. Fighting another player in actual combat is a lot more enjoyable than fighting waves of creatures being pooped out of meteor portals that spam AOE attacks on the battlefield. It’s definitely more fun than mining for hours at a time.

The game needs a larger variety of things to do. This includes PvP and PvE activities. It needs a lot more of just everything in general. What comes with that more variety of activities is you get to break up building, resource gathering, meteor hunting, pvp, shop management, etc. with pvp and other pve activities.

Whether you want to participate in pvp is completely irrelevant. It needs to be optional if it’s implemented. Think of all the people who don’t even bother to be a part of the economy.

Oh this was strictly related to the ‘thunderdome’ idea I’d had. It would be a chore if we had a weekend event to constantly have everyone flagging for the event.

if we took @majorvex idea about having ‘moons’ or prefabs etc where this type of thing could only happen, it would fix a lot of that issue I think.

There are games that I play where I join in PVP because the rewards are worth it and a lot of people join in. I personally find that fun.

However, if I’m exploring & building, I don’t want anything to do with PVP - otherwise I’ll just go play the other game.

I also don’t want to hear a bunch of people walking around begging everyone to 1v1 them… “why won’t anyone 1v1 me whaaa”. The “fun” wears off quickly - then we’re back to listening to the loud few that want to PVP when most people don’t.

So it would need to be away from others - so we don’t have to see/hear it, or it needs to be a once-in-a-while-event with rewards, or done in a benign Boundless way that’s perceived as fun by most Oortians (ie: snowball fight).

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This is your opinion. I personally like the activities in Boundless. I have other games I use for PVP - most of them are really toxic though.

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To be fair we constantly see something in this form already in regards to ‘why won’t anyone sell to me, i had to close my shop’ etc

To the rest I agree, it definitely shouldnt be forced on folks.

ok I’ve shared my ideas on this and what i think could be done to make it palatable, thanks for listening to my side :slight_smile:

So you flag yourself eligible once. then anytime a player wants to duel then you accept or decline. If you are not set for PvP then they cannot even ask you to duel. So for thunderdone, the two players have to agree to duel and go to it. It does prevent someone from jumping the gun so in some ways makes it more fair. I am not sure that this makes it a chore. But it does offer more protections for the non-PvP and might be easier to setup.

I also agree with @majorvex. Ultimately I think private/rented planets will give players a lot of options that would not be appropriate for the live universe. You can have an entire planet as a dungeon and get guilds to compete to the death if that is what you want. But it does not affect the rest of the live universe.


I thought we were just talking about duels guys, not full blown pvp? Are we able to go back to constructive posts on the topic at hand?

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