Suggestion: add dueling mechanic

When all you do is mine for hours to stick stuff in a machine to craft blocks to build with to then build for 10 minutes to then have to go back out and mine for hours again. Yes, it gets boring. Creature AI is boring. They don’t have enough personality in how they attack, move, and interact with the environment and players to make them interesting enough to fight. Hunter isn’t going to solve that since all it will be is a threat to miners and probably not even a very good one.

So if I had PvP or a lot more other PvE activities to do, such as fishing or ship design (remember air ships?), then I’d probably wouldn’t be pushing for pvp. On top of this, James is on record of saying he’d like to experiment with pvp worlds in the future. It’s unknown if that’s still a plan of his but it’s something he’s said in the past.

You might have other games that you play for PvP. That’s you. That isn’t everyone else in this game.

Nope. It got derailed.

Duel = fight = PVP

Yup, that’s generally what you do in a building game. Build. You can also explore, gather, mine, craft, cook, socialize, forge, meteors, etc.

I’m all for adding a lot of other activities. Even PVP. As long as it’s not in my face or gunking up the chat with people begging others to do it.

I find it odd for people to play a peaceful building game, then get upset when they can’t go around killing other players. I don’t rage at CoD devs because I can’t fly in a spaceship or cook pies. It is what it is.


Okie dokie. :slight_smile: I dont like pvp, but was just trying to give feedback to OP that might help healthy implementation.

I would walk away immediately from this game.

Not even a moment’s hesitation.


Only for PvP/dueling not for dying other ways

Ah yeah they can do what they want with that. It would need to be implemented with a block all challenges switch and preferably default to block. Otherwise it’s a HUGE griefing tool.

To be honest I would be very disappointed if any method was put in game for another player to attack me. I’m not against consent-based systems but whole heartedly against any “pvp beacon” or other mechanic that allows players to walk in and unexpectedly get attacked.

Not some “Ten second warning” or anything. Hard Stop. Impenetrable wall. Requiring explicit action from the user to opt-in, involving at least opening a menu or secondary dialog.

Yeah every person is entitled to their opinion and all that. I wouldn’t have even posted on this thread if I hadn’t seen that horror show mechanic being mentioned. But since I am just weighing in on the side of the people who would rather not see PVP added here.


I think it’s fun to 1v1 friends just for kicks. See whose a better shot or grappler (prooooobably the PC players lol), do a little gambling if desired, test out builds.

No need for a death penalty. If you want one just state as terms “loser also has to jump off a cliff”. No fueling mid hunts.

No pvp zones for now. I’m proposing a very basic “start small” test before we do anything craaaaaazy.

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I’m only proposing consent based systems here. No open season of any kind.

I probably wouldn’t even be that into duels myself. But I know many others would really enjoy it.

I’d build a battle arena specifically for duels. Tournaments could be a thing if the game’s population ever gets to a significant amount.

I also have no idea what your deleted post that was a reply to me was. I am suspecting it was a mis-reply.


I just merged the reply into what I said in the subsequent post.

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