Suggestion: Auto-Walk, Auto-Swim

hehe and when u let go of the jump key for 1milisecond u drown 60 kilometers in an instant
and theres no way to stop this initial drowning state, youre forced to drown a certain distance before the jump key changes its state to allow you to float again… which is also pretty annoying
imo floating should be default and going underwater should be initiated by the creep button only, this way we can jump in and out of water quickly and fluidly…

also… boats


Or, y’know. Boats. Yeah, Boats would be nice. :slight_smile:


God, I wish there was a way to give this comment more than just a heart. Swimming (especially on Ps4) is the most convoluted thing in the game.

Devs, absolutely serious question. have you actually ever tried swimming on a ps4 controller?

Are you expecting players to have 3 hands? Is the chin method intended gameplay? Cause I’ve had to use my chin numerous time as well


would be cool!
autowalk (and autorun!) autoswim

i use an AHK file for that, but that option is not available for the ps4 player and i think a game with such huge distances to travel should have that option =)

wii fit will soon copy this.

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