Suggestion: chance to find bones when breaking or collecting a plant etc

hahahah reading that 2nd line…just LOL

Yeah I love @Mayumichi’s BUTT. It is amazing!

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Yea thats a good resource. I’ve been using something similar. But as you said, the quantities i need are going to run me a lot more than they used to. I could always buy over time but I hate waiting when I’m ready to build lol

know the feeling (especially when i need to make stones>refined>marble and it ends up taking hours just to get half of it -_-

Ahh, you’re a BUTT guy huh?

That is pretty much the same thing as every time you kill an animal there is a chance to get a stone or plant based item. Yes you could make a lame argument about how that could be found, but in regards to gameplay the answer is simply no. Animal products should be found on animals, and surface products should be found on the surface.

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This would be sensible since critters often crawl under brush to die, and the area beneath gathers topsoil elements quickly because it shelters them somewhat from wind, water, sheep, etc. More bones from drownies would be cool and help keep our waterways tidy.

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