Suggestion: Improve elemental protection food

Hi Ya’ll!

Update 199 brought elemental creatures to meteors (and a few roaming around on lower tier planets).
I’ve thought that this is great! finally shards will be more common, therefore elemental protection foods will be more available and we will all start to see them at the markets.

But a couple weeks later and nope…

Which got me to talk with a couple of food shop owners and they were all pretty much on the same line - no one buys them so they’re not making them.

Which brings us to the point of the thread:
Elemental Protection Foods are pretty much lackluster.

They last 30 minutes and give you a +1 or a +2 to a protection, which is not enough to visit a T5 planet without any points assigned to the skill and if you rely on a +2 for T6 than you have to keep your skill points at an uncomfortable 2 skill points assigned - which doesn’t allow you to visit T5 planets without food.
Add to that the fact that miners on T5-6 planets usually come with some food buff for their tools and we quickly arrive to the reason behind why nobody buys them.

In order for elemental protection foods to be a viable option I feel as though at least one of their parameters must improve:

  • The protection buff should be increased to +3(from +2) and +2(from +1)
  • The buff duration should be increased
  • The protection buff should be independent of other buffs (stack with persisting pie, for example)

Please feel free to support, add or criticize (constructively).


Food shop owner here, yup they dont sell… The only way I can see them being useful (and mind you super in-demand) is in the event of “special planets”. You know, temporary planets for events and such.

These planets could possibly have atmospheric levels beyond what can be covered by mere skill points (much like you cant really open a portal to a lvl 7 world from a lvl1 starter planet).

In this case, one would ONLY be able to reach these hellish planets when using protecting foods…

NB This has not been mentioned afaik by any devs and is not insider info, although I would love to know if they have considered or in fact planned on something like this

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Once T8+ planets come around, I am sure atmosphere food will become more lucrative.

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There’s three levels of atmosphere foods, chili, biryani, and pie. +1 +2 +3 respectively. As far as I have read, you will have to have max atmosphere stats and a +3 food to access the t8 planets safely. T7 will need 7 points of protection and t8 will need 10 points. Max with stats only is 7 with 5/5(the last two levels give two each). I’m already crafting pies so that I have em when needed, and to do tests with. :man_scientist:


A couple points:

  • Personally, i hvnt seen any +3 food - could be a mistake on my end.
  • As for t7-8 planets… how long until we have those?! A game in release should be balanced on what there is, not what will be.
  • Everyone who will want to mine on t8 will be forced to eat protection food, therefore the market for persisting pies will drop… this just sounds bad…

edit: oops pressed the wrong reply button, in reply to: @Bryethewizard

From the most recent list of food buffs. I have also crafted the three different foods, haven’t tested yet to see which is which, but based upon recipes and level requirements(as of 200 you must have rank 5 in food to craft pies) I assume that is a correct list still.

Edit: I can’t say anything about times for release, because I don’t know lol, I hope sooner rather than later.

Edit2: I wouldn’t worry too much about persisting foods dropping in popularity, because I’m also assuming that t8 will be limited time planets and why we have the Halloween deal to test it. :wink:

With a pie players can access t5 worlds without putting points into atmosphere ptrotection, but their time would be limited by how many pies they have, and with the current death mechanics would lose that buff upon death. To reach t6 a player would need at least two points in atmosphere protection with a pie, and would need 4 points(which would give the player 5atmosphere protection) and either biryani or a pie to reach t7. For t8 it will take 5/5 and a pie which would equal 10 atmosphere protection. I don’t see a use for chili unless someone needs that one point, but biryani and pies could potentially sell.
Edit: Assuming no bugs. :wink:

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Protection food in general seems a bit weak at the moment. I’ve been messign with them to see how viable they are for higher tier worlds, and even protection loaves are pretty negligible when it comes to the mobs. It feels pretty bad, since protection food was SO amazing in beta. I’d like to see the food get a little love.

Are you referring to shielding food or invigorating food? I sell both but get few buyers. I personally think invigorating food is awesome. I mean who doesn’t want to double their HP? Especially for tanky builds where you can get over 20,000 hitpoints!

Specifically the shielding. HP food has always been amazing

I haven’t messed with shielding foods too much. I do carry some with me for the higher tier worlds but they don’t send to do much. I’ve been toying with the idea of crafting the elemental ones to see how they fare against elemental critters.

What is it about shielding food that people don’t like? In theory, the shielding loaves and pies should work amazingly well if you already have medium to high resist.

I haven’t tested it too much, but as far as I can tell it only raises kinetic defenses, and not even a substantial amount.

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This is pretty much what I see. Even with the Protection epic and all protection skills, it doesn’t seem to do much for me. Maybe it’s because I spend a lot of time on T5/6 and the mobs just hit like trains.

I have resisted up to mighty level mobs kinetic attacks with 5/5 and a shielding casserole (lv 2) but not consistently, I just crafted some loaves and will be testing them later to see how they fare on those train worlds :wink:

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Cool, maybe you can let me know. I changed to the prot. epic, so I should be more survivable

I quickly skimmed this thread so forguve me if its been said already. However i believe we will see the rising sale of these when the higher tier planets come out. It will be a must then with no way around it.

You mean when I said this?! :grin::sunglasses:

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Alrighty then! After getting my butt mopped by mighty and elite cuttles on Alcyon I’m back with some info. Mainly these

Shielding Casserole adds 20 armor and 10% resistance to BOTH kinetic and impulse resistance and armor

Shielding Loaf adds 70 armor and 20% resistance to BOTH kinetic and impulse resistance.

That being said, without the protection epic i was killed pretty quickly by Mighty Epic(extra shields, movement or hp etc) Cuttles and even faster by the Elites with or without epics. I didnt have the cleanse points to check with the protection epic, but i may be investing in it soon. Considering that one can forge damage onto tools and weapons i feel that the damage epic’s usage may fade with higher level users(my opinion)

I was just writing a separate post when I spotted this so here’s my 2 cents…

I also remember a while back that when the harsh environments where added there was a suggestion that foods and brews might be used as an alternative so as not railroad people down a specific set of skills. I took the time to look into making this stuff recently as I wanted to use my alt for his chisel skills but not spend the skill points on the environment protection. So here’s the problem.

Brews - no brews at all.

Food - can achieve protection level 1-3 (need lvl 5 for T6 or above, or you have the equivalent of a lung full of air), the ingredients for those brews can only really be found on the hazardous worlds (elemental shards), and you need the full food crafting skill set to do it.

This doesn’t really make using ford or brews a viable option in my opinion. I normally don’t advocate nerfing but maybe its due.

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