Suggestions regarding the update

maybe a search funtcion then? i would accept that :slight_smile:

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Just had a thought… i see light Blocks have been removed now?

If thats the case, how about Torches (at least when being held) have a durability timer? - at least the basic ones, because they are so easy to make?

Why would that be needed? Can’t we just have a light source that doesn’t run out and call it a day?


i guess lol… how about an extra use for foliage?

They already need to be used creating tools for the bindings… why not eaither allow us to hand/table craft then into bindings themselves?

This would be just to give it an added use/asthetic purpose

Why do I want to have to run all over a build and replace all the lights every so often. That sounds like a lot of work for no benefit.


yeh i realised that earlier lol, but i was wondering if held lights only… think about it… IRL bunrer torches burn to a stub and then go out, thats all i was thinking of lol i’m sorry darn it! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think all this does is force people to use the skill points to have the internal glow thing to avoid having the light in their hand go out. With the skill points being so tight I am not sure I like this idea either. So how do you tell a light in hand versus the wall? If I place a torch and then pick it up again, does it reset? what if I am just moving it? It sounds pretty complicated to implement.


ok… waves hand like crazy person these are not the… lights… you are looking for :wink:

Founders Totem:

I do not understand why it takes so much to make… if we back this stage of perk why not get it as the free totem (or make it easy crafted?)

Not complaining… i just assumed because we backed it, it would not take tiere 5 etc mats and 20 mins craft lol…

I mean as a suggestion - make it free to craft for backer - or a lot less hassle ?


After thinking about it… it actually makes a sort of point… (because most games with backers give free stuff… it want’s us to work for it and feel rewarded? i guess it depends on how good the founder crafts are? With durabilitiy and etc… but still to craft a founded item at something like level 6 crafting (as example) not all of us would want to make that level just for one item)

I hope i explain better now?