Suggestions regarding the update

Ok so after making a return to the game the other day and seeing all the new and improved stuff i had a few thoughts…

  • So we always had this thing where we could not place/mine/place/mine for fast XP… how about going a step further on this and say you also cant mine secondary resources if you place the block yourself ? But the way i mean it is… ever if its in a beacon you own… you only get the main block back and zero xp or secondaries (ever) , however, if you come across something placed by another person (in the wilds) you can get secondaries and xp still (too much code maybe?)
  • The ability to dye certain things? (unless we can now? i did read something?) as an example… i like the affect metamorphic stone give when building walls… why not the ability to put then in a certain machine and dye them red/orange/green? etc
  • Mounts/vehicles… i also heard this is actually planned? (with the taming ad farming of animals and etc?) But why not extend upon this and allow us to tame x creature for x ability? as an E.G Tame a cuttle for a flying mount? Tame a spitter for an attack/hunting dog (which will come with you on your journy across the verse? Tame Wildstock to carry heavy loads? (extra inventory as a pack muel etc)?

Thats all i got so far… thoughts?

Ps… also with taming they still have the ability to protect you from other mobs… but they can also die (and be resurected as well - but its on a timer and based on their preferred food? if you dont have the food… or it times out… they die?)

And something that i personally feel would increase the over all asthetic feel of the game?

The GFX option to be able to see our own reflection in water and etc?


More suggestions

  • Allow us to cook multy stacks of food (if they are from sources like starberries/Earthyums allow us to cook them in the same stack? - especially green + red starberries… they are the same (just diff colour?) The same with meat
  • Allow us to see how much energy food will return? (i have inspected starberries and meat - both raw and cooked and none show how much energy they give)

(unless its because i’m a level 1 brewer/cook still?)

  • the same with metals (example… allow us to melt down iron/copper… gold/silver in the same stack… because they are all metals - im not saying gold/iron/silver/copper in the saame stack… i am just saying… Iron/copper should be able to be fired together etc - personal opinion, you are allowed to disagree)
  • I read the post about ladders… please make this a thing!?
  • currently the furnace takes no usability damage… should it?
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it might be a bit cheesey?

but maybe (only when you create a new character or it would get annoying - even if it could be done?)

But for awesome effect… what about having the Sanctum God Great you as a new player?

Things he could do:

  • wave at you and use the in-game chat to welcome you to he new universe
  • explain to you what to do to land on a planet
  • point out/hand you the totem/light block/etc

Maybe too much code, but was just a quirky thought :stuck_out_tongue:

I know it has been mentioned a few times but very few and far between… but how about some kind of findable lore which explaines (as a back story) what exactly you are doing in this universe?

(i say findable to promote exploration and etc)?

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I was told in another post that they have plans to do a total overhaul on the Sanctum at some point, not sure the status of that now with the release but maybe they already have plans like this as part of that work. If not, I think it would be cool if they can pull it off.


Curious, why would you want less xp? It still uses up your tools, and your not making fast xp just by busting blocks. Either way the whole xp system and everything is revamped anyway. So just have to wait to see what it looks like when they let us play it.

fingers crossed

i was meaning if its within your own beacon if your replying about the OP comment of


Been thinking about achievements that could be added (if they will be added to)

(please ignore titles they will be quirky/cheesey and just wrong but are shown as an example only)

  • No Board Here! - Fall x ammount of height (maybe from max?) into water (the borad references surfers)
  • EAT MEAT! - Eat your first piece of cooked prime Meat ( comes from a funny memory when a friend and myself played early last year… we came across a citizen on berlyn and he was down to next to no health - my friend kept yelling EAT MEAT! in my ear (he forgot we were on voice and the other guy couldn’t hear us) and then it went on for about 10 mins … why isn’t this guy listening damn it? I told you to EAT MEA!.. DUDE…!!! )
  • Flying… Without Wings… (Falling with style (?) = Fall x ammount of height with 1% health left on landing? (or just survive the fall in general? - without using a grapple to land)
  • Portal Seeker = Use a portal to land on every planet in the universe?/ have maximum ammmount of warp distance? (but i think the warp distance is already an achieve?) - references the guys known as portal seekers :wink:
  • OH… SNAP! = survive a fall after snapping your first grapple)

ok so i just did a quick test on my alt (because he was a miner back in the day)

I realise that the miners have not actually been forgotten at all (sorry) but instead are actually… (dare i say it…) OP!!

  • 2 points in power + dex + attributes - general + the hammer epic + iron hammers

= you can mine soooo daaarrrrnnn faaaasssst! ( :stuck_out_tongue: )

I was thinking, to nerf them fairly (and everyone else) would it be possible/ok/agreeable? to:

  • keep the inventory the size that it is but
  • Have a weight limit or ammount of XX block limit (900 seems a lot … a very lot - when actually thinking about it…)
  • The weight (if done as weight) should be a skill to level (maybe a 5 point per 1sp weight limit or done as an epic/both)
  • the same as if limited by ammount?

I don’t mind if there is heavy criticism on this one and honestly expect it anyway… i was just thinking how things could be fairly nerfed…

Think about it… @the-moebius and crew are heavily addicted to building and probably are the Build Gods of the game! ( :stuck_out_tongue: ) - all they need to do is fill their inventory with 1000s of blocks/gleam/etc and build the most Epic build within hours!

Hunters… Can earn 1000s of coin per hour at the moment (depending on group size/skill etc

Miners can earn a ton of exp/skill per hour if done right…

EDIT: That is if the current stuff as mentioned above is going to be in the full release (as it is now i mean)

EDIT 2: or just lower the ammount of X per stack to say 50/25 or… maybe say you mine 900 Metamorphic rock (or a combination of rock) you can only stack 900 of X per haul… meaning that you can not stack 900 per inventory slot Stack of the same item… so think about it… if you could only carry 500>900 of X per haul… that would be a lot fairer than carry 5,000 (or w/e the math a full inventory of only rock would be) wouldn’t it?

How are you spec’ing your energy and health to not have to stop and rest every 30 seconds? That is the problem I am having. Is you miner only a miner or can they also do limited crafting?

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In my case i take lvl 5 energy + energy epic, so the rest time only around like 2-3 second. For miner better be pure miner. Since crafter require tons of skill points too.

And that is the problem. . I am really a builder but you have to either make everything or have something to sell so you also have to be something else also(crafter, miner, or hunter. I am probably trying to have my character do too much. . Guess I will need alts in the next life (coming soon).


You can’t actually craft everything on one character anymore, which doesn’t seem fair to me honestly…

i am only a miner./… have the 25/5 regen on health so do not need to keep eating… + 2 points in vitality 2 in hammers (normal) and 2 in energy and so i am a full miner… but you are right about the energy, although its not as bad as that because per energy i can mine 20 > 30 stadard rock (they have no helth bar and destroy in one hit)

Thats how i mean miners to be OP in this sense because i level ~14


With the above my iron hammers are like whackwhackwhackwhackwhaackwhack but 2 > 3 sp lower and its like whack…whack…whack…whack… pantpantpantpant… (only tested on solum)


My over-all point relates mainly to this point itself…


I agree with @willcrutchley that its not fair to crafters the way it is so slow now

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I think as much as 100 skill points sounds like enough, their are too many skills that are almost a requirement and then you do not have enough to have a fully fleshed out character. I think they need to either increase skills per level and increase total skill usable on a skill set or decrease the level 5 skills (I mean 5 skill points to be able to jump 2M, that one I find ridiculous, but necessary if I am going to be efficient at all in building or mining).


I find the 2m jump an absolute must, I made a new character in testing and it is a real slap in the face trying to get around when you can only jump one block high …especially after playing with a level 50+ that had no trouble getting about :rofl:


Yes that is how I found out too, I was stumbling all over the place. . even died in lava. You cannot really get around with out it. grappling is sometimes not an option.

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The issue really is that you need to choose which crafting categories you want to skill, and then can’t skill others to the max because of the new epic system which is either one or the other, not both


That is true also. . I forgot about that aspect. . but even if you could choose both, would you have enough points to have a character that could craft everything? I would think them changing the tree to allow both would not be too complicated. I would think increasing the skills per level and the skill s each skill set can use would also not be too time consuming from a development standpoint.

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i just realised… i remember seeing 2 skillsets on one of @Jiivita 's vids… maybe he can confirm/deny (or anyone else at max level) if we unlock an entire new (secondary) skill-set to choose from? and if so, maybe that would get rid of a lot of thiese skill issues?

But everyone knows it take months/years to get to level 50 now (apparently)

im wondering if the second skillset gives also more skillpoints

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