Super grappling hook

it would be cool if you can craft a really really expensive grappling hook that works exactlly as the old one did

nope … would be to unbalancing later when facing pvp … at least my opinion.

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well what if it wont work if you are in a pvp game

hmmmm, dont know … if it would be stil possible to use both hands with a hook then I feel no need for it. Also, to have the old one would be an advance in many pve aspects as well. Just think about quick climbing a titan … I don’t think that the old one will fit again into the game.

i sad it will be dissabled in pvp that contains in all kinds of killing just if i got really much materials i can make it and explore wiht it. it will never work in pvp pve what ever it wont work if you gonna kill

The devs mentioned that they changed the grappling hook to make it fit into the dual wielding system that is going to come. So the old grappling hook wouldn´t work once this is implemented.
The old grappling hook was also way too op in every regard so I don´t think that it will come back.

it will be dissabled or wont work when you gonna pvp it can be called explorers grapling hook and wont work in dual wield it requires both hand so you can only hold that

well, if you use 2 GH at the same time and use it well trained (with 2 buttons, one for each GH) it would be the nearly same as if you use the old one … so no need for a new “special” one, at least not just like the old one :wink: … of cause I’m open to new concept GHs ingame … I would love to have a pulling hook for example, but only God (and the devs) knows what is there to come ^^

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PvE and PvP are literally the whole game, so there is that.

and exploration

That is still PvE.

eh why cant you use it ib pve then dont you miss the old gh

Not really. And as it was already mentioned it simply was to OP.

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okay i understand if something is too op

We’re planning to add the grapple into progression, with the top levels being really fun in one area (super range, super speed, super reel, etc).


I am so into this! i want the old grappling hook back… i named him wilson… i miss him…

RIP Wilson


Does super reel make a slingshot effect? that would be a whole new way to use grappling hook which would be freaking awesome xD

Higer range and more speed = more damage on the impact? :smiley: then please design special “pillow gear” which softens the impact again :smiley:


Pretty good idea tbh. :+1: