Support request for a wonderful member of our community

First - mods, totally understand if you all don’t want this sort of thread here and you need to delete, apologies in advance.

But in case it IS ok, I wanted to go ahead and post this in support for somebody here who has been a true friend to me, and is simply a wonderful person - @AeneaGames She is facing a terrible battle and can use any support you might be able to give her here. If you are able to do so, please consider contributing… I know how very, very grateful she is for any help that any could maybe provide. Even if you are unable - totally know that times are very tough for many out here - also know just how much the moral support and love of the community means to her! :slight_smile: Thank you all in advance here! This community truly is the best, and I want to give back and help those who have been there for me, it has meant so much to me, to have made true friends of incredible people like Aenea here!