Survey: Request for question ideas

Some questions to ask about could include:

How varied should biomes be per world - i.e. each world is one extended biome with 3 or 4 block types or each world is made up of lots of different biomes representing a varied and interesting alien world.

Do people like the existing trees - should leaves deteriorate after wood is removed? Should there be more varied sizes, shapes and branch distributions?

Combat: MMO style tab targeting and skill rotations vs spam click on the mosters - should the game be more action style in it’s combat like black desert online or minecraft with real time attacks and dodging :slight_smile: or should it be like wow and gw :(.

How do players want to handle communication in game - traditional series of chat windows allowing players to talk to everyone or something more “immersive” like chat or emotes only being visible to players within a certain distace.

Racial abilities - what kinds of unique abilities do players want to be able to choose from - combat, building, crafting, gathering, utility related.

Moving around - besides portals, what options do players want for moving themselves and items around short, medium and long distances. Railways? Gliders? Movespeed boosting path blocks? Short distance intra-world portals? Item tubes? Cheaty global access to all items and blocks?

Item storage and sorting - do players want to manually sort their items betwixt chests, have their items automatically sorted by the game or do they need to build contraptions that facilititate sorting.

Utility blocks - what kinds of special ability blocks do players want to be able to craft? Move speed boosting blocks, bouncy blocks, slippery blocks, mob-spawn-blocking blocks, slowing blocks, moving-other blocks-around blocks, healing blocks, lighting blocks, noise making blocks, etc.


Should floating blocks regenerate faster than blocks on the ground. Should certain blocks (like leaves) degenerate faster than other blocks?


PvP vs. PvE: should it be mixed in near areas or should it be separated far of each other with distinct zones?
PvP vs. PvE: Should players be able to alter the zones (similar to beacons) or should it be given?
PvP vs. PvE: what should be a good amount (eg. 30% PvP vs. 70% PvE)?
Single player vs. guild activity: personal preference of enjoyable amount (=what should be a good distribution)?
Single player vs. guild activity: should a single player be able to do everything in the game resp. how much of the game is limited to play in guilds (eg. titans)?
Loot: amount vs. value of droped items? -> If titans can only be killed by guilds, should the loot be many similar objects or should it be limited to few extraordinary items (and left to the guild to distribute) or how can it be made fair?

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