[Svenets] -- [T8 - Hyperborean Blink Exoworld]-- [Active]

--------------------[:earth_africa: World Details]--------------------
ID : 295313894
Name : Svenets
Type : Blink
Tier : T8 - Hyperborean
Atmosphere : Lvl 12 Potent (15 levels)
Size : 3km (200 Regions)
Liquid : ▲ Water | ▼ Water
Region : US East
------------------[:compass: Distance Details]------------------
148 blinksecs from Alcyon
Warp Cost : 1000000000c
---------------------[:stopwatch: Time Details]---------------------
Appeared Today 10:36 PM
Last until March 24, 2021 10:36 PM

Block Colors



Initial Resources

100% blink



err ?

10 characters

It’s a joke and MEANT to be confusing

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A joke about what?

we dont have T8 exos yet. People make speculations on what they’re going to be. If T8 exos are like this tho i’m quitting

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The first time someone did this is wasn’t even funny. People should stop.


yea. Meant to make no sense tho so did it AFTER an exo was made.

Although i’d really like random themed exos spawn (Instead of chill exos, Permafrost ones with an everlasting snowstorm. Instead of Shock exos, Lightning ones with lightning striking the surface every 10 seconds)

Hyperborean sounds really cool!!

Yeah, but you don’t need a billion coin to warp to the exo types

Some exos would be themed with a twist (weather or color related) and colored atmosphere

The joke flair got me a few times before I realized it was there. Now for things that seem unlikely at all my first instinct is to check for the joke flair before clicking the link. It’s pretty funny :slight_smile:

@HOST is probably the only oortling than afford that warp

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At 1st I’m like…
giphy (1)
Then I realize and …


nobody can afford the warp anyways tho

changed to off topic i think its getting out of hand with the Exo jokes, we get Exos already
enough is enough :slight_smile:
a lock would be better :lock:

yea, the thread can be closed now

Closed at the request of the OP.