Sydney Supplies: Buying & Selling Rocks + much more

Easiest way to find Sydney Supplies is via the TNT Lasaina portal, then exit out the North doorway.

At Sydney Supplies you’ll find a massive selection of rock, stone, brick, refined, decorative and marble blocks.

We are also buying rocks in just about every colour available in game, over 7 million coins are currently in the request baskets.

If you remember my old Sydney shop Rockin’ Rocks, this one dwarfs that massively. All permanent colours are available, most sovereign colours are in stock, and even rarer exo colours are stocked… be quick with those though, they’re all priced the same so the exo colours are usually snatched up rather quickly.


Hi, i don’t know if your still on the forums, but i just accidently spent 2mill in one of your shop stands and wondered if you will give a refund?, I am buying 900 of every gleam colour not gleambow and the stand was so full I thought it was 2c and realised after I clicked.

the colour is not marked with a rainbow :frowning:

The colour was Vivid Violet 126.

Also 230 has a messed up price. x

Working and travelling for the next 11 hours, will you be on then?

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I could set an alarm to be on, that’s morning for me. what time shall I set it roughly?

About 10 hours from now. It will be 5.30pm AEST.

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ok thanks, have set an alarm, will be good to get up a bit early.