T6 forgers

I was wondering who is the forgers this days and who sell T6 hammers seems every time i need hammers its all empty in shops only thing left for me is like a titanium shovel or something​:joy::joy:

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Bedrock has a shop in starlight mall. Go to the
starlight mall in back on dragon hub.
First floor.
Once you go in turn right and go that way.
Then keep looking on your left not far till you see hammers.

Another place to check is on the sov wall.

Planet name :earth_americas: TERRE :earth_americas:

Do I’m then down the ramp

And there is all kinds of forged stuff.

And I know Kakarot will have stuff soon. :heart:

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Thnx star :slight_smile:

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You can also find forged tools at Sydney on Lasaina