Taller Trees/Forests

Right now I realy want to recreate south england and places like new zealand and canada.

For every tree/bush-instance (spice) you can set tree-hight, min and max size and put a noise-map for random size in the current world-builder.

You can also copy a biome (or other nodes) and paste it in another running instance of wb. So you can have a library of biomes in different files, and copy/paste them into a new world and blend them together.

What am I doing wrong :frowning:

Abselute is a modification of another noisefunction.

There are 2 noise nodes, noise-generators that generate noise, and filters that take a noise from generators an filter them in some way. You have used a filter instead of a generator for highmap.

The highmap is ok if you do 1 of 2 things, add a noisegenerator to the absolute filter, or the easiest, replace it with a generator (perlin,simplex, worley…).

The upper 5 where you got absolute noises are for blending biomes, and dont affect your single biome.

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I’ve gotten a bit further but I have two more questions:

How do I get the trees and grass to work? (Do I need soil on the surface etc?)
How do I blend the biomes so that more than one biome is generated?

On the upside I have some of it working!

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For grass: it’s a special kind of material - make a substrate, and switch the block type to grass. It’ll give you a couple extra sliders for grass density and distribution (you can apply noise to make clumps of tall grass, etc)

For trees, you’re almost there! You just need to switch the “constraint type” of the trees plantation node to match whatever blocks you want trees to spawn on top of. Also, play with the “threshold” slider to increase/decrease the density of trees that spawn.

Be aware, though, that there is currently a bug in the world builder where trees will sometimes fail to spawn, or have chunks taken out of them. This occurs in the world builder and when previewing in game - but not when the world generates for real. Hopefully will be fixed in the next world builder

This one’s a bit more in depth (not going to be able to answer it right now, unfortunately). But some things to play with:

Use a smoother noise (like simplex or perlin) for the biome selection functions:

Also, play with the corresponding sliders in one of your biomes, and preview their selection via the blue icon next to distribution above - for example, crank up the minAltitude slider for your highlands biome

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You blend biomes with these 2 setting:

This part creates distortion in the alitude, temperature, humidty and vegetation maps

This part defines which area of those maps the biomes will spawn within.

So moving minaltitude to 5 in one biome and maxaltitude to 5 in another shoul make so there is 2 biomes in the final world ^.^

Edit: Aaaaand @Nevir was fast and better than me :smile:


How do I remove these white non-grass spots?

just remove the Flower decoration


How do I get rid of these square holes in the trees?

This is a bug on Windows (and OS X) - the updated WB should fix this. (Sorry it’s a long term issue.)


I can’t get the biomes to blend into each other, whenever I change something only one biome comes out on top.

Can you visualise the biome distribution? Make sure this shows variety.

Is that what it’s supposed to show?

A different query, can you invert the heightmaps to make low areas high and high areas low? Just asking because it seems really hard to get flat areas at the top of my “mountains”

  1. You should us “Visualisations - selection / combined heightmap” to see the biome selection (rather than the combined noise function.)

  2. Only one biome will be used whilst all biomes have the same Altitude, Temperature, Humidity and Vegetation ranges.

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You can use the remap-filter, with negative values, it will invert.

I’m not sure how to get the distribution to not be red?

These settings need to be different. As said before.

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