Temporary prestige crops?

If I understand clearly, you plant your prestige plant, yay, you get some prestige for a while, then it dies out, and you know have to clean it out and replant new seeds. Basically like in real life.

So I made this thread to ask the rest of you what you think about it. I’d also be curious to know more about Wonderstruck’s line of thought for this design.
Am I crazy or does this sounds like something a lot of people won’t want to bother with too much?

My line of thinking is that we all want neat flowers different from the wild ones to decorate things in our homes, obviously. But do they really have to wither, especially if all they do is bring prestige?

Does gleam deteriorates? No it doesn’t. So my first point is that this type of game-design might push more players to use other permanent ways to gain prestige (like gleam, marble, mozaic, etc.) than have to deal with a new cycle of maintenance. That sounds counter-productive to me.

Isn’t the need to maintain beacon fuel, portal fuel, machine & power coils durability, shop stands inventory, request baskets budget and all the constant grind enough for you?

Are the organic/in-organic crops withering?
I might be wrong, but it seems not to be the case.
Why though?
Since those bring something like various ressources and a tangible gameplay/progression advantage (which arguably prestige also is), shouldn’t they be the ones to wither? Shouldn’t they all follow the same rules?
And let the plants that are made for prestige be permanent?

Because IF organic/in-organic crops don’t wither, imma tell you right now, I’m gonna use those to decorate my home. Not gonna bother with more things to fix all the time.

But what do you think? With the informations we have, would you use them?

  • • I will use prestige crops and care for them!
  • • I won’t bother with prestige crops.
  • • Something else… (comment)
0 voters

What design would you prefer?

  • • None of them should wither. We have enough of those!
  • • I would rather have permanent prestige crops and withering organic/in-organic crops.
  • • Something else…? (comment)
  • • Ftaghn.
0 voters

I think a better solution for prestige crops instead of being temporary would be to give them an extended growth time (7-10 days prehaps?).

Since they don’t drop anything i figure those who hate long growing times wont be too mad, but it still shows off as an impressive planet and a better solution to having to replant them,


< shrug >
I’d be up for that too.

It’s the same old “if you don’t like it, don’t do it”. As you said you still have all the old blocks to give you prestige, so I’m thinking of these as more of decoration rather than a real prestige boost. But do we have any info on what the numbers are like? How long does it take to grow and wither? Is it a once a day, week or month thing. Is it a normal prestige block, or is it a % boost to the beacon? How much prestige we talking about?

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You haven’t answered the poll, so I guess you’re waiting for the numbers. Fair enough.
But the point of the thread is to determine how people feel about that type of design, regardless of what we don’t know yet (as indicated in the first poll’s question).

If the majority says “yeah, I’m gonna commit!”, then sure, I would agree with you, it would indeed be a “if you don’t like it, don’t do it” type of thing, and I’d then be sure that I’m not the targeted audience for this game.

HOWEVER, If most people vote “I don’t like it”, then why do it? Isn’t it counter-productive to still go with it? Why try to impose such a design to the majority?

I don’t really have a personal opinion on this as I don’t play the prestige game. And because we don’t really have any numbers afaik, it’d be hard to have an opinion nevertheless. If it’s reasonable, like tend to the plants once a week and they stay nice I might use them for decoration. Once a month and I’ll surely use them as decoration.

But since it’s not really aimed for me, I’ll be fine with whatever the majority wants. I can just not use them if they’re too annoying.

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(just sayin’, you shoud’ve voted for “something else…” then :stuck_out_tongue: )

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This is something I thought about. I think that no one really cares about prestige, and if they do, it’s not mainly gonna come from flowers. I think that they shouldn’t wither, but neither should they give any drop when destroyed or removed. Alternatively, just reduce prestige after a while but let us keep the decorations.

If I am going to have hundres of those across my several thousand plot city, I am not gonna do it if I know I next week have to do it again.


I am fine to try them out - if the withered state is infinite, than it’s decor itself (the neglected old wilted vines on brick walls - can defo see that as a cool element and I dont care if it doesnt give prestige in the withered state, as long as it looks interesting).


That is actually a pretty good point. I might do the same in some places.
Would be kinda sad, though…

I mean, allow us to use tranformation chisel to choose whether to have it as withered or not? Then we all could benefit of death and decay but also flowers and harmony. Hmm…

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I agree with boundmore on this it will add to the character of some builds

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Im definitely going to try them out, but like others said if it gets too annoying i wont bother

I wouldn’t complain if we could choose to water the flowers weekly or even daily for the bonus prestige, or choose to have them behave like the static flowers we have now for decorating. lock the growth stage as something not as pretty as full grown prestige rewarding plants for insentive for the extra work.

This is an addition so I am fine with it. A small tweak would be daily watering/care or they wilt. Some people would like taking care of a pretty plant like a pet =)

I’m fine with the withering - there is beauty in impermanence, as said elsewhere, plus then I’ll have a reason to constantly change things up a little bit. I absolutely plan to deck my place out with pretty prestige plants. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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So with the limited information we have about the prestige crops it’s definitely hard to say for sure one way or the other.

However with that being said I will end up at least trying them out for a while when they do hit live just to see if its something that is

a)worth the time and effort expended to obtain them


b)something I may find enjoyment out of.

One thing I see a lot of on the forums is people firmly against some things that may require constant attention and care as it will surely add to the grind we already have. I get this.

The fact remains however that we have absolutely no idea how it’s going to work aside from you gather them. Plant them. Grow them. Clean out the dead ones at the end and start over.

We don’t know what kind of boost to prestige they give.
Is it a set prestige for each or is it and additive % based bonus tied to how many you have and/or how many different varieties you have planted.

We have no info on the growth and life cycle and how long that may or may not be.

This would be a good time to maybe also to add some suggestions to what may be acceptable for people to see it as worth it as well as voicing dislikes or concerns.

I kind of like the idea of having some impermanence in the game as it will give things to do and not just be another “well. I finished that what’s next?” task.

Maybe one thing that I could suggest is that if you have a crop of prestige plants that maybe at some point in their life cycle before they wither if you harvest them you can get seeds/bulbs back so you don’t have to go out and gather them in the wild again.

This is just my 2c on the subject. Cheers


As predominantly a builder, I kinda love the idea of having crops around my build that are ornamental, that will change as time progress (!) and will occasionally need repotting.
Just how occasionally this is might change my mind.
Plants I have in my home are pretty much guaranteed to wither and die so having the same in Boundless seems fitting :grin:

Not really interested in rest of the farming side of the update (yet…might change as details become more clear, to me), so nice to have something for the builders.


Pffft, haha, yeah, pretty much this here too. :rofl: I do quite a bit better with virtual farming, unfortunately for all the vegetation I’ve condemned to a slow death over the years. I’ll be happily tending to my pixel crops while the real roses outside are like, “Hey, can I get some water here?” :flushed:


I feel this would depend heavily on the amount of prestige and grow/live times. It could be a good system if they live a few multiples longer than the grow duration and offer considerable prestige. But if it’s a full day to grow and only adds the prestige of a few blocks, what’s the point?