If I understand clearly, you plant your prestige plant, yay, you get some prestige for a while, then it dies out, and you know have to clean it out and replant new seeds. Basically like in real life.
So I made this thread to ask the rest of you what you think about it. I’d also be curious to know more about Wonderstruck’s line of thought for this design.
Am I crazy or does this sounds like something a lot of people won’t want to bother with too much?
My line of thinking is that we all want neat flowers different from the wild ones to decorate things in our homes, obviously. But do they really have to wither, especially if all they do is bring prestige?
Does gleam deteriorates? No it doesn’t. So my first point is that this type of game-design might push more players to use other permanent ways to gain prestige (like gleam, marble, mozaic, etc.) than have to deal with a new cycle of maintenance. That sounds counter-productive to me.
Isn’t the need to maintain beacon fuel, portal fuel, machine & power coils durability, shop stands inventory, request baskets budget and all the constant grind enough for you?
Are the organic/in-organic crops withering?
I might be wrong, but it seems not to be the case.
Why though?
Since those bring something like various ressources and a tangible gameplay/progression advantage (which arguably prestige also is), shouldn’t they be the ones to wither? Shouldn’t they all follow the same rules?
And let the plants that are made for prestige be permanent?
Because IF organic/in-organic crops don’t wither, imma tell you right now, I’m gonna use those to decorate my home. Not gonna bother with more things to fix all the time.
But what do you think? With the informations we have, would you use them?
- • I will use prestige crops and care for them!
- • I won’t bother with prestige crops.
- • Something else… (comment)
What design would you prefer?
- • None of them should wither. We have enough of those!
- • I would rather have permanent prestige crops and withering organic/in-organic crops.
- • Something else…? (comment)
- • Ftaghn.