[TEST-VERSION] Evergrowing list of improvement- and content-suggestions

The reason for this is to prevent people exploiting the Sanctum feature. Making an instant warp would mean players could exploit it if they are trying to avoid falling off a cliff, into lava or if they are trying to avoid combat.

We want to encourage players to revive other players to avoid the death penalty and timer. We are looking at doing a death and respawn animation to better present this.

This is coming in a future update. :slight_smile:


Let me clarify as I might’ve explained myself poorly:

As a “debug-button”, I think the binding is just fine, however what i neglected to say is that the “no-gui”-mode should be a part of “camera-modes” instead, or even a dedicated “no-gui” keybinding close to the camera mode, which is why I found it to be an odd choice. :wink:

Also, I don’t see why the debug should “leave us” in the final version, as it’s not bothering us, and surely there will be bug-encounters in the future where this will be useful for feedback, so yeah… Not that I’ve read anywhere that removing this in full version is a fact, but either way I don’t see why they should. :thinking:

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Hi to everyone tuning in on this topic!

I would just like to inform that I haven’t abandoned this “project” of mine, I am still jotting down points as I play, but as of late I haven’t been able to have the most immersive sessions, trying to balance everyday life with spare time, but I have a list upcoming, I’ve just saved posting it till I feel that the list contains enought points making it worth the trouble to join the others. :wink:


Enjoy the new upgraded GUI with attributes and skills description, xp bar, refurbished objectives and new-look item icons in your inventory. :sunglasses:


MAY 23RD 2017:

  • I wish to further upon the point concering beacons: In addition to being able to freely choose the area of coverage with a certain amount of blocks and also turning the barely visible white-tinted square of coverage into a grid-based system highlighting every block affected, I also feel that the coverage of it is way too small and is overall unfair. It should at least be 10 length x 10 width x 10 height in blocks in my opinion. That way you could at least fit all your basic stations inside as well being able to cover them all with walls and a roof.

  • I’m assuming (and frankly hoping) that the variety of dangerous creatures will increase substantially as we’re getting closer to official release, and personally think that being able to craft a primitive door of sorts should be a part of the initial crafting-recipes. Otherwise I can imagine it getting difficult to shield yourself from the world’s potential predators that might kill you while you try to reach next tier of recipes, and if a player is killed way too often all the way from the gecko, then it might upset players into rage-quitting and risk them losing interest, asking for refunds.

  • Speaking of creature-variety: I actually feel that without creatures spawning under ground and randomly generated caves, that there’s something missing. I lack the thrill and suspense of almost hoping to encounter some dangerous beings down in the dark abyss.
    Also I think that each planet should have unique animals, and not recycled; appearing to mystically derive from the same genes although on entirely different planets. Would truly give the sense of visiting other worlds if the animals actually looked different as well, and not just differently evolved spitters and wildstock.

  • There should be a seperate menu showing what recipes you’ve learnt so far. Boundlesscrafting.com is a very useful tool to learn whatever you might be interested to know, but making the list of recipes that are currently available (recipes already learnt) for the player - regardless of what the player has in his/her inventory or machine-slots - visible ingame constantly, would be a huge step towards making the game more convenient and less frustrating for new and old players alike.

  • Although tooltip has finally arrived, I am still confused as to what types of recipes you actually learn upon learning a skill. For instance, I think it would’ve been smart to make it so that when you click the skill, you may choose between a button saying “learn” or “details”, and a grid would appear, revealing all the things you would learn by activating the skill. Because as it stands right now, we’re all still clueless as to what skill does what and rely on the forum to share their findings, when it really should’ve been so much easier.

  • Standing on top of a block and placing one underneath youself should be possible. I know how that wouldn’t be possible in the real world (unless you’re an acrobatic circus artist that is), but in the real world you wouldn’t use huge blocks to build stuff either, so it wouldn’t harm to be able to do that, just moving the player on top of the new block upon placement.

  • Test-version utilizes an objectives-based experience progression, whilst the live-version utilizes a far simpler, yet constant experience-progression based on what you do; whether you’re placing blocks, killing animals or mining. What I don’t understand is this: Why not have both simultanously? I’ve seen other games where this has been done, and it doesn’t feel like you’re progressing too fast. It just seems fair. Although if you were to implement, som balancing and readjustments needs to be made, not so much on the objectives-side of it, but rather the amount of xp gained from doing small, constant things.

  • Animals when they die: The animation is good, just how you would expect. However, that extra hit you do to “extract materials” from their lifeless bodies; instead of just disappearing in an instant and having materials appearing in it’s place, there should be a transition that’s more subtle, or at least letting the body fade away after the materials have been extracted.

  • ALT + TAB’ing the game (to talk in Discord, for instance) causes the game to go into window-mode. You can easily revert back to fullscreen from the menus, but it’s annoying, and you shouldn’t really have to.
    Also, there should be a borderless fullscreen window mode. Luckily for me, I’ve already invested in a program on Steam called “Borderless Windows”. This way you can easily change between applications running in the background more fluidly. But really, this should be a built-in feature IMO.

  • Handcrafting should have it’s own keybinding. Often when I play, I just automatically hit “H” subconsciously , expecting for that particular menu to show up, untill I realize there aren’t any designated keybinding for that, and the fact that I hit that button without thinking about it goes to show that there really should be one. Like a phantom-limb: it’s not really there, but the mind tells you it should be.

  • Stairs often doesn’t act like “solid blocks”. There’s been reported multiple occurences of people getting stuck on either slabs and steps, (although the latest build seems to have fixed that) and I think this is somewhat related:
    Say that I want to build a stairwell and I’m positioned underneath the steps onto where I plan on attaching steps. So first I place the first row of stairs, and now I need something to support the second row and so on. However, the bottom-part of the steps aren’t “solid”, so therefore the block I wanted to place undeneath winded up on top of the steps instead.

  • I’ve mentioned block-rotation earlier, but even though this is vaguely familiar, it needs to be a seperate point: Placement of certain types of blocks based on the direction you’re standing should be tweaked a little bit more. What I mean by this is that from a builder’s perspective, aside from being able to place steps on the ground, I would’ve enjoyed being able to decide which surface I want the bottom half of the blocks to be attached to. For instance, let’s say I wanted to place steps upside down for decorational purposes, I could; by looking at the surface from beneath.

  • Buying or selling from plinths is nice and all, but it’s a bit space-consuming. So I would rather have wanted if you could create specific storingblocks made for sale. That would certainly help to keep the “cities” more tidy.

  • Objectives are obviously not running as smoothly as one would’ve liked it to yet, but I won’t go into details as to which ones are and aren’t working as there are plenty of other topics covering this.
    However there is specifically one objective not currently working that has me a bit intrigued: to increase a beacon’s prestige. And that had me longing for certain objects that I feel that are missing. Not only for the sake of prestige, but also to reflect that we are indeed dealing with evolved and smart species: furniture. I would’ve loved to be able to create a dining-tabel and chairs that you could interact with.
    Another thought into this would be that when interacting with a chair, it could be linked to increased stamina-replenishment speed. And if a bed would join the mix, you could get an even faster recharge of both ones life and stamina for as long as you wanted to lay down.

  • I discussed this in the forums, and those that joined my discussion didn’t really see the need for it, but I want to suggest it either way: We were discussing how portals might cause a dreadful lag, especially when there are lots of portals within a certain vicinity. So I suggested that there should be a thing such as a “public portal”.
    This way, instead of shopkeepers of said city wouldn’t need to set up each their individual portals to get to wherever else they might have an establishment, be it on the same planet or elsewere. Instead everyone could somehow attach it to the city, so that depending on the player it would render their homes visible through the portal individually.
    And in order to keep the portal up and running people would have to donate so and so fuel to keep the portal running, and maybe even pay an admission fee for attaching your private coords to the portal. The owner of the public portal could interact with portal differently and get a list of all players and their home-coords attached to the portal and decide whether or not they are allowed to use the portal, depending on them not paying or generally misbehaving.

  • Buying from plinths: let’s say that the seller has smartstacks with same kind of blocks instide, but they are “incomplete”. By that I mean that some of the stacks inside might not be full, for instance one being 87, another 34 and one 17 and whatever, but you want to buy it anyways.
    So when the purchase is done and you have the smartstack in your inventory, and you want to tidy up and use what you already have - also same type of blocks - but you still can’t add more blocks to the ones that weren’t full, meaning you’re stuck with space-consuming and incomplete stacks untill you eventually use them all. Obviously a bug in need of fixing.

  • As mentioned time and time again by other players; that they want to have leaves dropping to the ground after a trunk is cut, but unlike most players I’ve come to understand that it might be hard to implement in such an open world environment due to the possibility of volatile and unecessary strain on the servers, so I won’t suggest it again, but I felt like mentioning it as the next point will be a bit related.

  • Say that you don’t have the need for leaves, however you need the trunks, so you go around chopping down as much as you need, but often more than rarely, the trunk-pieces higher up end up floating on the leaves, so you’ll need to chop down many leaves anyway, just to get the trunk-pieces that lodged themselves onto the leaves.
    So my suggestion is this: is it possible to make leaves and wood not collide with eachother once they’re cut? That they’ll fall right through the leaves and hit the ground instead? And likewise with leaves, that they won’t collide with themselves or trunks.

  • I might be stating the obvious here, but I’m gonna mention it anyways: The beacon has the option to give certain villagers of your settlement permissions, but there aren’t any other options than being able to add or remove a friend from your beaconed settlement. You can’t promote them from being villagers to becoming co-majors, and it seems that friends may still not be able to use your machines, nor may they place their own things on the landplots that the beacon covers. Should be fixed.


Ahaaaah yeah that makes sense… :thinking:

[quote=“luke-turbulenz, post:21, topic:7409”]
We want to encourage players to revive other players to avoid the death penalty and timer. We are looking at doing a death and respawn animation to better present this.[/quote]

Yeah, that would be an awesome addition. If it weren’t for your reply, I would definitely put it up there alongside the rest of my suggestions. Seems weird that the players just disappears with the blink of an eye. A smooth transition, whether you’re exiting the game or going to Sanctum or you’re dying, is deeply missed. :wink:

Another one to scratch off my list. :wink: will be adding your answer to my list if you don’t mind.

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DO I EVER…! :grin:

Even through it’s faults, I still prefer test over live. :heart_eyes: