[TEST-VERSION] Evergrowing list of improvement- and content-suggestions

I decided I would put my “new eyes” to good use, being a new user and all, and with this topic I attempt to address everything I personally think could be better, adjusted or even added to the game. I’ll use this one topic to constantly add new things as I encounter them, and I’ll do so by editing this text, restricting the updates to only one per day and simply adding a date to the new additions I might add underway.

EDIT: Given how the topic-text is limited to 32000 letters maximum, it seems I’m gonna have to reply to the topic instead. So make sure you scroll down to see the newer suggestions I’m posting with time!

EDIT: Also, if any of my points were to be realized, or another reason is given to do so, I will strikethrough those points in question.

First off, I would like to just confirm for everyone that the test-version is a HUGE step up from the live-version in ALOT of aspects of the game, or at least in opinion that is. I might even go as far as to say that the live-version is primitive and severely outdated, so I recommend people to endure any stability issues that the test-version might have and give it a whirl, because it’s REALLY worth it. The differences are amazing, and substantial at that!

And now, without further ado, here’s my list of observations as of

MAY 3RD 2017:

  • Issuing a “second command” simultanously with the secondary hand whilst using the first shouldn’t be an issue. To clarify: Say that you for some reason would want to have the light cube in one hand and dig with the other, than you shouldn’t need to stop what you’re doing just so that you can trigger the light cube before continuing what you were doing with the other hand.

  • Placing blocks seem ackwardly slow. As there’s currently no indication ingame that tells you that this relies on a skillset, I’m assuming it’s not, and therefore IMPO I feel that the “cooldown” between being allowed to place another block should be adjusted significantly.

Thanks for clarifying! Although I still believe that it should be just a tad faster in the beginning, or at least thoroughly explained through a pop-up hint or something, that this will get faster through skillset progression.

  • Even though it’s clearly not meant as an optimal solution, I still believe the duration of light that the light cube emits after activating should last just a tad bit longer, because it becomes more annoying rather than it makes sense and seems fair. After all, placing torches although using resources is a better choice altogether even though the devs might consider extending the duration.

  • Aesthetically speaking, I feel that hand animation should be more randomized and mirroring should be avoided. I know it might not be the simplest task, but also realistically speaking, if you were to move your hands the way you do in Boundless, you would end up looking pretty goofy. Also, there should be more movement to the hands while you’re running; noone is capable to keep their hands perfectly still in the same pose while they’re running.

  • There’s an “automatic volume adjuster” built-in that I’m not entirely sure if I like. For instance I would decide to play some other music in the background, but still want to be able to listen to the ambience and sounds in the game. Even though being cranked all the way to the top, everything just magically fades away whenever the music from another source is playing. I could be wrong, but I feel that is also a factor while you’re mining. The music and ambience just seems to “fade away” untill you stop and it slowly regains its volume.

  • Let’s say you’re like me; a new user, and you’ve reached out to the forums, and you’ve been recommended a specific coordinate you should travel to, and you start off in the Sanctum, the warpstone, attach it to the totem, and start aiming for the coords you’ve been given. However, even though you tried your best to hit the ray at the coords, you still end up quite a distance from where you initially wanted to end up. And that’s just annoying.
    I can see how that could be a thing that would seem appealing to a console-player; just point, click and play, but I for one would like to see the alternative to punch in the digits manually and hitting go instead of needing to find your way by foot instead. Or at least, being able to choose between the settlements by a list, and not from inaccurately choosing one with the totem.

  • The equipment slots, obviously being optimized for use on a console, is innovative, but not perfect. I find it frustrating that even though I know middle top one on the dial represents “1” on the keyboard with the following numbers represented clockwise on the dial, but even though I’ve placed the equipment I want in the slots I want them in, there’s like an “extra slot” that just makes a random combination into your hands. Let’s say that even though you were in slot 1 before making the adjustments you wanted: when you exit the inventory, you’re dealt with a hand combination that didn’t contain the equipment you assigned to slot 1. Mashing their representive buttons doesn’t get the combination I wanted them to be in, and I need to cycle back and forth once untill I get the hand combination I had initially set them to.

Like I discussed with @Spoygg in a reply to this topic, using “Q” + [mouse click] felt natural for him, however not so much for me. On the other hand, using “CTRL” (representing left hand) or/and “ALT” (representing right hand) + [mouse scroll] felt more natural to me, and thus personally improving the game-experience substantially.

But even after all that being said, not being told that initially as a part of a tutorial or tool-tip, you instinctively check the controls in the menu and try your best to memorize them, and end up using the mouse for the most part and still encounter the quirks that I feel should be ironed out and tweaked.

  • I think that one should be able to use one equipment more than in just one slot. What I mean by that is this: to make it easier to understand, we’ll just use the light cube as an example, because there’s only one of those, and you might want to make different combinations where you would like to use the light cube in your second hand. But the game doesn’t allow for more than one instance of the light cube being used in more than one slot, which then results in you needing to move equipment frequently so that you have to switch the light cube to whichever spot you currently need it in. It’s unecessary and tiresome, and badly needs a workover IMO…



Just a few heads up, placing blocks, gets faster with skill points spent on certain attributes.

As for the changing tools. You can use “Q” and the corresponding mouse click to change each hand independently. Also “Ctrl” or “Alt” and the scroll wheel. to change each hand individually.

Apart from that, you can also use the settings to configure. So that the scroll wheel just scrolls your primary hand.

Good suggestions btw.

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Also, te default is to include head-bob, which adds simulated movement to the hands, if you want your hands to move more try playing with the head bob on

Added first part about skillset progression related to block placement in the topic-text. :wink:

I’ll be sure to try the “Q” + [mouse click] and/or “CTRL/ALT” + [mouse scroll]. But even though you can choose to scroll just one hand instead of the set, I still think that you should be able to use the same item in more than just one slot. I’ve seen it in other games, and it works just fine. Seems like the more user-friendly choice instead of needing to use advanced key combinations or finetune settings to your preferred method.

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Do you care to elaborate? Imagine I’m the dumbest person there is and just explain to me what benefits there are to tweaking head-bob movement in correspondence towards the betterment of the “mirrored hand-animation”. :wink:

Left/right hand item choosing goes pretty well for me. I find it more intuitive and easy than in let’s say Minecraft or Creativerse. What I do is always keep same stuff in same hand and position, especially stuff I use often, e.g. left hand top is slingshot, left hand left is hammer, left hand right is shovel etc. So when I need to change the tool I just press Q and do a quick flick with left mouse button pressed to the side I want. In time I came to a point where I don’t even have to look to choose what I want.
Though I gotta admit I never liked choosing stuff with 1-9 so maybe this just suites my style more :smiley:
That also solves light cube trouble (i.e. one item in many slots) when you press Q you can change each hand separately. Also there is setting which allows you to have slot rings visible at all time or just when Q is pressed and some other options.

I haven’t had any such issues with sound. I play music from player and shut down game music.

EDIT: I’m glad you liked Test version more! I told you 161 is bringing good stuff :wink:

I’m referring to the sprinting and hand position, not the mirrored hand animation

Might be a matter of preferred playstyle. Being an oldschool computer gamer, choosing equipment (or weapon in most game-instances); using the digits just comes naturally for me. While the method your using might the most GUI dependent I feel, and therefore a bit more “console-friendly” approach.

But STILL I feel that being able to use one specific tool in more than just one slot should’ve been able. :wink:

Under normal circumstances I would’ve reported it as a bug, but the music/ambience/sound doesn’t simply “stop”, it fades, almost as if it was intended. Could still be something user-related, maybe some weird software-related issue tied with my soundcard or something, but I’ve yet to discover a setting that sounds remotely related to the issue, and I haven’t experienced it in any other games, so that is why I’ve listed it as a game-related issue, hopefully getting responses from other Boundless-players who can relate to my “problem”.

I’m glad I liked it too. :wink:

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The head-bobbing is defaulted to being on, but still I feel like I’m running like a robot. Just picture yourself running: would you still keep your hands straight in front of you? Or would you move them in motion with your body? Personally, I would’ve swung them independently back and forth… :thinking:

Great post and very comprehensive and informative feedback on your side, @KaKistoZ :sunglasses:

I must add one thing that was on my mind since I started playing testing 2 weeks ago -ish. The balance in daily and weekly objectives. At the moment they all follow the same pattern - daily ones count to 100 and weekly ones to 1000 in whatever you are asked to do.

Mining 100 stones or chopping 100 blocks of trunk or gathering 100 leaves is easy and takes a few minutes.
Killing 100 animals takes way longer, as you either wait for them to re-spawn (if you decide to “patrol” smaller area) or must travel miles (if you don’t want to be spawn-killer :wink:). So it’s either they get different requirements (if 100 for gathering then maybe 25 for killing animals) or the tougher tasks get you more xp and coin (if gathering 100 leaves gets you 1500 xp and 100 coin then killing 100 creatures should be worth some 5000xp and 300 coins).

Also - that 100/1000 count doesn’t seem to fit certain tasks - good example is the survivor objective asking you to play 2 hours without dying and still showing 0/100 count: is it asking you to go through 2-hour period 100 times (meaning 200 hundred hours of playing before the objective is completed)? or is it asking you to clock 100 hours (still massive 50 rounds of the 2-hour task)?


I haven’t gotten to it yet myself, but I’m sure I would’ve spotted the same issues underway. Although being obvious that balancing is - and will continue to be for quite a while - a consistent factor in issue-reports, I believe that the devs might prioritize other gamebreaking issues prior to those related to balancing, that is, unless it’s very severely unbalanced or with the tasks simply not working like they’re supposed to.

But either way, they’re still important to mention so that the devs might keep it in the back of their heads, so thanks for letting me know! And in which case I would like to ask you if it’s okay for you that I quote your reply into the topic-text as well, as I can’t possibly take the honor for spotting the balancing-issue?

You have complete freedom of quoting or just mentioning issues you read in mine posts without quoting at all. Issues as such are there to be discovered by players and most players will stumble upon them sooner or later (sure not all players will post and report).

point being - issues are not my intellectual property and neither are my reports, so no need to treat them like owner rights protected :wink:

appreciate your attitude of asking :sunglasses:

also there is a thread about general tutorial/objective system suitability, where I shared some thoughts, if you are interested: Progression system

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Let me assure you that character customisation is definitely coming. It’s a big feature though, so it’ll be a little while before it’s ready to go.


Added to the topic. :wink: I’m relieved that I can strikethrough that point lol…

MAY 4TH 2017:

  • Currently the crafting queue is restricted in the order you initiated a craft. If you end up choosing to craft something in an order you hadn’t intended, then you must manually cancel those crafts that were less prioritzed and re-add them to the queue. That’s happened more than once for me, so it becomes a bit tedious after a while. Instead I would’ve liked the option to (and I’m confident that I can speak on behalf of everyone) «drag and drop» to alter the order in which the queue was set, from most prioritized to least prioritized. If drag and drop isn’t doable, then instead just adding the feature to «move all the way to the top/move up one/move down one/move all the way to the bottom» when clicking the craft you want to alter.

  • I LOVE the smart-stacks! But in accordance to one’s preferation, I would’ve loved the option to choose whether or not to autostack into the smart-stacks when holding «SHIFT» and clicking [Left Mouse Button] when picking up finished crafts, because as of right now, they just end up taking up seperate, available slots, even though there’s already the same type of material in your inventory. And on that note, another option would’ve been preferred as well: «Take All» in the finished crafts slot-line, not needing to click each and every one if you need to grab them all anyway.

  • I’ve got several notes jotted down on paper about the music, and as I’m reading them I’m sensing a theme. Let me just start off by saying that the music is (albeit a bit minimalistic to my liking, and not as frequent as I personally want it to be) BEAUTIFULLY composed, and clearly there’s a true talent behind it, so my issues aren’t with it not being good enough. However honestly speaking, I think it’s way too-… how should I put this… Sad…? I mean, it’s okay to have the occasional calm and spiritual songs playing once in a while, but every session I’ve had ingame so far has led me to put on something more upbeat and happy in the background, something that screams «mystery/adventure/tropical/excitement/etc» because after a while the music tends to get too «depressing» and gives me conflicting emotions between what I’m doing and how the music makes me feel. And to ensure that I’m not being misinterpreted: KEEP the music, but add a majority of «happier tunes».

  • I love the new attributes-progression system that’s been implemented! But personally, based on the progression I’ve made over the last couple of sessions so far, I feel that they need a little work-over. I hate being blunt, but really there’s not other way to put this: If hypothetically taking the current start of the game as an indication that you’re being «born» (with currently no information revolving around the process) as a fullgrown, intelligent being, deriving supposedly from a long line of evolved feline species, then I can understand and forgive the need to learn how to «sprint» as a part of the skill-tree. But that doesn’t explain how you are able to swim from the beginning as surely learning to run is easier than learning how to swim? However, if this hopefully isn’t the case; that it was a split-second decision to make it a skill to run, then I implore you to please consider removing it.

  • If devs have run dry out of ideas as to what they could possibly replace run-skill from the «Core Skillset», then I have another idea that I would find both more immersive and believable: The ability to hand-craft. Realistically speaking, I think it’s a brilliant idea. The step-up from that would be to use the crafting bench and tier 1 crafting-recipes, and that’s already in the list, so it’s a perfect match.

  • Another skill I find odd however, is «learning to unlock compass»…? How does one go about, learning how to «unlocking compass» IRL? Frankly, I’m not nearly as bothered by that one as I am of needing to learn how to run, but instead of needing to learn how to «unlock compass» as a skill, how about implementing one of these two options in it’s place, either way ending in the same conclusion:

  1. After picking up the Light Cube and the Totem + Warp Stone, the Sanctum Guardian issues a hand gesture, implying that you need to come forth, and by doing so, he gives you a necklace-compass or something, never appearing as an actual item in your inventory (thus still not taking up space), but displays on top of the screen like always.

  2. After picking up the Light Cube and the Totem + Warp Stone, the Sanctum Guardian issues a hand gesture, implying that you need to come forth, and by doing so, he points the tip of his Totem and touches your forehead, imbuing you with a magical orientational skill (built-in compass).

  • After whichever option that the devs would think fits more to the feel of the game; apart from the traditional compass we’ve already been introduced to in both the live- and test-version, this compass doesn’t detect nearby establishments – yet; currently it only detects the direction (N,E,S,W).
    After the process of choosing where you want to teleport and going through the portal, and after chopping down some tree and leaves, you will earn you first five points, and instead of the compass being first skill on the «Core-tree», it could instead be called «The Sixth Sense» or something along that line, granting you the ability to sense where the nearby establishments are, like before.
    Also, doing it this way opens for new possibilites, such as further developing your «Sixth Sense» by also making it (for example) detect nearby Wildstock within a certain proximity, emitting a visual sonar wave on the compass. Endless possibilities.

  • The “Sanctum Guardian”: Beyond the script the NPC is programmed to follow, it loses it’s credibility as a mysterious, and assumingly allknowing “guardian” when it just stands there staring blankly into the void. And for reference, I managed to jump up on it’s “platform” and went on behind it, and I turn around and it’s still just standing the same way as always, staring into nothingness.
    I would’ve rather preferred that it’s eyes and head were “glued” on you and your movement, and also needing to turn if you came up beside or behind it. And also, if the devs insist on leaving the “interact” possibility with the NPC, then I would suggest that it would trigger it saying something uninterpretable and randomized mumbojumbo in it’s supposed language, like a pullstring doll; saying a couple of things when you pull it’s string. If not, just remove the text altogether after it’s served it’s purpose.

  • Where is Sanctum, and how come it sounds like there are exactly the same types of lifeforms residing there as those on the planet where you choose to teleport? IMO, there should be an apparent transition in the ambience from between being on the Sanctum side and crossing into the other side of the portal. Sanctum should have a calmer, more mysterious ambience to it IMO.

  • Picking up blocks should sound off a small, subtle chime of sorts, to make it more clear to the player that he really picked up the blocks he stepped over.

  • Depending on what tool you are holding, their respective blocktype upon which they are applicable, should get a highlighted border arond the blocks that the crosshair is pointing on. For example, holding a hammer when you’re looking at tree-blocks wouldn’t do anything, however looking at rocks would highlight a border around the block the crosshair is aiming for. Likewise would holding an axe while looking at rocks do nothing, whilst highlighting when looking at tree-blocks.

  • If not already skill-based; at least the initial “attraction power”, or should I call it “attraction proximity” upon which the blocks are being “sucked” towards the player should IMO be adjusted so that it’s just a little bit higher.

  • Although the graphical differences between the live-version and test-version are insanely different, with the test-version definitely being the absolute step in the right direction, what with the lighting and lushful colors and whatnot; I STILL feel (and don’t get all riled and pissed off) that even though using sloped blocks makes the game feel softer as well as opens for opportunities in terms of building, I’m still feeling that the “outlying blocks” should have just a tiny, if only just a microscopic, roundness to their “edges”, just to make it feel a bit more lifelike.
    And I know that the blocks already aren’t all a 100% squares as there’s a hint of tilt on the sides, making it appear that every block is unique, but just that little extra would’ve made a significant difference. However, I also know that even though it’s running on that powerful (original) built-from-the-grown Turbulenz-engine; that every engine has it’s limitations as to what’s worth spending valuable development time on, trying to achieve.

  • Even though relatable to the previous point, I felt like it should deserve to stand on it’s own: Ores, artifacts and everything else that’s lodged into a rock-block: it would’ve been much more aesthetically impressive to have the blocks with something in them with not only rendered, flat 2D textures, but either textures that in fact are three-dimensional, with the ores and whatever sticking out of the block, or at least makes it appear like it’s sticking out, but is in fact still 2D.

    (picture for referral/example purposes, taken from “SkySaga: Infinite Isles”)

  • The constant head-movement of your character: I fail to see how that would make your character seem natural and lifelike. I would much more have liked it if the character looked directly where your crosshair is aiming, and also having a slight, natural body-movement while standing still. However, the animation should still be there, but only if the gamer is AFK for certain amount of time, and thus the character begins to “animate” on it’s own, perhaps performing more animations than just “checking it’s surroundings”, like scratching his head or shaking it’s foot and arms or something. And also, it wouldn’t happen just as often as it’s currently programmed to do it.

  • Needless to say really, but the game’s obviously missing an aesthetically pleasing and alluring “intro” with possibly a cutscene to introduce you to a bit of the lore, building up the hype for what lies ahead, making you eager to enter and explore the wonderous worlds of Boundless, and thereafter a title-screen/menu of sorts, but I had to mention it due to my follow-up point:

  • As I believe I’ve mentioned earlier in some of my other topics, I feel that instead of being able to simply change your player-model ingame, it’s obvious that the game lacks a fully scaled character customization to start it off with, and maybe unlike how other MMO’s do it you wouldn’t need to select special traits, because of the attributes and skill-tree ingame, but I guess that goes without saying.
    However if this weren’t already obvious or at all planned that the game needs a character customization, then I would be really sad about it, because being a unique individual is important IRL and shouldn’t be any different in Boundless, and if the plan all along was to be able to change that midgame by browsing through readymade models in it’s finished state, then the game would simply come off as unpolished.

THANK YOU for reassuring that this doesn’t need to be on my list anymore. :wink:

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MAY 5TH 2017:

  • I’m okay with the warp conduit stones being squares when you have them in your inventory, or when you pick them up. However aesthetically speaking, once placing them in the correct order to form the portal, I feel like it would be cool to see the warp conduits transform into a “rounded” and somewhar chiseled square shape before it’s notifying you that it’s ready to be activated by the totem. Also, hitting the warp conduits with the totem should have like a “flashy transition”, some cool effect, instead of just turning into a portal.

  • I think that the ambience should have it’s own volume-settings. There are in fact alot of times where I wouldn’t mind escaping or at least decreasing the sound of the crickets for the benefit of hearing other sounds better.

  • Another cool feature would’ve been to change it so that when the tool or weapon or whatever breaks, that there would be an animation indicating the tool actually breaks whenever it’s durability has run out, instead of just “stashing it away” like the game currently does.
    Also, although maybe not an easy one to implement, is to display stages of procedural damage inflicted on the equipment, with cracks and whatnot to the texture, similar to that when you break a block.

  • The way tools take damage for every placed hit is upon a block is I realistically appealing I guess. However I would’ve preferred that instead of the tool taking damage for every hit, that it instead would take it’s toll after succesfully mining each block.
    So basically instead of having the durability based on a number of hits placed, that instead it would be based on a number of blocks mined, where perhaps stronger blocks taking longer time also would take a bigger toll on the tool.
    The main reason I have for wanting it to be this way is because often more than rarely, I find myself halfway into mining into a block and having my tool destroyed. And when I’ve run out of spare tools to pick up where the other tool left off, I have to find my crafting table, wait for new ones to be crafted, and return to a block that has regenerated itself, and thus making me spend more of my tool’s durability than necessary.

  • However, if the devs insist on keeping the “damage received per hit”-aspect of a tool’s duration, then I suggest while already being realistic; letting the blocks you were working on stay just as broken as you left them untill the world decides to regenerate, that is if it’s actually within the boundaries of a landplot.
    And if that isn’t doable either, then well, at least make it stay halfway damaged a while longer, so that you’re given a better chance to get back, make a new tool and make it back in time to finish it.

  • Refining stone should be done via a seperate machine and shouldn’t be dependent on a recipe. Also, the difference from being crude materials to refined should be a bit more apparent, as the differences aren’t really all that different, or at least the majority of the blocktypes. Refined stone should almost look like perfect tiles IMO.

  • I feel that there should be an exception among a few select blocks, such as the beacon, making it so that you’re able to lift it up and put it down somewhere else if you’ve misplaced it, but still leaving the ability to destroy the beacon.
    If it was intended that the players should suffer a consequence for misplacing the beacon, needing to replace it, then really instead there should be a durability to it. This means that in usage this means that in time the beacon would get destroyed from using fuel in it, UNLESS the devs would make it possible to repair it with the spanner.

  • I guess there’s alot of temporary solutions in the game, but I just need to be assured that at least I’ve mentioned them: the lack of a “dying-animation”. And I don’t get why there’s 10 seconds cooldown before you get to respawn? I mean, I understand some cooldown, but 10 seconds seems exaggerated.
    I would’ve liked it better if there was like a “third person moment”, zooming out of your first person perspective or whichever perspective you were using at the moment, and while witnessing your own death; something magical, like a ray of light could shine down on your lifeless body twirling around it and start to elevate your body from the ground, untill you disappear with a flash, and thus magically making the player reappear in Sanctum, once again alive to roam the land of the living.

  • I wasn’t entirely sure if it was me doing it wrong or if it was a bug or something, but I soon discovered that it wasn’t. The simplest thing ever: Eating. You equip food in any hand, and clicking it doesn’t really do anything, but when you press and hold the hand-button where you’ve placed the food, it surely starts off like you would’ve presumed it would; you bring the food closer to your mouth, but then I was baffled about nothing happening, but after a few tries I discover that after 5 solid seconds of pressing and holding the button, just staring at the food, the character suddenly does sort of like a “cheers!” gesture, and consumes the food.
    Please don’t tell me that “eating faster” is a skill-feature, because making it a skill would’ve been the weirdest decision done to a game ever. I could tolerate however, not tempering with how fast the player stuff food into it’s mouth, but instead making the healing-process progressive instead of instant, with the skill of maybe being able to have faster healing-progression after consuming health-regenerative items.
    EDIT: It is kinda fixed IMO. At least now, your hand gives off a movement with the hand your holding the meat in, suggesting that you are in process of digesting the food. However, I would’ve loved it if we could see actual bites being taken into the food untill it’s fully consumed.

  • I think that the current state of how the beacon operates, with the barely visible, white-tinted square defining the area it’s covering seem somewhat confusing and gives a bad overview of what’s covered or not. It should instead consist of a more visible, bold, highlighted grid, showing every square that’s covered by the beacon.
    Also, saying this without really knowing how the Turbulenz engine works; after planting a beacon somewhere, I would rather have preferred to have been dealt a number of squares and draw a grid yourself manually with your mouse, so that you could decide for youself what parts of that landmark you would prefer to have protected by the beacon.

  • I get that the reason for having a countdown before leaving for Sanctum is so that you may regret and cancel. But is it really necessary? Wouldn’t it be easier to just have a message-prompt along the lines of “Do you really want to leave for the Sanctum? YES/NO”? Seems a bit excessive and time-consuming to have the “timer-approach”.
    The transition between initiating the travel and getting there should also have a more elegant transition instead of just INSTANTLY ending up in Sanctum after the timer has counted down. For instance the characer could kneel and do some spiritual gesture with his hands or something, and it would summon a ray of light to bring the player to Sanctum?

  • Another case of presumably known work-in-progress issue: animal enitity AI. The Wildstock unknowingly commits suicide by jumping into water without as much as trying to float or swim to the surface, just hitting the bottom like a rock, and just staying there till they’re dead.
    And the Roadrunners, well… If planned ahead and in most cases actually, not needing to; you can easily kill them without the grappling hook. You just chase them either into a mountain gorge or just simply a tree, as it will constantly just keep running into the direct opposite direction from where you’re coming from, and thus making it possible to just stand right next to it and just whack it with a tool untill it’s dead. Needless to say, the AI needs to be adjusted independently and specific to each individual creature and desired behaviour so that they are more aware of their surroundings and approaches it more cleverly.

  • When there are players approaching the start of the game the way I did, after having played games with familiar sandbox survival environments, they immediately start to gather alot of materials without being instructed to. So it’s a real bummer when you’re finally being ready to take on the objectives you’ve been given, only to realize that even though you would’ve actually completed the objective ages ago after mining and crafting if you jusr had activated the objective prior to the mining.
    Let me clarify by using my gameplay thus far as an example: I’ve covered the basics, placed the campfire, placed the beacon, set up base, crafted the crafting table and furnace, started to craft all sorts of things and started to grind for materials. And when you’re finally ready to proceed, you get tasks such as “crush so and so stones with a tree-hammer” or “collect so and so tree trunk blocks with a tree-axe”, and you’ve already crafted yourself a bunch of tier 1 stone-tools and already mined like over 400 blocks of each, but since the game only keeps after triggering an objective, it ignores everything done prior to activation.
    And to top that off, after braving through those missions like a good soldier, even after already placing and establishing base, you’re given an objective to travel to a new region and set up base, even though you’ve already done that.
    Not knowing what people prefer the most, and surely there are those players out there that feels the current objectives are fair and fine just the way they are, but I for one (and I can’t possibly imagine being the only one) would’ve liked it so that the game tracks both your progress and inventory all the way from the start.

  • A seperate point, as I felt it deserved it’s own paragraph: I don’t see the point in having objectives that are restricting you to using this and that tier of tool to mine this and that type of block. When put as an objective, the more valuable the ore is, the better tools you need to mine them anyway, so why bother. It really just adds to the pool of unnecessary frustration.

FIXED! There are no longer objectives that require that you use a specific tier of tool to do them, just as long as it’s the type of tool that the objective requires you to have. However, what’s not fixed on the other hand, is that if you already have the tool you need prior to activating the objective, you still need to craft a new one before it registers as “obtained”. I am still a strong supporter of the game tracking your inventory and progress even if the objective hasn’t been activated yet.

  • Not certain if this already is, or is planned as a skill-based feature, but the ability to jump two blocks at the time, either by just by holding the jump button longer, or by adding double-jump as a skill-feature instead, would be a brilliant addition to the game.
  • Maybe not a suggestion that sits well with everyone, but from a realistic point of view, I think that the slingbow should be a two-handed weapon. Think about it: If not loading up the slingbow with ammunition with a second hand, then how does the slingbow magically reload ammunition and pull back the string by itself if only held by one hand? And as the name implies; it’s a sling-weapon, thus meaning you must hold the weapon with one hand and load the sling with the other.

  • Seperate point but still related to the previous point: The slingbow should have ammunition. Perhaps being able to extract pebbles/small rocks from stone or gravel. Making the slingbow a two-handed weapon could simultanously solve the part about where to place ammo, because the second hand could hold ammo.
    If these ideas were to ever be implemented there could be several different ammo-types as you’re learning new crafting tiers that could do greater damage than those standard-issue ones.

  • I don’t like how the current sloped tree-trunks look as they reveal the tree’s graining in it’s texture, and it just ends up looking unnatural. An easy fix could simply be to replace the texture on the sloped side with the tree’s bark-texture. It should however still show it’s graining on the side which is not showing outwards.

  • Again with missing hand/character-animation: swimming and creeping. Animation missing is not the case in third person swimming, but creeping in 3rd person is. The difference in movement is notably different and gives the correct motion in terms of swimming and creeping. However they both lack its corresponding animations in 1st person as the hands still appear like they do otherwise.

  • To make it possible to choose whether or not to toggle or hold the assigned key to creep and run. For example two seperate flip-switches between on/off for “Toggle run” and “Toggle creep” in the menu for control schematics.

  • Some might find it useful, and some might find it annoying: making current coords a part of the existing GUI. Placement should be right underneath or on top of the compass, underneath the SP bar, or on the upper right corner. The players should also be able to turn this on/off in the menu, with the default being off. I’m aware that double-tapping “.” will bring forth all you need, but it just looks plain messy and not especially pretty to look at.

  • We’re all aware about many of the objectives currently being buggy, but who’s to say that that won’t also happen in the future, even in the finished product. No game is ever a 100% free of bugs, no matter the state of the game. Which is why I suggest this: to add a small icon somewhere on each objective, representing “bug report” ingame, so that a window pops up upon clicking it. In that window you may write an explanation to further elaborate on the bug, and afterwards clicking send to send the report directly to the ones taking care of them.

  • For the sake of simplicity: When you change the camera-angle to inverted third-person, the controls should become inverted as well, so that basically the controls would stay the same, meaning that instead of the character moving forwards when inverted camera-mode is activated, it would move the character backwards.

  • Haven’t located one yet, but if there’s not one; there should be button to trigger a “camera-mode” so that GUI and crosshair disappears, enabling better-looking screenshots to share.

  • The ability to rotate blocks after placing them. Initially how this would work is when you’ve placed a workbench for example; the character would stand still when placed, but when your moving the mouse, the object in question would spin according to your mouse-movement, and when you’re pleased with a direction, you just click the same button you placed it with once more, and the object will have the direction you wanted, and again re-enabling you to move your character.

  • The objectives in general needs a do-over. I know I’ve touched the subject earlier, but it needs to be said that there’s no point, display of skill or fun what so ever by being forced to mine gravel with a hammer. Sorry for being blunt, but really… It’s the kind of jokes you pull off on a apprentice. It’s funny once, not a whole 100 times (not necessarily accurate towards a specific objective, just making an example).

FIXED! :wink:

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It’s already a skill, for double jump and jump height

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GUI gets taken away when you press " . " once i think it is

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Thanks for notifying. :wink: Added answer to my suggestion.

Hm… Not the most obvious choice IMO. Should’ve had another more dedicated binding, or a part of changing camera-modes… :thinking:

Think of this debug-view as a temporal feature which will leave us in the final version … But til then we may have other ways to see coordinates (or find ways to locate us or wanted locations :wink: ) … so “.” is ok as a binding ^^

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