Testing 168 - Report issues here

Same here :sob:

I noticed this too, with the wildstock in Solum (which I think is the only world active in testing).

not shown a cleanse points

While wandering around I came upon someone’s house from underground. It was closed off by a locked trapdoor. I didn’t want to walk all the way back from where I came, so I went back to Sanctum. Then, I noticed the warp back location was inside the house! So I walked through and got into someone’s locked house. I was stuck inside, but used the same trick to get out - went to Sanctum, walked through warp, and I was then on the roof of the house and left.

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I also noticed this, always the portal from sanctum are placed not on that spot from which i logoff

The warp from sanctum will try to go to exactly where you last were, but if its not a viable position it has to search elsewhere (eg ceiling too low, or you were right next to a wall so that half the 2x3 would be inside the blocks). The search is farily dumb, just going up and down a bit before giving up and going to a “spawn somewhere nearby on the surface”. It should avoid peoples beacons however, but its possible for say, half the warp to be in a beacon, and half outside potentially if the beacon border isn’t underground.

There is however, a path in the spawn logic of the warp exit right now that may, end up putting it into a beacon if that beacon is directly below/above the location.

And of course, all this assumes the beacons are private… which is something people have to “choose” to set on their beacons.

Hello, thought it would be worth commenting on this. The original iteration of the the jumps was not implemented properly as we originally intended you to jump 4 blocks high with the 5th being accessed with the ledge climb skill. That’s still pretty high.

Boundlesss in Early Access will go through constant balancing changes and we’re looking at the feedback, how people are playing the game and reacting to those factors.

We’re currently trying to balance the amount of damage inflicted by different creatures, so this should change in a later release at some point.

We haven’t been able to reproduce this so far. Does it happen every single time for you?

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If I understand this correctly, is this about the menu on the right not showing the Cleanse Points information next to where it says how many Skill points are available?

Out of interest, can you try this with a different character?

I commented on the “one-hit-wonder” kill in the release advice thread. If Solum is intended to be a start-up world the current vulnerability and offensive hit configurations for these are too high–not only do they hit too hard, they’re too hard to dispatch.

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There are 3 worlds in the Testing version.

Correct!!! i’m just uploaded not right screenshot, sry

And they’re too $%#^@&*! aggressive.

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So, here is my feedback: there is not much point in jumping 4 blocks in height! Suppose you can jump to 4 blocks, you have 3 blocks to create something. But to be sure of the success of the jump, you need to leave in reserve another block or two. You have 2 blocks - it’s easier to put two steps and that’s all.
Maybe you’ll think about complicating the achievement of the maximum of this skill, simply adding in the last few abilities of Agility the coefficient increasing the height of the jump?

Simply increasing the character’s ability to be more mobile, you increase the number of unique ideas for construction, which means - more variety. And if you reduce mobility then, it seems to me, people will try to compensate this shortcoming by creating more portals. Please think about it.

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This isn’t for feedback on changes, it’s to report issues. I’m sure devs are trying out different settings on skills. Any opinions you might have, you can write them on the testing 168 or on a separate thread. Where more people can join in and discuss


Wouldn’t you use a grapple?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Testing 168: Tweaks, Fixes and Performance!

It happened every time for a day or so before I posted that. When I ported back to sanctum today, it was working fine for me. If it happens again, I will try to replicate it across different character models.

Another issue I found is the text doesn’t wrap on these

additionally, the objective for “Building a Portal Part II: The source” isn’t working for me. As you can see with the image above, it recognizes the first 2 of 3 steps, even though I’ve opened my first ever portal since the update. Mine goes to vulpto tho, instead of somewhere on Solum, not sure if that could be the problem?

For random nitpicking, here, foliage isn’t capitalized, but the same lead word in similar feats (e.g., Flowers, Soil) are capitalized.

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Thanks. We needs this level of attention to detail… :thumbsup:


every issue is relevant, this game must reach perfection. PLEASE report everything with the utmost detail, and also please don’t report that you “don’t know” things. FInd them out! Be a scientist! No one is benefited by “sorry idk, too lazy to check out the bug in more detail :/” BE THE QA EXTENSION THE DEV TEAM NEEDS YOU TO BE.