Testing 187: Brews, Bombs, Rage, Focus, Revive and Atlases!

Well done devs. :clap::clap: This is unbelievably awesome :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Stupid question, for the life of me i cannot see where or how to jump on a test server. Rebooted steam, the game, the computer. Steam Store page of boundless still shows 186 as the latest news.

Steam says its the latest update already. Any help please? What Am I obviously missing?

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thnx, under properties


It’s a revival!


Do the power coils on the testing server represent a finished product?
Are the T1 coils really just going to become useless once the T2s are crafted?
What makes them function? The original 720 spark invested in crafting them?
The T1 coils seriously only generate 1 power TOTAL?
There is no way to boost that other then to stack 15 of them around 1 crafting machine?
They only connect to one machine at a time!?!?!?!?!?!
There is no crafting time reduction provided from them or no adjustments to crafting times with this update (Edit for clarity: for recipes that don’t require power)!?
Each machine type requires it’s own set of coils?

I NEED POWER TO COMPACT COAL NOW!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

All of this is now useless:


New Feature: ENGINES

  • Engines are used in upgrade machines, increasing their Power.
  • Engines are placed near to the machine it upgrades, but with an air gap, and when correctly placed links to the machine with a power beam.
  • Some recipes require a certain amount of Power to craft them.
  • Standard engines provide a small amount of power, advanced engines provide a larger amount of power.
  • If your machine has more power than a recipe requires then that recipe completes faster.
  • Like machines, Engines need to be repaired, but this must be done with the correct type of Engineering Spanner

Aye, I read all of that. It does nothing to answer my questions.

Still waiting for my first T2 power coil, but yeah 15 stacked T1 power coils just make it is a little off to me.

For anyone who has been playing for at least a few months and has a good stockpile going, it would take maybe only a few days of crafting and they could have all this set up. Maybe less if they have a really nice stockpile.

New to the game? You’re screwed. Enjoy your cooked meat. It takes spark & power just to make pie. Mmmmmm, tasty coal flavored starberry pie. My favorite.

The Hunting Creatures Objective requires accuring a slingbow, defeating 5/5 creatures and gathering 5 animal drops - which I haven’t been able to do despite collecting tallow, bones, meat and viscous blood. The strongest category I’ve attacked is ‘stout’ creatures so far.

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Vulpto doesn’t have aggressive mobs beyond level 3 (so, strong ones are the highest tier there)
meaning you would need a group of players triggering high tier meteorite to spawn mighty and elite cuttles and spitters

EDIT: just a side note - it doesn’t have anything to do with that objective not completing from what I can see


Small request in the test server. Can the cleanse button be used more than 3 times? It’s awesome that we can change resets every 15 minutes in there. Helps out with testing so much.


It is near impossible to spawn a strong cuttle. I get plenty of strongs on all other mobs. It was taking me Forever to run test because of searching the entire test server for strong cuttles.


I get where your coming from, but still remember this game is in early access. We ARE the test dummies, they will test stuff that might not make sense, but there’s no reason to get frustrated. They are simply just testing stuff, that’s what you do during an early access game, test to see what works and what doesn’t


Thanks you guys for the amazing list of new features. You guys are doing a phenomenal job surpassing many of our expectations! I hope to put together a detailed and levelheaded list of my concerns (if I have any) after talking more with the community to see where we stand with some of the new features. Y’all are killin’ it! <3


Thanks for spotting this. I think the creature drop category has been changed so I’ll take a look and fix it if I can.


I feel like Stamina is going to cause so many issues, especially because firing a grapple, weapon, or swinging a hammer/axe etc dents it a lot. I was talking to my bestie last night and we were trying to figure out any other game where firing a weapon costs stamina. We couldn’t think of any (that’s not so say there aren’t any, but between us we came up with none). I also can’t figure out the logic in implementing Stamina for anything other than running - even gradually decaying stamina when running in a game is frustrating, for example Ark, but it does work well, however I can’t see the benefit of its implementation into Boundless other than forcing players to craft what will likely be a massive amount of food to keep it topped up (thereby also sinking precious skill points into cooking).


And expending pack space for food, too. I wasn’t a huge fan of the stamina dynamic the last time I saw it, and based on the board postings since 187 went up, I’m dreading getting this on Live.

After reading the notes I think the game is going to lack balance, and be tilted entirely on the side of the critters. Do the critters get hungry or run out of stamina? The cheetah might be able to run at over 65mph, but that’s in bursts, not jogs. Will they have to stop to eat in order to continue attacking me?


It is up to the player how they play with this mechanic.

Players can either:

  • Upgrade their energy regen to regen faster
  • Upgrade their max energy to perform more attacks
  • Consume brews to instantly recover missing energy
  • Consume brews to stop consuming energy for a period of time
  • The more actions you perform the more hungry you get which limits your maximum energy
  • Eating food is how you remove the hunger but higher end foods will give you some form of a stat buff