Testing 210: Guilds and Messaging++!

Wow, exciting stuff! Looking forward to it.

At one point i think you guys were saying we could join any number of guilds, what’s the reason for the limit now?

Is there any minimum prestige or player requirements to this? Just wondering if as a solo player I could create the “Don’t absorb me bro” guild if one of my neighbors gets too close.

Some people use alts to share an account between family members. This change doesn’t seem good for them. Is account sharing not going to be supported moving forward?

I can’t grok what this is trying to say; can you clarify?

Which color applies when a guild members is also a friend, blur or green?



IDK, it is called foot fall after all :wink:

I think you meant diaper…
(real) Pants plox!

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They appear to need “endeavour” to activate as well.Guilds It’s a collective effort as the devs mention they discuss people not joining guilds so guilds don’t need to be a must. Now if you do want to be in a guild you will have access to messaging and more controls. Buffs are just a nice addition that requires cooperation. Is optional, if they want the buffs a group will work for it if not they can still take advantages of the other features. We all know how to make money in this game if you decide not to, hope that other guild members are helping in that area but that is the great thing about cooperation.

I agree that’s exactly how footfall works and we all played with this feature since it was first introduce so there are no surprises but until the devs introduce the tax system or something else to distribute coin we got to work around it. Now like I mentioned if Bob wants a guild he will still have many awesome features available to them. The buffs are not the only extraordinary addition with guilds.

Edit: fix some grammar and typos

If it works the way I understood when I talked to them, your Settlement will still stay but might be encompassed by a bigger settlement. Think like Big City versus the smaller cities in it.

This sounds good, but I have concerns about coin being one of the factors in guild progression. The value of coin in this game has been extremely unstable and there is no dependable in-game activity that you can do to gain coin. Unless the amount of coin needed is trivial, there will be active guilds who get stuck because they don’t have good ways to drive traffic to their settlements, and the 2 main ways to gain coin: footfall and selling things rely on the activities of non-guild players. I also worry about a massive coin sink being introduced when the economy has already been pretty anemic and this encourages players to spend coin on their guilds rather than other players’ stores.

Coin is poor mechanic for guild progression because gaining coin primarily depends on the actions of players outside the guild. Instead all guild progression should be tied to things guild members can gather, make, or do.


Don’t you think that’s fair though? Why does a remote guild with no money, no stores should have the same buffs as a well oil machine of a guild? There will also be levels to buffs so might wanna check testing and so should I to see how affordable the lesser buffs are. Anyone got numbers yet?


@james The guild items aren’t in the list of the Give Item menu on testing


Because it’s a Guild, not specifically a Merchant Guild. Also, if balanced right, a guild that is 1 or 2 people out in the woods should still have a hard(er) time getting the better buffs compared to a guild of 20 people playing 10 hours a day.

This would be a moot point if there were any way to generate coin other than footfall and deleting/remaking alts.

Edit: Also, thinking about Endeavor, I have a concern. This creates even more incentive to do mass table crafting power leveling. I don’t know that I like more tangible benefits being added to 3x3 mining when that is already “the best” thing to be doing in game.


The issue I think @Kal-El is trying to get to is “guilds” and how they work should not be linked to a coin and economy or most importantly a “location” model. Many can have a great guild but if we aren’t the 2 plots beside a main hub or super city then the game is still supporting one group over another.




I’m looking forward to seeing what the effect of daily footfall has for the overall economy. Hopefully by mid January we will see if the economy starts moving in a positive direction.


yesssssss… :sunglasses:


Oooh I can’t wait to see how much this’ll take to get, exciting!

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When are backers able to preclaim the guildname?



I CAN NOT WAIT! Hopping on test tonight! Thanks sooooo much!

We got pants?


Yeah but when and how do we do that? XD

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The Syndicate approves.

Well this came sooner than i expected :grimacing:

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Wait what… pants?

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