[Testing] 210 Guilds - Tag Issues / Names

a) Upon attempting to create our previously established guild tag we were denied. The tag is: ]i[
b) Upon creating a guild name no spaces are allowed or special characters
c) You all automatically add [ ] (brackets) around the guild tag.

In regards to issue C

  • while it is a common practice to use brackets for guild tags, there are many established guilds in the game and in the broader gaming community that do not use brackets. Some use }, or | (pipe XYZ | name ), or ] (reverse brackets), -, #, etc.
  • please allow people the ability to select and create the WHOLE TAG and not limit us to a select design of tag. You are impacting current players for no reason. If there is a reason then please communicate why.

In regards to issue B

  • obviously some guilds have multiple words with spaces needed
  • also some guilds use some special characters in replacement of normal characters - like | (pipe), “_” underscore, etc.

In regards to issue A -

  1. It appears that the game does not allow you to use a single character for a guild tag.

— Please allow 1-5 characters not 2-5. As known from previous guilds already in the Boundless “1 character” is needed. Additionally, many guilds throughout the gaming world have a single character in their tag.

  1. Only alphanumeric, -, and a small subset of Alt codes are allowed in guild tags (and names) it appears.

— Please allow additional characters for tags. Guilds use “.”, special characters (like !, #, ^, etc), and other characters like } or ] (reverse bracket) or | (pipe) or \ or / or ~ or + or _, and many other characters.

While obviously you might need to watch for injection techniques and other concerns. You allow for HEX code coloring and some other special character in different scenarios so it is assumed that the game can easily accommodate these characters for our guild tag and guild name.

  1. See the comment about putting brackets around tags automatically and denying the people the ability to create the WHOLE tag we use.

As known, one of the first in game guilds for Boundless cannot use their game tag because you all are not allowing us the ability to create our whole tag or use reverse brackets - ]I[. Additionally, there are other guilds like [P.U.R.E.] that will be affected and a few others.

@vdragon / @James can you ensure these notes get to the developers for consideration before Guild production release because the current mechanic will adversely affect previously established guild names since EA and people that have supported this game consistently.

If there are reasons you all have these limitations around the guild names and tags then please share why. Otherwise please keep the game more open with options especially since you have people that are using guild tags and names that have been here for years supporting you, yet the current design makes their guild name/tag unusable. Thanks…


Well put, and agreed!

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Doubtful since there’s only 26 possibilities. :slight_smile:

And you can create the WHOLE tag, it’s just being displayed with brackets around it. So yours should be shown as i, nothing wrong with that, but the system must allow it of course. And if people want to do stuff like [{test}] or [|test|] totally up to them I suppose?

The name is P.U.R.E., so PURE as a tag is totally acceptable. There’s absolutely no need for the extra . between each letter

What you’re saying is true, (other than being able to do []i[] because brackets aren’t available) but not the point. If there isn’t an explicit reason to force the outside brackets, it seems just better to not include it at all. Allow folks to have control over their tags and names.

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Guilds with one name can expect to have a tag of 1 character. So it isn’t doubtful… it is possible. Hence being possible, it should be possible in the game.

Incorrect. Tested and those characters are not allowed.

Yes something is wrong because that is not the tag. The tag is: ]i[ and people with tag of {test} should have that tag not [{test}]. I am saying that it should be up to them and the devs should not put limitations.

The leaders for the PURE guild can certainly choose what tag is ok for them. But for other guilds that might want a “.” in their name, it should be allowed.


Still very much dountful that MANY guilds out there use a 1 letter gild tag since there are only 26 characters…

It’s just being displayed with around it.

No, the tag is displayed BETWEEN [ and ], those are NOT a part of the tag.
So any special characters that they will allow will appear BETWEEN [ and ] unless of course they change that.

It’s just a display thing, the tag is displayed beteen those 2 symbols, doesn’t mean they are part of the tag. So if the system would allow a tag of ]i[ then it would, as it is currently, be displayed fully and correctly as: i

Sure, I agree, but tags are supposed to be short hand for the long name and therefor have to be short, adding all kinds of special chars and even a length of more than 4 is weird to me.

But you can’t use ]'s in your tag, so ]i[ isn’t possible.

That I get, yes, still, [ and ] when displaying the tag is not part of the tag just a display thing.

Then you gotta wonder if ]i[ is a nice tag to even want to allow, but that’s for the devs to decide, not me…

Yes if the is part of the displace of the “tag” then fine. Still as many people are aware groups decide the WHOLE tag including all characters that surround it.

So adjusting this design to support existing guilds should be a non issue overall and gives the ability for more flexible tags. Hence why I raised the issue and the impact on existing guilds that have been supporting the game.

Thanks for the feedback. I’ll take a look at the limitations here and see what flexibility we have.

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FYI - we’re reworking the Guild Name and Guild Tag input to allow for more flexibility.



James, thank you very much for looking into this and providing more flexibility!

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