Testing 218: Exoworlds, Blink, Rift and Umbris!

I disagree with this since a beginner absolutely wants to gain XP faster, I know I did! And there’s more teaching foods than just the pie, the lower ones are much easier to make!


That nerfs XP food. I’m sorry I rather have 0XP from rock->stone than nerfing teaching foods. Also letting them expire whilst logged off is a seriously bad idea and is not going to help, then I just go away very far, a portal hop perhaps, can even make a 1x2 portal to other side of planet where I have a stash of teaching pies so when logging back in I can eat one and step thru the portal and still get the same effect ALL THE WHILE it forces people to use up the teaching foods before logging off in all other situations! Nah uh.

Talk about making the game un-fun.

Not a fan of this one either.

There is a reason why even a high level player would want to use rock->stone and it’s simply because they might need some more plots for something they want to make while not spending money. If they don’t have it or are not willing to spend it for plots then they won’t suddenly start doing it after the nerf either but will be severely limited all of a sudden with what they can do.

Besides, like R3D I use a heck of a lot of brick in my builds and the normal gain in XP is going to be lower PLUS I can’t use it on purpose either to get a few more plots quickly.

And all the other suggestions trying to mess with teaching food will make matters actually even worse for how I use them. I always am in need of more plots which means I do many activities with one active so I gain XP faster.

Any solution that is going to make sure I will be able to gain less plots in the end is a bad solution in my book.

And of all the possible ones I rather have 0xp from making stones than any of the others.

That’s not what he’s saying tho.

If I decide to spend the whole day mining with teaching pies on and I gain 1000’s of cubits a day with that is it an exploit? Crafting items gives XP, is it an exploit if you do so? Why is this then an exploit? I don’t see it as one, it’s just smart use of the game mechanics.

Making this change will give players less plots to play with if they are doing mass rock->stones on purpose for gaining plots or not and am not sure that is the right way to go.

Do I have a better solution? Not really…

So is using a forged gem hammer to mine also something where we have to consider players still using iron ones or is it ok that we have the knowledge (or coin) to acquire a forged gem hammer?

Players learn quickly enough they get XP from crafting, once they become higher level and can gather more rocks it is only normal to then think it might give the same XP still but with larger chunks due to having more rocks.

I really do not see it as a problem.

Would you explain why it is a problem that needs to be solved?


Right, and we’re not talking about 20+ level 50 coffers in one shot here, that’s basically an order of magnitude off. Having tried to follow some of the earlier conversation on this in a thread i can’t find right now, there’s a lot of things the devs could be doing rather than try to take advantage of this and turn against years of their own balancing.

I deleted the rest of my post to quote a couple of people that have posted while I’m typing:

100% QFT. I don’t always agree with you on particular points but it’s VERY hard to have a discussion here if it’s not in line with “the party view”. It doesn’t help if what passes for a “community team” swing directions with the bandwagon.

I guess I’ve got a lot to add but it’s unwanted opinion/advice and I don’t feel like getting brigaded on the forum again. I’m not just walking away because I have a few weeks of gleam club left, and anything could happen. I’ve also got an addiction level boundless habit that’s probably going to be a taper-off but, that’s already started.

Absolutely zero to do with game content. It seems literally impossible to have a clear discussion about the game here, or the affiliated “community” activities.


Agreed. Among the many benefits, this kind of discussion about XP is worth moving out to another “official” thread so people can still talk about all the other content here.


But why do people do this then on an alt? Thought about that?
Because levelling an alt the normal way is absolutely un-fun to do!

Perhaps it’s an idea to think of a way so higher level players can level an alt more quickly, sell those XP Loafs (from testing) for coin or cubits or both. Heck give 1 every X levels gained on a character, etc. Am sure you guys can think of a nice way to do this.

But what you’re missing with this comment is that many people are also doing it on their main character (or use the XP gained from normal rock to stones crafting) to get more plots. Perhaps the amount of plots we can buy with 300 cubits is too low? Or find other ways to give players plots not just thru cubits.

Because these 2 are the main reasons people tend to use this on purpose, find other ways to level and to gain plots and am sure people would stop using this in a heart beat!


Raise the level cap so we dont need so many characters, normal mmos by this time lvl cap is 80.

That way we can have one character instead of the silly idea of alts, and the plot machine to recycle the large numbers of rock or what have you, not because its an expoit but a consequence of repetitive tasks, this game is full of them.

At the end of all this, content or not. Building and creating something people from around the world can see and play with is the catch here, work with it i say.

Encourage it, advertise it, make it easier more interactive, thats all anyone ever wanted from any game.


New characters aren’t power-leveling thru the rock+pie technique unless they’re alts, or friends of existing characters. It takes a fair amount of game knowledge to understand why the technique is so good. New players through normal play do not stumble upon it until probably the gem wall. My opinion is that this nerf isn’t really impacting new players’ ability to level up. But it is impacting established players’ ability to power-level their alts, their friends, or themselves; and theoretical new players are being used to add an emotional appeal to their argument. So far zero new players have appeared in this thread to say how they can no longer finally reach lvl 20 like they dreamed, because the rock XP is gone. Chances are they’re leveling just fine off the starter quests like all of us did.

I figured ppl would start questioning that XP image so here’s another one posted publicly to the official discord.

People have been sharing their “high scores” on discord and forums for months. (Some to highlight the absurdity.) At 200k xp/lvl this is a screenshot showing the rock+pie technique used to gain 21+ levels on a max level character. It took 360 SS of stone, which using standard T6 mining techniques I estimate would take 12 hours to gather. That’s 12 hours of mining where the player received gems, ore, coal, tech, and XP for each seam they busted open while they were mining. That’s plenty of reward.

I don’t get why people are defending the right to take this rock home, queue it up, then log off and return to yet another 21 levels of reward. What does that have to do with the original reason this player was mining? It’s just exploit XP because the devs didn’t realize that AoE hammers and the lust for gems would lead to rock entering the economy at a rate of 7.27 rock/sec (diamond hammer averaging 4 rock per swing.) With each rock being worth nearly 15xp in crafting reward, that’s 109 XP second, for mining rock, in a game where there’s infinite rock in all directions all the time. Close your eyes, W+M1, 109 XP/second. Think about that number next time you do literally any other activity and see whether you think the effort:reward ratio is in alignment with the rest of the game. Even aiming at a sleeping cuttletrunk takes more effort and they don’t sleep in perfectly dense cubes. It would be cute if they did but I digress.


Folks do that, so they can get the skills that should be available to their original character, and plots because who wants to spend real money on something you can earn in game? I don’t sorry.

There is no pvp, can a developer please decently explain why in a none competitive game with multiple characters does a lvl even matter?

How does it create inbalance to others with no friendly fire to speak of? A low level character with enough skills in one area alone can hold the strongest weapon, max level not required i dont understand how it effects other players, it just creates more micro management for others.


Well that’s an incredibly misleading and twisted take on what we had to say about the topic presented, and entirely out of context- especially in my case. I’m disappointed.

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Yes this is also well under half that other amount, and lines up well with my experience, except for the sheer volume.

The only way I can think of to achieve this in one shot, even if you are moving at 150% of my speed, would be to plot the workshop so that you are too far from the first tables to receive the experience from them as they start finishing rocks. I guess if you’re willing to invest in that sort of space and setup you could do it indefinitely.

Still looks like hours and hours of mindless grind to me. and (for me and many others) it will get physically troublesome in a relatively short time.

Anyways I’m not trying to >morally< judge the activity. The mechanic was presented, I intended to use it. I finally tried it, but all I’ve really found is that the people saying its just as easy and more fun to level with the pie and hammer are probably correct.

It’s less profitable since the rocks are free as grass seed but it’s still profitable, too.


Your tldr summary that you cant do this (apparantly implying that im suggesting that you’re just not good enough??) is where I take issue. The context of your post was why this is impossible for a solo player to build just a few weeks after launch due to plot restrictions, and I pointed out that it was done as a game promotion by a build team in free mode. You complained that it would take a solo player a year of dedication to do, and yeah that’s probably accurate! We were not saying you cant- we were saying that a team could with time and collective effort.
Look at the colossal cities scattered around the universe now. Your original premise was wrong then, and it’s wrong now. So how about you stop twisting what I’m saying?

The build example for those who want context.
Also- fun fact (not really) those buildings are 70% hollow facades just made to look pretty in a screen shot, totally non functional.


Soooo… You’re saying that I can’t do that within what I’d consider a reasonable timeframe? Say, 6 months? That it’s… not for me? “TLDR: That’s not for you.”

The colossal cities are a hodgepodge of random people glued together, with little clear overarching design philosophy in mind. I don’t know how to say it without being disrespectful, so I’ll just come out and say that your own looks like a ■■■■ in comparison. My point, again, is that doing something that I actually wanted to look at and live in would not only require a lot of people with a lot of resources at their disposal, but also that they agree with my design choices - which makes the odds astronomically low.

If you want to show me pics of cities with a similar plot footprint - yes, you win the game. If you want to show me pics of something with a similar footprint that’s also got anything resembling a theme…


Woah, woah, woah.
That is incredibly unfair to say. I am also surprised to hear this from you, as you’ve stated you’ve worked in the game industry.

Of course new players aren’t going to know. Most gamers don’t come to forums like this.
I’ve personally had the gathering and wood nerf sucker punch me and I didn’t know why. I didn’t voice it because I wasn’t here.
Those easy crafting bench xp tasks were huge to me as a lowbie. I loved mining or cutting down trees, then throwing them in the bench for extra xp because being a lowbie with no ties to established players was hard. I had to really convince myself to keep playing to see if it gets better. Many dont.

The “theoretical players” and “emotional appeal” part is insulting.
I, personally, am thinking of those “theoretical players.” Because I remember what it was like.

I have only once tried this rock/pie method to see what all the hub bub was about. Just dug out our new base, decided to try it with what we had, which was just under an inventory of smart stacks, and yes, it got me a few levels (4ish, if I remember). Not significant. I was just trying it. Kinda fun, but I’d rather do other things. So, no, I have to say, as an under lvl50 player with no alts, I’m not crying for myself.

Also, if I want the plots, I’ve flat out bought them. Between my husband and i, we have probably shelled out an additional $500 into this game, excluding the premium game purchase.


Your assertions are all true. I disagree it is a punishment. Feels like a balance change that positively impacts game balance.

This thread is for feedback. Just sharing mine.

I respect that. Difference of opinion is what makes us an interesting species. We’d be pretty boring if we all agreed on everything lol. On the other hand, we’d all get along. War wouldn’t be a thing. I’m getting off topic and it’s time for me to shut up. :wink:

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I’m not trying to win anything at all, but your insisting that I am stating it’s impossible. Put together your own team of talented builders and put a plan together and get started already. It’s a colossal undertaking, no doubt. It would require planning, dedicated gatherers and builders working towards the goal together, and a unity of vision and purpose. You want an example of a build in boundless with a similar footprint and scope, then take this progress from our guild in just 2 months. (With 2 other side city builds happening in parallel, mind you!) This 100% functional city is what’s possible when you put your mind to a goal and pursue it, rather than decry it impossible and say everyone is against you!

Screenshots pending

phase one of our 1-year planned build- lead by @firehazurd and supplied by myself and just 4 other members. It’s sparse in comparison to the EA professional build, but only 2 months into the project. The city footprint is comparable to that of the professional build, but actually acts as a functional build with planned building interiors and a functional layout- not just pretty lights.
Attached magica voxel shows builds in a 1:1 scale with the terrain in 8:8 resolution, and is only phase 1 which focuses on large builds of primary importance. “filler” builds have not been added yet.

This side project shows nicely that getting people to build in theme is not as astronomically low odds as you suggest- it’s in fact our guilds housing town on Phem and has been built parallel in the same two month period as the prior build has been worked on. It’s certainly a far cry from the super build you hold as the standard, but We’re proud of it.

Also, in parallel- another build of unified design:

I guess if you wanted a fair comparison, you could roll all three of these together and combine the efforts here into a single city and in two months you would have a city of similar foot print and density as that professional build from Early Access. no cheap tricks or hollow facades, and thousands of plots worth of work done by a group of players.

And no, Sola did not build these.

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I’m guessing these pics will involve Sola, who’s the only builder in there that I would actually want to live next to.

Just keep moving that goal post- 1 year down to 6 months, now it can’t involve specific builders because you consider them better builders than others- got any more restrictions? Perhaps these builds need to be built left handed only?

Not sure if its just me but this came across unnecessarily aggressive.

These forums do not feel like a place for civil discussions to happen and I have seen it happen where the people who yell the loudest and make the most noise get their attention compared to the ones who try and approach things calmly.

Please, everyone, read what you have said before you hit reply.


Was this part needed? Did it add to the conversation in a constructive way?

This is an example of the sort of thing that makes the forums not fun.