Testing 224.14 - Water Texture is off-putting

@James, Since we know you all are getting very close to release I think many people are concerned about the current way water looks on testing. I guess we just don’t know if you all are going to revert to some of the earlier versions for this release or if what we see on testing is the final look.

Can we maybe know if you all are done with work on water or if there will be another pass on fixing the texture?

I opened that this as a support ticket to @vdragon because clearly the texture appears off and seems to ruin the experience.

As you can see from the following screen shots and ones I just took, the texture really comes off like a skin or film when you look at it under and light whether you are on top or under water. If you look right at the water it isn’t as noticeable as when you look up and across the water. Note the one from @Stretchious location.

other examples:

my screenshots:

This location makes it look like oil IS flowing down above the rice that @Stretchious planted.

@Kal-El build. flowing water has lots of problems with this texture


is there oil in there?

kind of looks like a old school minecraft HD mod

Has it always been like that or was it changed recently?
I didn’t take much notice of it until now. It does kinda oily

There was a version before this that looked nice. You can find pictures on the testing thread I think. Obviously what you see in the Live universe is what we have… I just wanted to make sure they did see the notes and heard the complaints… it looks pretty bad when you watch it flow.

Well let me restate that - if it was something else than water it looks cool… but since it is water it doesn’t look right.

It has changed. Here are a couple of screenshots from the test server, during the first couple of days:

Screenshots of how it looks now:

i could get used to it but I liked the last pass at it better than this one.

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I for some reason really like the new water texture :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t really do much on the forums any more, but I agree the water looks bad, I prefer what it was like before as seen in majorvex’s pictures

Same here - kinda hoping it gets another pass or even just reverted.


I also made a reply about this earlier - see the link above for my post
That texture-version was way better :+1:

Yes please revert the water texture. Now it looks like it has an oily layer.

Especially for an underwater build the new texture looks really bad, almost no visibility because the waterblock side has the same texture as the top.

This is a WIP texture that wasn’t meant to be pushed to the Testing servers yet. It’s getting changed.


Yeah the flowing water looks a bit like lizard skin. As it goes for flat standing water i like it.

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Thank you for clarifying this since it hadn’t been mentioned anywhere in notes, etc.

@Havok40k @Stretchious can we close this topic?

Closed at OP request