Testing 224 - Combustion Fraction [Plant]

Seeds for the inorganics are alot harder to get.

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Updated screeny.
That’s 4 lava source blocks on the edge of the gravel, each spreading in to bevelled ancient corruption and a bevelled gravel.
These flows, even though really tiny, still count towards the yield figures.
The area inside the decorative blink is the area that counts for the types of blocks.
With these two plant types any rock inside that area brings the growth instantly down to barely useable.


Trows all the rock in the mincer…ok, Ready!

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I thought crops adjacent to lava would get burnt? So the release notes state I think.

The inorganic slime lava maybe the organic would get burned up?

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This is a part of general rules for all crops from what I can see. I don’t know if there is a burnt crop item in game or maybe it just disappears.

I sure didn’t see anything happening to crops I have planted next to lava.

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sure you weren’t planting them on a block that was next to lava, aka the crop itself is not next to the lava but next-to-and-above the lava?


I’m pretty sure I have a few right next to lava and the same level. Will have to check to be 100% sure. Does it matter if it’s a source block or a flow?

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It shouldn’t matter. Lava will burn crops if it touches them, period. If the block the crop is on is so that the crop is above the lava, it won’t burn

But is the plant still there to see, just looking burnt, or is it simply gone from the block?
How do I recognise it’s been burnt?

It will despawn and you’ll see some smoke briefly

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Right after planting? Or after revisiting later on?

Immediately on contact with lava, the same way Citizens take damage from lava

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In that case I’d say all my next to lava crops are not next to lava 100%. Maybe some burnt hen I was planting fast and I didn’t notice.
The once that I have seemingly next to lava might survive because lava doesn’t fill blocks fully? It’s a descending flow.

If you could submit a screenshot, it might help. Here’s an example where crops don’t burn because they’re near lava, but technically beside and above it

You can see the combustion and kindling clearly not being burned by lava because they’re on different elevations

Edit: spelling is hard


At work now so I’ll be re-checking my near lava crops when back home. I’m curious about all the little details that make the difference between crop states.


You and me both. I’ve enjoyed finding out how it all works and what works well


Yeah I’m in a process of testing gleam light range for crops.
Have a new set up in mind that will maybe allow to check that although random factor in crop ticking can be too large to make findings viable.

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I think the range of refined gleam is 6-7 blocks, but I’m not sure. I don’t know about the others


note that any ranges of block lights will be changing, so no point doing extensive testing…

also looking to hopefully (assuming no massive backlash… ) make the light sources scale properly with their colour as well. Aka black gleam is basicly 0 light source, but white gleam is a very bright white source. Currently that is just… “weird”, with black gleam being just as bright (and white) in lighting as the white gleam is on its surroundings… which is just bloody weird.