Testing 224 - Combustion Fraction [Plant]

So far, working on a rough base outline like yams farms with the center being tilled, having at least 8 tilled blocks, 3 sand and 3 water, surrounding that central one, all within a 7x7 cross and diagonal connections…
the picture will help.

I did a bit of messing with the combustion fraction. Using the same shape, I placed a metamorphic stone in the middle, and planted the seed.
8 gravel max around it, more is not added to any calcs, zero other stone within the area, and max of 3 lava blocks (1 source, 2 flowing is fine), seems to give me a 0.460 seed-chance, and 0.650 yield-chance. 100.0% growth scale is accomplished simply by removing all stone and placing in anything other than stone, or leaving it air)

I’ve tried soils, stones, sand, those boulders, all 5 types, on the same level as the seed, and the same level as the ground it’s planet on, light level seems to make zero difference, light sources nor full daylight.

Are people managing to find other modifiers?
Spitterlizer doesn’t add to the figures, just thought I’d quickly try that :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve just made a new discovery.
If it’s planted on gravel, you can keep rocks out of the whole system. Meaning you can plant fields of them.


I was under the impression it doesn’t like Rock, but I haven’t actually tested anything in-depth with these “plants”. :slight_smile:

Thanks for making this post though.

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I’ve been so dumb. I’ve just looked at the tooltips for each ‘seed’. It tells you exactly what it likes.


To be fair, I think it’s probably easily missed at first.

In a way, a lot of stuff doesn’t provide contextual information like that, so currently, it’ll be easy for many of us to miss something like that if it’s new.

Also fuel has new (very useful) information in the descriptions, if you hadn’t checked yet. :slight_smile:

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I’ve just added ancient corruption to my current Combustion set-up, and I’ve got 0.76 seed-chance and 1.1 yield-chance now >.<
It’s basically a yam farm set up. Just swapping water>lava, sand>corruption, tilled soil>gravel.


Yes, that makes sense. I wonder why the yields are 0.090 (seed) and 0.060 (produce) higher than for organic plants though. :thinking:

Seeds for the inorganics are alot harder to get.

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Updated screeny.
That’s 4 lava source blocks on the edge of the gravel, each spreading in to bevelled ancient corruption and a bevelled gravel.
These flows, even though really tiny, still count towards the yield figures.
The area inside the decorative blink is the area that counts for the types of blocks.
With these two plant types any rock inside that area brings the growth instantly down to barely useable.


Trows all the rock in the mincer…ok, Ready!

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I thought crops adjacent to lava would get burnt? So the release notes state I think.

The inorganic slime lava maybe the organic would get burned up?

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This is a part of general rules for all crops from what I can see. I don’t know if there is a burnt crop item in game or maybe it just disappears.

I sure didn’t see anything happening to crops I have planted next to lava.

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sure you weren’t planting them on a block that was next to lava, aka the crop itself is not next to the lava but next-to-and-above the lava?


I’m pretty sure I have a few right next to lava and the same level. Will have to check to be 100% sure. Does it matter if it’s a source block or a flow?

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It shouldn’t matter. Lava will burn crops if it touches them, period. If the block the crop is on is so that the crop is above the lava, it won’t burn

But is the plant still there to see, just looking burnt, or is it simply gone from the block?
How do I recognise it’s been burnt?

It will despawn and you’ll see some smoke briefly

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Right after planting? Or after revisiting later on?

Immediately on contact with lava, the same way Citizens take damage from lava

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