Testing 224 Doors / Trapdoors not blocking water / fluids

Seems like this feature is broken again >< thought i would get fancy and use trapdoors to make floodgates for my rice paddies =P


Fixed for next patch, though now it’ll only be those doors without visible holes in the mesh

Signs (the bigger voxel sized ones) to block fluids also


Do all doors still block any kind of creatures? I’ve seen bombers slip through holes smaller than a block. (Edit: Through chisseled blocks, not doors)

Doors block creatures.

Doors with visual holes in them don’t block fluids.
Doors without visual holes in them do block fluids.


I’ve reported this here:

But supposedly it’s a feature.
And it’s not just bombers, I already had any kind of mob besides cuttles in my old workshop.

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This excludes gleam composed signs i guess?

I assume by voxel wide they meant the modular signs as a single module sign covers the block so modular gleam signs would be included? But not the single non modular ones ofc.

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