Testing 224: Farming! (continued)

I am hoping this will also be done with the flour crops! because those I surely need!


That was my conclusion, too. :wink:

Same problem applies to Power coils on testing. The glowy parts are looking dead, because the emissive texture isn’t working as well as it should.

That’s the type of info that, I think, should only be displayed in the UI if you have the debug mode enabled, or a specific option checked.
New players could be confused by that kind of information, early-on.

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so maybe combustion would like amber and leave corruption for goo only?

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All crop data with their grow conditions and modifiers in a human readable format. This is a bit spoilery, so if you want to find the optimal conditions out yourself, don’t look ^^


(The maximums are just all the >0 cells summed up, so goo doesn’t work since there’s two “sown in” conditions. You’ll have to do the math there yourself :D)


@james I finally got around to reading this and I really, really appreciate the changes made. There is one that I am concerned about and that is the drop rate in wild and regen farming.

There will be players who won’t want to farm or because of skill levels aren’t able go to planets that have them but want to make products that require them. To me the drop rate of exotic yams is so low it is frustrating for me, and I have pretty high levels, so for a mid-level player who has to find exotic yams and shimmering orbs in the wild or a regen farm are going to have more of a struggle.

I have no problem with regen farms, it is a source of income for some players and I think that is fine, it is our choice to go to one or go out into the wild to gather. I hate to see it nerfed and hurt those who use it as a source of income same as I do with my shop.

It is just my opinion, but nerfing getting yams, berries and other in regen farms and wild is not fair for those who will hate farming, and prefer to gather in the wild or in a regen farm. Personally, I’d rather there be a increase in the drop rate of exotic yams and shimmering orbs, I get more of the waxy yams than I do of exotic yams and on a level 6 planet it should be if not equal at least much higher.

For me, I need to compare the cost of regen farming to just buying the yams I need for pies and see if it would be cheaper to just buy them.


I am not sure it is really all that bad to be honest. yes you can use a door or you can just remove the water source. So I think players will have options and that is always good. I have some fields planted already so I can see how the ratios change.


The current drop rates on test for seeds from the actual wild plants is between 1-3 per plant. The exotic yams were few and far between, but I would imagine that the rarity of the plants on testing will be addressed before it hits live and will be more evenly distributed - it’s just balance at the end of the day.

Regen farming is still a viable option - I also tested whacking a few foliage on a higher tier world and I managed to still get a fair few glossy starberries - so it is still viable, just to a slightly lesser extent than current. With multiple ways to gather resources, I think this is a good compromise instead of removing it completely in the first pass.

I don’t believe the shimmering orb drop rate has been touched in this update either (I could be wrong), so they shouldn’t be affected and regen farms should still be a decent option for getting them en-mass.

I’m concerned that this is becoming the norm in thinking. To me, it’s like saying, “I love building and I hate everything else, so I should just freely have every resource that goes into making my building materials for minimal effort”. (This was an example only - I like doing everything… except running shops!).

The farming update, to me at least, is a more engaging way to set up and gather those resources … on your doorstep. As opposed to just repeatedly whacking the exact same bit of ground over and over and over and over and… (you get the idea).

I think in a game like this, there are always going to be things people either don’t enjoy doing as much and those things they really enjoy or would rather be doing. Boundless is, and always has been, a community-centric game, so teaming up with others and setting up supply chains should be an option for people who don’t enjoy certain aspects of the game.

That said, I honestly think, that after this update hits live, that there should at least be some development focus on the economy and the ability to more easily find items that you want to buy and ways for people to advertise their items for sale - be it at a settlement or planetary level (or both). This might make the whole process of finding things you need, but don’t want to either spend a lot of time finding or harvesting yourself, a lot easier - meaning people are hopefully more likely to do it.


I get what you mean and it makes a lot of sense and I agree with a lot of what you are stating. And I know you are focusing on the idea, not on “me” specifically, no problem. Anyone can agree or disagree with me, as long as they are not rude, condescending or insulting. I try not to be and if I do, I will apologize for it.

I enjoy almost everything in the game, even what I can’t do, except, sorry builders, building. Mostly because of the height issue, when I have to get up higher than three blocks, I’m am as nervous as a cat surrounded by dogs, I know I am going to fall and even if I know I won’t get hurt or at least by much, I don’t want to do it.

My son, when I have to build, has me nagging I need your help and he doesn’t mind building, but he doesn’t have a imagination in building, he likes box type, like his tower.

Anyhow, for those who love to gather, but can’t handle the critters on the planet but need some of the higher level mats for forging or cooking, I try to think of them, maybe the farms will make it easier, we wont know until all the testing is done and we can see how the farming will impact game play.

And I think of those who are using the regen farms as a source of income. I don’t like the idea of them being seen as a footfall trap, anyone who goes into one Knows that the regen farm owner will get footfall and are willing to give it to them, they don’t have to buy the tools and brews, that is a choice. Some may feel it isn’t but you can use lower level tools; it will take longer but if a player choses to do things that is really beyond their level in some areas they should expect it.

A level 25 shouldn’t, in my opinion, be on a level 6 planet gathering in a regen farm. They are wanting to advance too fast and then get frustrated. Another topic, sorry.

You are right that in this type of game some will love or enjoy parts and not want anything to do with other parts, and that is okay, we are individuals, not cookie cutters, which is great, this would be a unfun game if everyone wanted to build and no one wanted to gather mats to make the tools needed, the food needed and mine/chop down the mats that is wanted/required in the build.

I hope the devs focus on the economy after the farming is finished, fix the bugs and make the changes that will be needed after it goes live. And I do trust them to work on it at some time, I just wish it was sooner than later, LOL. I think that will be a factor in getting and keeping new players.
And another thing I hate is having to spend time running all over trying to find shops that sell what I need.

Updated OP with @Jiivita overview video - thanks! :sparkling_heart: :heavy_multiplication_x: :100:


I love this! It’s really close to actual rice farming! Here in Louisiana the rice farmers alternate their fields between rice and crawfish(mud-bugs, crayfish).

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Is the enhanced view distance i can see in that Video a side effect of the new lighting or did i miss a patch entry?
It for sure Looks very nice beeing able to render that far in Detail. (edit seems like it Comes with higher foilage Setting?
Add1: Does the solidified resin and other blocks give Prestige/can be used as Building blocks?
Add2: If you chisel the opposite from a flamable block side and fill it with Lava, will it burn up the block half a block away?
Add3: The new water mechanics are awesome, thank you for that.

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Is there any information on growth time from planted to maturity of crops. Or a way to see it in debug? I saw you can see the stages of growth but not a kind of “timer”

there is not timer, it have a chance to grow a stage every 24 min (a boundless day).

Test servers just went down. . maybe another update is coming!!

Of course not, it’s releasing to live :partying_face:

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Steam just updated test. . now I just need to be patient and not jump in until they get a chance to bring the test servers back online.


Should be back up and @james will be along in a bit with release notes


Given it’s half past pub o’clock on a Friday we won’t blame him if he staggers back with the release notes. Doe he never take a break that guy?


We now have additionnal informations when move-overing crops. :smiley:

Also, I just saw @dave and @james rolling around @Stretchious’s place like

(but power coils and gleam still aren’t glowy :disappointed_relieved: - I ran on testing hoping that this was part of the update ^^’ )