Testing 224 - Farming Earthyams and Bulb return ratio from harvest

Yams are just the first example. All the growable crops will suffer the same issues. Rice, flour, oats, all the starberries. These plants are looking at a 12 fold increase in time to gather.

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Gleam can’t be sprayed, no, but in fairness the original testing post alludes to the fact that only rock or wood based products/blocks will be tintable… (I too would like gleam to be included, though)

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Thanks… but I guess I still don’t understand why so many yams are needed. you make a batch of some stuff and usually things can last decently… I mean you get 50 food…

From my testing, it may take around the same time… to sow and collect the crops, yes. A regen-farm, does not require plots or walls or whatever. I’ve regen-farmed plenty at places that had no actual player-built farm to them.

To actually set everything up for the crop farming it took me quite a bit of time and to be honest, mentally, I’m pretty drained from all the crop stuff I’ve been doing, despite the relatively small size of the farms I’ve made in testing. The farms I want to make on live would be much bigger. Regen-farming in itself is pretty mindless, crop-farming does not feel mindless, feels very involved.


I mean this is how they introduced the feature to us

colour your furniture blocks and crafted items

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True. By the way, for reference, the bit I was mentioning was:

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Biggest thing for me would be exotic earth yams. A mass craft of 50 persisting pies takes 360 exotic yams i believe. Someone running a good store would have alot of added time at working toward sustaining stock. Not to mention all the other ingredients that are required for this recipe. I believe the other pies require the same amount for a mass craft though not 100% on that being I only produce the persisting pies for people to help maintain their tool while using our farms. Being I work 7 days a week some of those days I work 11 hrs each day. This is why I am so… outspoken about my distaste that the yams and starberrys are being removed as a drop from world blocks. This has been my favorite game that I have played in 5 years. Though with changes and added time to the grind. I may be unable to continue playing the way that makes the game enjoyable to me. I don’t mean to be dramatic if I am seeming like I am, though this game has brought alot of happiness to me. The community is wonderful. I have made friends that I would have never known otherwise. Before this I played only games that were single player. I’d rather not lose this game.


Let me introduce you to Noms 'n More market stall at Nova Golda Market where pies are sold…

I need a lot of exo yams… And since normal yam pies are now useful too since they don’t have a buff anymore they are needed in larger quantities than they used to…


yea i have no idea what new players are supposed to do now for food other then just die and be stuck with a perma XP buff till they are start up a farm

i dont think its yams them selfs it what it represent (in its current sate) another timegate another grindfest to make someting that shod be fun longer and boring the devs removed someting that people found worked and made the grind more bearable with something that in its current sate des not its grindly cost’s time,plots and mats and has a 60% lower yield

if i want to setup a farm it shod at the varly lest be self sufficient i shod not have to worry about needing to run around and collect more seeds just to get another yield


Just to throw in some clarification. Each seed does not mean just a single crop yield at the end, if grown in the right conditions you can get multiple crops at the end of a lyfe cycle plus good odds of getting a seed.

Also new players will still be able to get Earth yams and Starberry foods in the wild


But aren’t the wild earthyam/starberry drops just being replaced by the other plants that drop the same earthyam/starberry


67% is pretty low yield for seeds and effectively means you have to go gather more seeds after every harvest. This makes farming into just surface gathering with time gates.


I think the main issue stems from not being able to be gaunteed a seed from harvesting a crop (let along multiple) meaning that, given the removal of these goods being harvestable from blocks, means it basically takes longer to do the same thing we can now, with the main reason TO farm - to avoid gathering in the wild- being voided entirely.

Even a low seed drop rate ranging from 1 to 1.5 seeds on average depending on conditions would go a long way in avoiding this dilemma.


This only applies for earthyams and starberries, all other wild crops only drop seeds. New playerswont starve but farming with this low seed yeilds is just surface gathering with timegates.

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Yes I’m assuming they balance it properly so you can make a net positive seed farm.


my bad the patch notes must have confused me there

Once I found the yields I started this post to try to get a conversation going and bring it to the devs attention =)

Even if they balance it to be 105% that makes farming a small source of seeds to sell, so this can be a source for seeds to sold into the economy as well as gathering. It also allows for the mistakes that will happen when you accidently harvest early or destroy a planted block by mistake.


A positive seed drop would create a never ending supply of crops, essentially killing off an entire portion of the game. Which we cant to, that would be disastrous for the entire game economy. So right now the system is based around the idea that you have to go out and find your seeds, but the return on each seed is GREATLY bigger than the single crop you would get before hand if you put in the time effort and use a bit of smart thinking


Am I hearing this right? I do not remember hearing anything about the current drops of star berries, earthyam, waxy yams, exotic yams, all orbs being Removed!?!?!? From the game as part of farming???

Why would they do such a thing???

The gathering areas, “farms” people have made are Very popular, and have made gathering resources more tolerable for many people. Why oh why would they Remove a part of the game people like?

Also, The comment that regen bombs were never intended to work the way people are using them to gather resources, is Very disturbing. It means players found a way to make a very tedious part of the game less tedious, or maybe a little fun, but the designers don’t want that.