Testing 224 - Farming Earthyams and Bulb return ratio from harvest

I think farming is already really work intensive, this is getting really hc. It’s like grass farming where you have to plant the grass manually each time. Then you have the fertiliser as an additional step. Not to mention the hours you’ve spent building that farm, and the cubits used to purchase that land. Tilling took ages too, but luckily it stays tilled. Or maybe that’s a bug…?


Rember Mayu, you can only get the fert mats on exo’s xd


It was more of just an example, I don’t know what good ratios would be but I feel like this could be a potential fix of too many seeds or produce. There would always have to be a choice of using what you grew for more seeds or produce or using a certain amount of produce to maintain your seeds while having extra to sell. Or you could make surplus of seeds to sell to other players.


I feel like this is the best compromise that has come out of this conversation. Also anything that gives players more agency is a GOOD thing.

and it would at lest lower the grind kal-el des bring up a good point

the rate would need to be a fair middle ground so you dont need a super farm to get any meaningful returns otherwise we may start seeing just farming worlds form people with 1K plot big farms trying to brake even

Again, I do not dislike your suggestion. I would prefer having the option to decide if I wanted the yield to be over 100% or the seeds to be over 100% depending on what I do to the field. I think it does not require a new recipe and a decision on what machine is needed to create seeds since organic farming is supposed to be attainable by even new players.

If the option offered was 1 - what we have or 2 - creating seeds in a machine then I would pick creating seeds. Almost anything is better than what we have now.

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Best option, but it shouldn’t require the acquisition of resources only available to level 50 Characters or exoplanets.


Lol, the margins on food and brews are extremely low. The amount of gathering and crafts you need to do is quite a bit, so much so that I feel lowering prices even further will make sure I stop selling them.
I lately jokingly say that my forgery shop is sponsoring my ‘hobby’ Noms shop!

And now more grinds are added in order to make the same food stuffs.


Maybe an Idea would be to have it be a crafting table recipe for “tier 1” foods like earthyams but for seeds for things like exotic earthyams or higher tier plants there is a machine, similar to refining rocks.

Why not just get seeds for the exotic/waxy yams from mud and seeds for the fruits from leaves? I could see that being a fair compromise. The rates don’t necessarily need to be as high as they are in live right now, but imo seems like it might be a fair compromise as opposed to surface resource hunting.

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So maybe there could be a crafting table that takes in single, bulk, and mass craft of a harvested plant and produces seeds accordingly.

Then for higher tier plants there could be a machine that produces the seeds and maybe coils to increase the seeds produced per plant :man_shrugging:

1 yam = 1 yam seed
9 yam = 25 yam seeds
18 yams = 50 yam seeds

And then just have the plants not drop seeds ?

I am actually behind this idea, would let you use a standard crafting table. The overall design follows the rest of crafting. Tho this is just one compromise amids several good ones.

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I cant really see the yields going above 100% of what you put in due to the developers not wanting resource gathering to be obsolete. I could see 90% or 95% being an absolute maximum with efficent farming but there will always be some kind of grind to get plants

Resource gathering exists for tons of other mats, why would you need it for this new, separate thing?

I’m in testing atm, and the best yield I can get is a 67% seed return rate.

Not simply for the farming but the economy as a whole as well as how gameplay works. If you can even get a 15% yield over 100, you could end up with tens of thousands of a certain plant without ever losing seed or having to go out and gather again, and really, without putting much effort in. The devs said, once your farm is established, you don’t need to upkeep anything other than the seeds. It would make anything that can be farmed essentially worthless.


This is false, you still need fert which is only obtainable from exo’s in addition to seeds. You have to surface gather just as long as regular surface gathering but then wait up to 11 hours to get your mats. Remember anyone can surface gather from level 1 yet those mats still have good value. You are also discounting the effort and time needed to plant and ferrilize said crops. Go try it and say it is easy lol.

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67 seed return rate is only one part of the equation.

Current block farming meta for yams:
Find farm spot
Get AOE forge tool for that spot
Get/forge Regen bombs
Use forge tools (disability drain to use) gather 1 yam every X blocks

Find plants break them for seeds (no forge needed)
Create / build farm spot
Get Till item
Till land
Plant seeds
(Plants grow while you do other things)
Harvest plants for X yield

Farming is easier vs AOE Regen farming it is also different.

Seed return is only one part of the equation. If each exotic yam plant when fully grown dropped 600 yams…then when we wouldn’t be talking about seed returns at all.

Each end of the equation can be balanced. Low seed return? Okay, then up the yield of the plants so it is worth it.

Seed return is super high?? Then the other side of the equation takes a hit and plants yield less items.

Would you rather 1 seed generate 60% chance of a seed but drop 10 of the item?

Or 100% seed and only drop one?

Because if we are talking time investment…then less per harvest = more time investment.

So why not balance it the other way and make each seed super awesome??


@Kal-El @Xaldafax I really like this idea and think it’s a lot better than my own ! You guys should take a look

Current balance makes the whole deal just surface gathering with an extra time gated step involved. This can be resolved in alot of ways.
-letting you reinvest crops into seeds.
-adjusting seed returns.
-adjusting crop returns.
There are alot of good ideas, end of the day farming is separate from surface gathering and thats fine. Arguing that smacking 1 shot plants with a basic totem should be protected because it is a part of “gathering” is a false equivalency, it just is not the same.

Current balance needs another pass and thats what this thread is about.