Testing 224 - Farming Earthyams and Bulb return ratio from harvest

Update on the latest push on test.

-mats added back to surface gather, new wild crops add to what can be surface gathered.
-mats added back to block drops.

Overall it is nice to have options and the new crops add to what you can surface gather as you could not surface gather Starberries at all before! Block drops are great and let the player choose how to get their mats. One thing I have noticed is that it is a bit harder to get the various Starberry seeds as they seem to have a lower spawn rate or perhaps are just less visible and thus are harder to see. I find it would be hard to collect enough seeds to replenish a large farm of them. One thing, when you need to replenish it will have to be a concentrated effort for some of the seeds and not something you would just pick up in passing, this is especially true for the seeds that spawn on high tier worlds. I think these changes are good, farming lets you effectively double your gathering take with a bit of time input which is cool. I really like these changes and this adds greatly to gathering. I would still like seed yields to be a bit higher and for block drops to be a little higher but with all the options available I can live with the lower yields. Great work.

Can we get a system like this for all the crops? Would love to alternate produce and seed cycles like this for other drops to! Also you can drag and drop items out of your inventory now!